Fellowship Directors Meeting Recordings
Case Log Demo Recording
Case Log Demo Recording
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We are recording this, so we'll be able to share a recording with anyone that couldn't join today or wanted a copy of it after the fact. Okay, sounds good. All right. Well, thanks everybody for joining us tonight. We're going to go over the AOFS fellowship accreditation log demo. We are going to start with some other updates on the match and the interview process this year. So starting out here, the match cycle, here's just some important dates from this year's match cycle. August 3rd is when the application period began and the applications are being accepted on the SFMatch website. September 2nd was the suggested date to submit applications. And the interview dates, as of right now, are from December 7th through April 5th. April 13th of next year, noon Pacific time, is the deadline for programs and applicants to submit their rank lists. And on the 20th of that month, the results will be available. Post-match vacancies will be listed on SFMatch and AOFS websites on April 21st. So one of the things that this year we're going to try to do to assist programs in determining, basically so there's not any conflicts or try to minimize conflicts with the virtual interviews for fellows, is we have created a shared interview calendar. You can see here the email address to send your program's interview dates to, and then that can be put on this master calendar so that both fellowship programs as well as applicants will be able to see when different interviews are scheduled for. And this will also allow programs to try and maybe work around so that they don't have conflicts. You can see here the website as well as the email address for sending these interview dates to. The virtual interview toolkit is also something that's being put together right now. It's still in the works. However, this is something that's being put together to help contain some tips and tricks for both the interviewers and the interviewees during this virtual interview process. We'll also include some documents that can be shared directly with the interview candidate and provide instructions on how to request access to paid Zoom logins for interview use. So that's some of the updates on the virtual interview process this year. Again, like I said, there's going to be this toolkit that's going to be available soon. For the case log entry portion of the alternative accreditation pathway that we're working on, we're going to go over that tonight. We're going to go over that tonight and have a demo that Elena is going to go through. As you can see here, the case log entry is going to have the users going to be required to have an AOFIS ID and instructions for creating a non-member record on the link to sign in. Either the individual fellow or the program coordinator may enter data and the ACGMA program may submit an export of their data to this email address here in lieu of the form. Also coming soon, there's going to be an ability to create case templates and CPT code combination favorites for either entry. For example, if a fellow has a case they do a lot of, such as a certain type of bunionectomy, they don't have to put that code in over and over again. There's going to be a favorites link where they can just click their favorites and they can put that information more quickly. The access to the log entry system is going to be restricted to AOFIS members and current program coordinators. This here is the website for that. Do you want me to jump in and show the platform right now? That would be our sort of next step here. Yeah, let's go through the, this is going to be the, this is the case log demo platform. And Elena's going to show this to everyone to see what, to show you what it looks like and kind of go over the basics of how it works. Perfect. Let me just get that loaded here. Of course my computer is freezing. It's been overworked today. So, I'm going to log in right now essentially as any user, so they'll use that link to log in, and then ultimately they'll come to a page that I'll show you here in a second. My computer is, sorry about this, being very slow. So, ultimately when you log into the platform, you'll use your AOFAS ID, as Dr. Geyer mentioned, if you don't have an AOFAS ID, if you're a program coordinator or somebody like that that wouldn't have already accessed our platform, you can easily create one. If you're already an AOFAS member, so all the fellows, the program directors, you'll just use what you use to access our website, and you'll come to a page that looks like this with the login requirements, and just a reminder that you can send your case log. So, to begin a case log, you would just click the begin a button, and it'll take you to a list of all of your cases. So, if you've started some previously, this is also where you would go to sort of view everything that's been put into the system. To create a new one, you would just click here to add a new case log, and it'll take you to the form here. So, you would select your program name, the name of the procedure. You'd add a start date and an end date to the case, age of the patient, the gender, and the surgeon type. For the CPT codes, we've sort of broken them out into the various buckets that they belong in here. You can select as many as you need to select for that particular case. So, each submission is one case. So, if you have multiple CPT codes, you want to just make sure to select all of the appropriate codes. Once you've logged all of the appropriate codes, if you've found that some are missing from this overall list here, you can add new codes down here. You would just type in the CPT code number with the description. If you need to add another one, you would just click yes, and it'll open up a new box for you to add another CPT code. You can add up to three codes that are not already currently on this list. If there's more codes needed, you could just send us an email. Instructions are included in this sort of pop-up box here just to let us know, and we can add that. We'll periodically review the case log submissions for these other codes and add them to the overall list. So, that way, it's constantly being updated if we notice things are not in the system. From here, you have sort of two options because you've entered everything. If you want to just completely finalize it, you would click next. If you want to just save it in your bucket and add another CPT or add another case log, you would just click save and return, and the platform will save your case log with your procedure name, the date you did it, as a work in progress. For our purposes, it doesn't matter if it's listed as a work in progress or completed. If you were to click that next button, it would take you through the completed steps. Both are completely fine. We'll periodically go through and make sure things are sort of in the correct bucket. So, you can continue adding as many as you'd like in this fashion. One thing to note, if you ever need to go back and take a look at what you've entered, you would click the submission proof button, which will then bring up everything that you've entered for that particular case. You can either edit it at that point or click return, and it'll bring you back to the overall landing page of all of your cases. If you've entered one and you want this status to change to submitted for review just because you're working on it or maybe you need to come back and change it, you can use that as a way for you to gauge how your entry is. All you need to do is then click the arrow that says submit to AOFAS for review. It will be submitted, and then when you go back into your bucket, it will show that it's submitted to review. You can still make changes at this point if you need to, but you can use that to sort of help guide your submissions. As Dr. Guyer mentioned, one of the things that we'll be adding on in about two months, we'll be able to roll out the ability to create a template for each case log. So, you'll use the procedure name as sort of your template guideline. At that point, if you come back into your case log bucket and you want to update, create another procedure that falls under palexalgus, there'll be a button over here that just indicates clone case log. What it'll do is clone just the CPT codes, not the patient information. So, then you would just add those few things in and you can submit that one as well. Once it's submitted, you don't have to do anything else. It's fully in the platform. It's good to go. We can export it for you. So, if you need a list of all the case logs that you submitted at the end of the year or periodically, all you need to do is just send us an email and we can export that for you. If you're a program that has multiple fellows and you want all of your fellows exported, we can do that by program. We can also sort it by individual fellow if that's the particular person that input them in the system. So, we can sort by person who entered it or program name in the platform. That's pretty much the basic gist of the form. It's pretty simple, pretty easy to use. Obviously, if you have any problems, you can always email us and we'll get you squared away and make sure that the platform works for you properly. And we'll be adjusting this periodically if we notice that there's any sort of glitches along the way or anything that we can do to make the process a little easier for everyone. So, that's the update. Dr. Geier, did you have anything else to go through here? No, I think that, I mean, that's pretty basic. I think that it shows just that this is going to be a relatively simple system for everybody to use. And again, we are, it is a work in progress, so there's going to be some things added and if people have suggestions and things like that, you can, we can always work on that as well. I guess, if there's any questions about the PaceLog system itself that we just went over, we'd be happy to take some of those questions. Hey guys, Tom Hayman at CureVail. A couple of questions. Are we doing all virtual interviews this year? Is that the plan for fellowships? Yes. That's orthopedic wide. The AOS Board of Specialty Societies had decided that all of the specialties are going to be doing virtual interviews. And so, we are, for all the AOFAS fellowships, yes, it's all going to be virtual. And that was the timeline that I put up there for that. And then, is everyone anticipating doing them all at once? Because it looks like if you're going to block it, I mean, you could theoretically divide it up a little bit more. But do you think that most people will do them in rapid fire sequence and just on one day? Is that what you're anticipating? Well, the, one of the things we were looking at is that calendar that we put up there that the fellowships can put in when they're planning to do their interview dates. One of the reasons we wanted to do that is so that, for example, five different fellowships in a certain area don't have all their interviews on the same day. Part of that's just to, we don't want to dictate when people's interview sessions are. We want to put that information out there so some programs may say, well, it looks like there's a lot of interviews on this day, let's move our virtual interviews to another day so there's no conflict. But that's what that calendar is for. And so, that was to help kind of alleviate that backlog of everyone putting every interview on the same day. But it is still up to the programs of when you're going to do your interviews, just like you would an in-person interview. Okay. And then, would there be a way on that case log to not have to scroll through every time, you know, a couple of things like the date is probably going to be that day. And most of the cases are not going to span overnight. So maybe you could eliminate the, you know, beginning date and end date because that's going to get a little onerous. And then also, maybe create a default or when someone logs in because they're not going to change programs, you know, they're going to log 300 cases and it'll always be the same. So maybe we can create a sticky kind of field or something like that for that, Elena, would be one of my suggestions. Yeah. I agree. Those are great suggestions. I had the same question about the start and end date for the surgery because usually you just pick a day of when you're doing it. And so, that could simplify it as well. And I agree with maybe you could pick the program as your default program of where you're doing the cases. So, I know for sure we can change the date right now. So, by the time you log in, we can fix that. I can certainly find out about defaulting the program. I think that because you're logging in using your AOFAS credentials, we'll have that information stored in our system. So, we should be able to make that happen as well and streamline that a little bit for you. Those are great suggestions. Aaron and Elena, I just have a couple of questions with respect to, first of all, is the thing up and running now? Is the website ready to go? Yep. So, it is ready to go after the meeting. Probably tomorrow, Guadalupe will send out an email to all programs that include a copy of the slides from today with the links to find the case platform. Within the next couple of days, we'll have it loaded on the AOFAS website, which will be then behind the member login. But for the first week or so while we're getting that up and running, you'll have to use the link directly from your email. But we can provide that tomorrow already. Okay. And then secondly, I'm assuming we kind of talked about this before, and Aaron, forgive me if I didn't hear it if you already mentioned it, but are we asking for cases retroactive to the start of this fellowship year? So, do you want the fellows or whoever to go back and log their cases from August 1st? I think for the logging, for logging the case that we were trying to just go forward from October, we have had programs have their data, they already have data from previous years that they can send us just so we have more data to, because the whole purpose of this right now is to try to get numbers of cases, number of CPT codes so that we can kind of come up with a minimum requirement going forward as we look at the accreditation process. So, I think for now, it's just going forward from when it goes active. Hey, this is Brian Law from Milwaukee, I have a question. So, this whole case log system, it seems like it's kind of for the fellows, it's a portal for the fellows, right? So, I was just wondering about when, Helena, when you're talking about we can log in as members and fellowship directors, what is that purpose for us to do? Yes, it's set up for the fellows to enter their own data. We set it up in a way that if there was programs where there was one central person that might be uploading data for a whole team of folks that they could do that, but if that's not how your team is set up, then it would be the individual fellow uploading their own data.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses updates on the AOFS fellowship accreditation log and the virtual interview process for the year. Important dates for the match cycle are provided, including the application period, suggested application submission date, interview dates, and the deadline for program and applicant rank lists. A shared interview calendar is introduced to help programs and applicants avoid conflicts with virtual interviews. A virtual interview toolkit is being developed to provide tips and tricks for both interviewers and interviewees. The speaker then explains the case log entry portion of the alternative accreditation pathway and demonstrates the case log entry platform. Users are required to have an AOFIS ID and can create a non-member record to sign in. Either the fellow or the program coordinator can enter data, and ACGMA programs can also submit an export of their data. There will be an ability to create case templates and CPT code combination favorites for quicker entry. Access to the log entry system is restricted to AOFIS members and current program coordinators. The speaker concludes by answering questions from participants.
AOFS fellowship accreditation log
virtual interview process
match cycle dates
shared interview calendar
case log entry
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