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2016 Annual Meeting
2016 Annual Meeting
Toronto, Ontario
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2016 Annual Meeting Course List
Contains (239)
Acute Lateral Ankle Sprain and Lateral OCD in the In-Season Athlete
Foundation Update 2016
Failed Surgery for Lateral Ligament Instability
Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Ankle Joint Pressure Changes in High Tibial and Distal Femoral Osteotomies
Matrix-Associated Stem Cell Transplantation (MAST) in Chondral Defects of the Ankle is Safe and Effective - 2-Year-Followup in 130 Patients
Tissue Biopsy in Infected Foot and Ankle Surgery : Do We Need a New Scalpel for Each Sampling Site?
Pes Planovarus – The Description of a New Foot Form
Spring Ligament Tear Decreases the Ankle and Talonavicular Joint Reaction Forces: Biomechanical Study of the Tibiocalcaneonavicular Ligament Reconstruction
New Technique for Measuring Limb Occlusion Pressure Facilitates Personalized Tourniquet Systems: A Randomized Trial
Comparison of Juvenile Allogenous Articular Cartilage and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate versus Microfracture in Arthroscopic Treatment of Talar Osteochondral Lesions
Effect of First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis on PROMIS Functional Outcomes and Radiographic Alignment for Hallux Rigidus
Injury Characteristics of Low Energy Lisfranc Injuries Compared with High Energy Injuries
STAR™ Ankle: Patient Outcomes at 15 Year Follow Up
Diagnosis of Deltoid Ligament Contracture in Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis: Talar Tilt Could Predict the Contracture of Deltoid Ligament
Do 3D Printed Calcaneus Models Change Fracture Classification and Surgical Planning?
Freshly Isolated Adipose-derived Stem Cells for the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy: A Randomized Prospective Clinical Trial
Arthroscopic Plafond Access for Osteochondral Lesions- The Effect of Limited Ankle Range of Motion on Anterior and Posterior Arthroscopic Accessibility
Past Presidents Panel
The Future of Bunion Surgery Should be in 4D
Presidential Remarks / Award Recognition - Mann/Goldner/IFFAS Mark Easley, MD
Research Forum: Introduction
Research Guest Lecture - Osteoarthritis Impact and Current and Future Treatments
Comparison of All-Inside Arthroscopic and Open Techniques in Treatment for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: A Prospective Randomized Trial
Open: Treatment of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures
Any Place for Realignment Osteotomies in Athletes?
When to Operate/Optimizing Healing
US Trends
How Do I Integrate New Devices into My Practice?
How Aggressive Should I Be with My Surgical Debridement
Printed Biologics
Posterior Tibial Tendon - Algorithm for Surgery
Dorsal Approach
Algorithms for Varus Ankle
Ways our International Societies Can Work Together
What we do in Asia
Getting my Career Started in a Public Health Care System : Do I Have a Job?
Hinged Ankle Distraction in Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis
Revise - Strategies and Concepts
Open Technique
Elite 8 Debate Series: Achilles Tendon Rupture: Repair vs. Ignore
Ankle Instability
Comparison of All-Inside Arthroscopic and Open Techniques in Treatment for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: A Prospective Randomized Trial
Recalcitrant Achilles Tendinopathy
Nonunion on 5th Metatarsal Fracture
Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery Symposium VII - There's No Evidence, but It's My Technique and It Works Pt. 2
Dynamic Ultrasonography During Nonoperative Treatment Following Achilles Tendon Rupture
Validity of a Revision Surgery Classification System for Ankle Arthritis Surgery
Conservative Sharp Wound Debridement by Nurses in the Outpatient Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Safety
Evaluating the Safety of Percutaneous Dorsolateral Talonavicular Joint Fixation in Modified Double Arthrodesis: An Anatomic Study
Are Hindfoot Procedures More Painful than Forefoot – A Prospective Cohort Study in Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery?
Noninvasive Measurement of Normal Foot and Ankle Pressures
Sustained Release of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 via Coacervate: A Novel Tissue Engineered Approach for Osteoarthritis Treatment
A Biomechanical Comparison of First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis Using Crossed Screws and Shape-memory Staples in Various Configurations
Retrospective Review of Low Energy Lisfranc Joint Injuries in a Young Athletic Population: Arthrodesis versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
Ankle and Hindfoot Kinematics After Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Cadaveric Gait Simulation
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI for Sagittal Balance Evaluation of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
A New Concept of 3D Biometric for Hindfoot Alignment Using Weight Bearing CT.
Evaluation of Brake Response Time Following Primary Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery
All-arthroscopic AMIC for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Clinical and Radiological Findings
Foot and Ankle TED Talk: Foot and Ankle Injuries in Ballet Dancers
Starting and Sustaining a Research Program: What's Needed and How Do You Keep It Going?
Incidence and Union Rate of Avulsion Fracture at the Tip of the Fibula for Ankle Sprain in Children: Prospective Study
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Turf Toe: When to Operate and How to Fix It
How Can I Minimze Complications
South American Approach
Bringing Coverage and Blood Supply where Needed
Smart Glasses
Implants vs Allografts vs Autografts
Plantar Approach
Algorithms for Valgus Ankle
What we do in Asia (2)
Foot and Ankle Research in Canada: Changing the Way Outcomes are Evaluated
Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Lengthening
Fuse - Strategies and Concepts
Arthroscopic Technique
Tendoscopy in Stage I Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
Elite 8 Debate Series: Dipple Vs. Triple
Incidence and Union Rate of Avulsion Fracture at the Tip of the Fibula for Ankle Sprain in Children: Prospective Study
Ruptured Plantar Fascia
NonUnion Navicular Fracture
Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery Symposium VII - There's No Evidence, but It's My Technique and It Works Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot an
Tendinopathy Induced by Serial Low-Dose Collagenase Injections: A Novel Experimental Animal Model in the Achilles Tendon of Rabbits.
Potential contribution of abnormal talar dome lateral-wall geometry to development of ankle osteoarthritis
Hyaluronic Acid Dressing in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Prospective
Endoscopic Resection for Talocalcaneal Coalition using Posteromedial Approach: Report of Three Cases
Outcomes of a Stepcut Lengthening Calcaneal Osteotomy (SLCO) Compared to Evans Calcaneal Osteotomy for Stage IIb Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Randomised Controlled Trial of Ankle Block versus Metatarsal Block for First Ray Surgery
The Use of Calcaneus Osteotomy for Treatment of Symptomatic Muller Weiss Disease
Biomechanical Consequences of First Metatarsophalangeal Join Arthrodesis on Lesser Toes Movement
Can Fifth Metatarsal Morphology Predict Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fracture Risk? A Radiographic Analysis of National Football League Players
Is Total Ankle Arthroplasty Justified in Stiff Ankles?
Measuring Functional Range of Motion in Patients with Ankle Arthritis
Fluid Dynamics Play a Role In Distributing Ankle Stresses in Anatomic and Injured States
Tendon Resection and Functional Rehabilitation for Achilles Tendon Infection Following Tendon Repair
Clinical Trial of Osteochondral Lesion of Talus Treated with Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Why and How to Obtain Foundation and Federal Funding: Build Off a Model
Anatomical Lateral and Medial Ligament Reconstruction in Rotational Chronic Ankle Instability
Pure Percutaneous
Chronic Turf Toe Injuries: How I Do It
Fixation - External vs Internal
European Approach
Symposium - New Implants are Great, but What About Technology - Discussion
Medial Approach Double - Still Being Done?
Is an Ostoetomy Really Needed
How Do I Deal With That Painful TAR
What we do in China
Parlez Vous Francais? Foot and Ankle Care in 2 Languages
European Perspective for 3D-radiographic Imaging with Weightbearing
Symposium 3 - TAR Failed Now What - Discussion
Mini-Debate: Open v. Arthroscopic Lateral Ligament Reconstruction - Discussion
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus: Options
Elite 8 Debate Series: Nonunions: Biologics Vs. Engineering
Anatomical Lateral and Medial Ligament Reconstruction in Rotational Chronic Ankle Instability
When Can an Athlete Return Following Arthroscopic OCD Debridement
Failed Microfracture for OCD of the Talus
Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery Symposium VII - There's No Evidence, but It's My Technique and It Works Pt.4
Development of a Predictive Model for the Outcome of Nonsurgical Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinosis
Adjacent Joint Kinematics after Ankle Arthrodesis in Cadaveric Gait Simulation
Charcot Neuroarthropathy in Patients with Diabetes: Assessment of Outcomes in 256 Consecutive Patients
Osteoarthritis of lateral Lisfranc joint After Lateral Column Lengthening in Flatfoot
Effects on the tarsal tunnel following Malerba Z-type osteotomy compared to standard lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy
Ankle Block versus Popliteal Fossa Block as Primary Anesthesia for Forefoot Surgical Procedures: A Prospective
Bone Block Graft from Calcaneus for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction
Does Arthrodesis of the First Metatarso-phalangeal Joint Correct the Intermetatarsal M1M2 Angle? Analysis of Continuous Series of 208 Arthrodesis Plate-osteosyntheses
The Tarsal Navicular Stress Fracture Revisited: The Unequivocal Case for Conservative Non-Surgical Management
Wound Complications Following 760 Total Ankle Replacements
Secondary Fusions Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Predictors of time to clinical union in ankle fractures
Co-Morbidities Are Associated with Increased Cost, Infection Rates, and Duration of Treatment after Primary Achilles Tendon Repair
Prospective Evaluation of Structural Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talar Shoulder
Cultivating Research Dollars Through Industry
3-D CT Analysis of Screw and Suture-Button Fixation for Syndesmosis Repair
Malunited Calcaneus
Rehab Following a 5th Metatarsal Fracture: When Is It Safe to Return?
Symposium - Diabetic Foot - Discussion
Symposium - Hallux Valgus - Discussion
Symposium - PTTD - Discussion
Discussion: The Lesser Plantar Plate
Discussion: The Tough Ankle
Elite 8 Debate Series: Lis Franc Injuries - Fixing vs. Fusion
3-D CT Analysis of Screw and Suture-Button Fixation for Syndesmosis Repair
Acute Peroneal Tendon Instability
Chronic Syndesmosis Sprain
Surgical Anatomy of a Novel Medial Gastrocnemius Recession versus the Proximal Medial Gastrocnemius Recession
Development of a Novel Small Animal Ankle Arthrodesis Model
Collagen dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer: A prospective
Radiographic Evaluation of Medial Arch Correction of the Flexible Flatfoot Using the Cotton Osteotomy
Paper Session - Flatfeet 2 - Discussion
A Two-Year, Prospective, Blinded Analysis of Complications Following Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Early Weight Bearing Following First TMT Arthrodesis
Effect of First Ray Insufficiency and Metatarsal Index on Metatarsalgia in Hallux Valgus
Fractures of the 5th Metatarsal (Zone I and II) in the NBA
Trabecular Metal Total Ankle Using Transfibular Approach
Is the Canadian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle Arthritis Score (COFAS AAS) Associated with the Need for Revision Surgery?
Predictors of Long-Term Functional Outcome in Operative Ankle Fractures
Biomechanical Analysis of a Semitendinosus Allograft versus Achilles Turndown for Reconstruction of Large Segmental Achilles Defects
Vitamin D Levels and Patients with Metatarsal Fractures
Working Together to Benefit Clinical Research: Benefits & Risks of FDA Trials
A Novel Method for Measurement of Ankle Joint Reaction Force and Response to Syndesmotic Injury
Discussion: Calcaneal Fractures
Posterior Tibial Tendon and Spring Ligament Injuries in the Athlete
Elite 8 Debate Series: Calcaneal Fracture - Fix it or Leave It
A Novel Method for Measurement of Ankle Joint Reaction Force and Response to Syndesmotic Injury
Acute Lisfranc Sprain NO Widening
Failed Peroneal Tendon Tear
Complications After Resection of Os trigonum or Posterior Talar Process
Resection Arthroplasty for Limb Salvage in Severe Unreconstructable Charcot Joints
Sparing the Naviculocuneiform Joint during Medial Column Stabilization in Patients with Concomitant Rigid Flatfoot and Hallux Valgus Deformities
Weight Bearing Compliance after Foot and Ankle Surgery
Morphology of the Hindfoot in Pes Cavus: A Weightbearing 3D CT Study
Long-Term Outcome Following Interpositional Arthroplasty of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
How Do 5 Year Patient Reported Outcomes (PROMs) of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Compare to Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty?
Is Cigarette Use Associated with Increased Complication Rates and Worse Functional Outcomes Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
CT Scan Outcomes of Ankle Arthrodesis with Anterior Plating
Peroneal Tendon Repairs: Can Tenodesis or Allograft Reconstruction Restore Physiologic Loading of the Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Longus Tendons?
Paper Session Talar OCD - Discussion
Research Panel Q&A
Scientific Paper Session - Ankle Instability - Discussion
Ankle Fracture in Athletes: Why I Use Arthroscopy and Deltoid Ligament Repai
Elite 8 Debate Series: Patient Post Arthroscopy and Modified Brostrom: Immobilized for Three Weeks: DVT prophylaxis vs. No DVT Prophylaxis
Scientific Paper Session - Ankle Instability - Discussion
Acute Medial Head Gastroc Tear
Failed Lisfranc Fixation
Content Relevance of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure in Patients with Achilles Tendon Diseases
Timing of Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Preventing Surgical Site Infections in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Comparison of Radiographic Outcomes Between Dynamic Medial Column Stabilization and Lateral Column Lengthening
2016 J. Leonard Goldner Award - Can Initial PROMIS Scores Predict Outcome for Foot and Ankle Patients?
Evaluating outcomes after midfoot bone block arthrodesis
The Use of Infrared Thermometry in Confirming First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion
Sagittal Plane Motion of the Ankle and Adjacent Joints in Total Ankle Replacement: Comparison of Prosthesis Design to Arthrodesis
Total Ankle Replacement and Simultaneous Subtalar Arthrodesis: CT Scan Evaluation of Fusion Rate
Discussion: Trauma and Imaging
Paper Session Achilles - Discussion
Primary Rx Should Always Be Debridement and BMS
Research Forum: Closing Comments
Failed Anterior Ankle Debridement for Impingement
Elite 8 Debate Series: Final Debate - My Total Ankle Replacement is Better: Fixed Bearing vs. Mobile Bearing
Failed Cheilectomy
Outcomes of Iliac Crest Bone Marrow Aspirate Injection for the Treatment of Recalcitrant Non-Insertional Achilles Tendinitis
Reduced Bacterial Growth onTitanium Screws with Nanophase TiO2 Surface Treatment
Flexible Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity: Comparison Between Weightbearing and Nonweightbearing Cone-Beam CT Examinations
Can Preoperative Risk Factors be used to Predict Unplanned Admission or Readmission Rates? A Study of Foot and Ankle Patients.
Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Patient Comprehension: An Analysis of Risk Factors for Limited Understanding
Management of Hallux Valgus Deformity in Patients with Metatarsus Adductus: A Proposed Treatment Algorithm
What Variables Influence Final Range of Motion Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Effect of Subtalar Arthrodesis on Gait Kinematics in the Setting of Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Study of Cadaveric Gait Simulation
Primary Rx Should Always Include a Resurfacing/Cell-based Stimulation
Haglunds Syndrome in the Competitive Athlete
Minimally Invasive Lateral Ligaments Reconstruction with Autograft in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability
Does Flatfoot Deformity Develop After Transfer of Posterior Tibial Tendon for the Foot Drop Secondary to Peroneal Nerve Palsy?
Adductor Canal Block versus Femoral Nerve Block for Anesthesia of Hindfoot and Ankle Surgery : Prospective Randomized Trial
Two-Year-Followup in 20 Patients after Matrix-Associated Stem Cell Transplantation (MAST) in Chondral Defects of the 1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Male Hallux Valgus Corrected by Translational Osteotomy of First Metatarsal
Functional Parameters of Gait Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Is Preoperative Diagnosis Predictive of Outcome?
A Retrospective Study: Outcome of Rigid Fixation (Plating) for Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis (TTCA)
Discussion and Questions
Discussion: Achilles and Ankle Pathology
Comparison of Coronal Subtalar Alignment between Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity Patients and Controls Using Standard CT and Weight-Bearing Multiplanar Imaging
Development and Testing of an Expectations Survey for Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Surgery
Evaluation of Brake Response Time Following Primary Bunionectomy Surgery
Bone Mineral Density Changes Following Total Ankle Replacement with an Uncemented
Paper Session - TAR 2 - Discussion
Keynote Lecture: Disability from Foot and Ankle Injury: Considerations as a Team Physician
Paper Session - Flatfeet 1 - Discussion
Randomized Controlled Trial of Intense Therapeutic Ultrasound for the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
Partial Calcanectomy for Heel Ulcers Revisited – a Possible Solution to a Difficult Problem
Effect of Facility on the Operative Costs of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
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