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Contains (2257)
Patient Outcomes Following Flatfoot Reconstruction with the Use of a Spring Ligament Fibertape Device
AMA STEPS Forward® Resources: Preventing and Addressing Physician Suicide
Slides: Hallux Valgus
CPT 2023 Revised Guidelines for Evaluation and Management (E/M) for Inpatient/Observation Services
Ask the Experts: Kris Buedts, MD, and Sheldon Lin, MD
2024 Annual Meeting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker William A.J. Ross Jr., MD: Tangible Items for Being a Sponsor/Ally for URiM Residents
Achilles Pathology
Social Media as a Tool for Success
FAI March 2025 Podcast: Morselized Femoral Head Impaction Bone Grafting of Large Defects in Ankle and Hindfoot Fusions
Fifteen-Year Follow-up of the Modified Oblique Keller Capsular Interposition Arthroplasty Compared to Arthrodesis for Treatment of Advanced First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthritis
Comparison Between Corrective Osteotomies and Arthroereisis in Management of Symptomatic Flexible Pes Planovalgus in Young Adolescents: A Prospective Randomised Controlled Study
AMA STEPS Forward® Podcast: Return on Health Part 1 - Teleneurology and telestroke services
Slides: Hallux Rigidus
Ask the Expert: A. Holly Johnson, MD
CPT Revised Guidelines for Evaluation and Management (E/M) Office/Outpatient Visits (99202-99215)
2024 Annual Meeting Foundation Update and Awards
Arthroscopy, Lateral Ankle Instability, OCDs
Putting it into Practice: Addressing Common Ambulatory Fractures in an Outpatient Setting
Minimum 24-Month Outcomes of Minimally Invasive Paratenon Protection Repair vs Open Giftbox Repair of Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Most Cited Papers of 2024 Series - Chemoprophylaxis
How Does Lateral Column Lengthening Improve the Medial Longitudinal Arch? Now I Started to Understand!
AMA STEPS Forward® Podcast: Return on Health Part 2 - Telepsychiatry
Ask the Expert: Peter G. Mangone, MD
Revenue Cycle Management: Improve Your Bottom Line
2024 Annual Meeting - AOFAS Presidential Update and Awards
Cavus Foot Deformity
3D Printing in Foot and Ankle Surgery - Spanish Captions
Symptomatic Accessory Navicular Treated With Endoscopic Accessory Navicular and Partial Navicular Resection
Orthopod-cast - How I Treat This: Lisfranc - Fusion vs ORIF Part 1
Salvage Old CMT
Ask the Expert: Christopher P. Chiodo MD
Platelet-Rich Plasma in Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
AMA STEPS Forward® Podcast: Return on Health Part 3 - Hypertension Digital Medicine Program
Slides: Achilles Tendon Disorders
PA and NP Billing Strategies for both the Office and Hospital
Lateral Ankle Instability / Peroneal Tendons
AOFAS On the Same Page: The Latino Patient
Single-Incision Peroneal Tendon Repair With Concomitant Modified Dwyer Calcaneal Osteotomy: Report of 15 Cases With Plate Fixation
FAI February 2025 Podcast: Correction Target of Supramalleolar Osteotomy for Early Varus Ankle Arthritis: Is Overcorrection Necessary?
Prevention and Management of Physician Burnout
Ask the Experts: Christopher W. DiGiovanni, MD, and Mark C. Drakos, MD
Variations in Gender and Ethnicity Among Unstable Ankle Fractures and Postoperative Outcomes
Slides: Diabetic Foot and Ankle
Fracture Care for Foot and Ankle
2024 Foot and Ankle Resident Review Webinar
Ankle Arthritis
FAI January 2025 Podcast: Transfibular Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Clinical, Functional, and Radiographic Outcomes and Complications at a Minimum of 5-Year Follow-up
Usefulness of Suture-Tape Augmentation Based on Intraoperative Ankle Stress Radiographs During Anatomical Ligament Repair for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability.
Burnout and What AOFAS Can Do to Help
Ask the Experts: Michael J. Coughlin, MD, and Carroll P. Jones, MD
Fibula Nail Outcomes in Soft Tissue Compromised Ankle Fractures
Annual Meeting 2023: Incoming Presidential Remarks
Slides: Lisfranc, Calcaneus, Talus, and 5th Metatarsal Fractures
Common Surgical Procedures for Foot & Ankle
Foot and Ankle Focus: Dealing with Bone Loss after Total Ankle Replacement (TAR)
MTP Joint Arthritis – aka Hallux Rigidus
Incorporating Teaching Strategies Into Your Practice
A New Clinical Test to Evaluate Intrinsic Foot Muscle Function
Physician Suicide Prevention
Ask the Expert - Steven L. Haddad, MD
Cost Efficiency of Ankle Fracture ORIF at an Ambulatory Surgical Center vs Hospital
Annual Meeting 2023: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Symposium
Slides: Cavus Foot
Surgical Global Period, Modifiers, and ICD 10 for Foot & Ankle
Foot & Ankle Focus: Pediatric Foot and Ankle Management: Deformities and Sports Injuries
FAI December 2024 Podcast: One-Stage Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis for Severe Septic Destruction of the Ankle Joint Using a Retrograde Intramedullary Nail: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study
Reduction Quality in Posterior Malleolar Fractures Using a Modified Posteromedial Ankle Approach
Physician Wellness Series: Peer Support
Ask the Expert: Jacob R. Zide , MD
Innovations in Orthopaedics
Is There a Psychiatric Diagnosis in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients?
Cybersecurity for the Clinician: AMA Ed Hub™ training video series
Slides: Peroneal Disorders
CURE International/Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Foundation webinar: The Pediatric Foot and Ankle (May 2024)
The Role of the Flexor Hallucis Longus in the Treatment of the Painful Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint
How I Treat This: Ankle Fractures - Part 1 - The UK Experience
Normative Values for Commonly Reported Outcome Measures in the Foot and Ankle
Ask the Expert - Beat Hintermann, MD
Physician Work/Life Balance: Avoiding Burnout
Ankle Arthritis Paper Session
Anterior and Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy in Prone Position: Description of Technique
Slides: Ankle Arthritis
AOFAS on the Same Page - Diversity in the Workplace: Eye-Opening Interviews to Jumpstart Conversations about Identity, Privilege, and Bias
How I Treat This: Insertional Achilles Tendinosis
First-Ray Distal Metatarsal and Proximal Phalangeal Osteotomies Without Soft Tissue Procedure for Severe Hallux Valgus: A Case Series
Normative Values for Commonly Reported Outcome Measures in the Foot and Ankle Abstract
Second Victim Syndrome
Ask the Expert: W. Hodges Davis , MD
Deformity Analysis Paper Session
Comparative Analysis of Hallux Valgus Surgical Techniques: A Systematic Review
Questions: Ankle Instability, Peroneal Disorders, Ankle Arthritis
Putting It Into Practice: Ankle Instability (Part 2 - Syndesmosis)
FAI August 2024 Podcast: Changes in Foot Width in Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy
Endoscopic Calcaneoplasty in Haglund Disease: Surgical Technique, Clinical and Subjective Outcomes
Controversy of Local Bone Setter to Western Technology in China and India - Introduction
Preventing Physician Suicide: Identify and Support At-Risk Physicians
Forefoot Paper Session
Ask the Expert: Elizabeth Cody, MD
Charcot Ankle Deformity: Can the Limb be Salvaged?
Foot & Ankle Focus: Minimally Invasive Sports Techniques – Changing the Paradigm
How I Treat This: Metatarsus Adductus Part 2
Early Functional Outcomes and Complications of Tibial and/or Peroneal Sesamoidectomy Utilizing a Burr Through a Medial Approach
Goes Running for the Shelter of a Mother’s Little Helper: Opioid Crisis
After a Physician Suicide: Responding as an organization toolkit
Coding & Practice Management Forum
Ask the Expert: Lew Schon, MD
Lapidus with 1st Metatarsal-Intermediate Cuneiform Fixation Improves Rotational Correction of Hallux Valgus
Orthopaedics & Opioids: Where Are We and Where Do We Go From Here?
FAI July 2024 Podcast: Association of Smokeless Tobacco and Complications Following Ankle and Hindfoot Arthrodesis
Clinical Outcomes for Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair After Suture Anchor Insertion Through the Anterolateral Portal vs the Lateral Accessory Portal
How to Get Burned by Smoking
The association of physician burnout with suicidal ideation and medical errors
Mid/Hindfoot Fusion Paper Session
Ask the Expert: James W. Brodsky, MD
Clinical Outcomes of Fifth Metatarsal Fractures using Jones Fracture-Specific Screw vs Intramedullary Fixation
Foot & Ankle Focus: Hallux Valgus – MIS, Open, and Other Associated Deformities
Orthopod-cast: How I Treat This: Lateral Ankle Instability
Outcomes After Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy for Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
The 3 A’s to Be Successful in Any Practice: Availability, Affability, and Ability
Creating A Culture That Supports Well-Being
MIS and Open: When to Use the Burr, When to Use the Saw, When to Use Both
Ask the Expert: Mark Myerson, MD
Tarsal Coalition is Not Necessarily Associated with a Flatfoot Deformity: A Cohort of Clinically Misdiagnosed Cases and Alignment Features in 41 Feet
Foot & Ankle Focus: Complex Hammertoes - How To Get The Best Results
Orthopod-cast: How to Incorporate New Technology in Your Practice
Hydrodissection Facilitates Open Resection of Morton’s Neuroma Through a Plantar Approach: Technique Tip
How to Incorporate Ancillary Income Revenue: Methods to Diversify Your Income Stream Both Inside and Outside of Your Practice
Miscellaneous Topics Paper Sessions
Ask the Expert: William C McGarvey, MD
The Use of a Personalized 3D Printed Model for Pre-Operative Education in Patients with Severe Periarticular Foot and Ankle Fractures
Putting it into Practice: Ankle Instability (Part 1 - Lateral Ankle Instability)
FAI June 2024 Podcast: Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Using the INBONE II System
Proximal Medial Gastrocnemius Recession for Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis
Get Paid What You Are Worth: How to Leverage Your “Worth” to Help You Negotiate with Your Practice or Hospital System as a Foot and Ankle Surgeon
Advice to My Younger Self
Ask the Expert: Naomi N. Shields, MD
Effectiveness of Hallux Valgus Surgery on Post-Operative Outcomes in Skeletally Mature Patients
Foot & Ankle Focus: Managing Achilles Ruptures and Tendinopathy: Where Are We in 2023?
Orthopod-cast: What the Surgeon Needs to Know: Using Blood Flow Restriction During Rehab, Part 2
Homogenized and Lyophilized Amniotic Membrane Dressings for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Ambulatory Patients
How You Can Build a Successful Practice as a Female Orthopedic Surgeon in a Traditional Man’s World
Syndesmoses Paper Session
Ask the Expert: Keith L. Wapner, MD
Arthroscopic Ankle Arthrodesis with Circular External Fixator: Case Report
CURE International/Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Foundation webinar: The Pediatric Foot and Ankle (Dec. 2023)
Orthopod-cast: What the Surgeon Needs to Know: Using Blood Flow Restriction During Rehab Part 1
Radiologic and Clinical Outcomes of the Dovetailed Notch Scarf Osteotomy for Correcting the First Metatarsal Pronation in Moderate to Severe Hallux Valgus Deformity: A Comparative Study
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being in a Large Multispecialty Group
Deformity: How Do I Make Crooked Straight?
Ask the Expert: David B. Thordarson, MD
Surgical Repair of the Achilles Tendon using the Three Transverse Incision Technique
Foot & Ankle Focus: The Role of Primary Fusion for Complex Foot and Ankle Trauma
Orthopod-cast: Interaction with Industry and Managing Conflicts of Interest: Part 2
Minimally Invasive vs Open Approach for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis: Short Report of Early Results
How to Successfully Incorporate Research and Outcomes Collection to Be Successful in Private Practice as a Foot and Ankle MD
Talus OCD / Flatfoot Paper Session
Ask the Expert: Gregory P. Guyton, MD
Use of a Lightweight Portable Fluoroscopy Device for Obtaining Weightbearing Ankle Images
Foot & Ankle Focus: Why Is the Foot Still Turning In After Surgery?
HSS Presents podcast: Autonomic Downregulation
Nitinol Staple Use in Primary Arthrodesis of Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocations
What if I Need to Move and Start Again? How to Successfully Transition to a New Practice and Location
Degenerative: It's All Worn Out
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Outcomes Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
2023 Foot and Ankle Resident Review
HSS Presents podcast: Communication Under Stress
Modified Gracilis Autograft Preparation for Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular and Calcaneofibular Ligament Anatomic Reconstruction: Technical Tip
Ask the Experts: Stephen F. Conti, MD
The Who, What, Where, When, and How of Marketing your Foot and Ankle Practice
Total Ankle Replacement Paper Session
Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Talus Osteochondral Lesions
AOFAS on the Same Page - Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit by Mary-Frances Winters
Technique for Talectomy and Total Talus Replacement
HSS Presents podcast: Why Did We Change the Name of Flatfoot?
How to Incorporate Allied Health Personnel (Including Podiatry) to Enhance Your Patient’s Experience
Burnout and What AOFAS Can Do to Help
Clinical Outcomes of Anatomical Reconstruction of the Lateral Ankle Ligament Complex: A Systematic Review
Foot & Ankle Focus: Advances in MIS Surgery - Beyond the Bunion
Lateral Fixation for Talonavicular Arthrodesis Using the Medial Approach: Technique Tip
FAI May 2024 Podcast: Discrepancies Between Intraoperative and Postoperative Ankle Motion Measured for Anterior-Approach Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Symposium #15 | Practice Management - Discussion
Trauma Paper Session
Foot & Ankle Focus: Using Patient Reported Outcomes in the Office to Impact Efficiency, Selection, and Patient Satisfaction
Clinical Outcomes of Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: An Age-Based Multivariable Analysis
Modified Dresden Technique With a Distal Locking Suture for Achilles Tendon Repair: Technique Tip - Part 1
Orthopod-cast: Interaction with Industry and Managing Conflicts of Interest: Part 1
Incidence and Predictive Factors for Prolonged Use of Opioid Medication After Foot and Ankle Surgery
Sports: Problems I Hate (Ahem, Strongly Dislike)
Putting It Into Practice: The Basics Applied Part 4: Pediatric Foot and Ankle Pathology
Incidence of Acute Achilles Repair Surgeries in the Peri-Pandemic COVID Era: And Parallels to the Current 2021-22 NFL Season
FAI April 2024 Podcast: Statistical Fragility Analysis of Open Reduction Internal Fixation vs Primary Arthrodesis to Treat Lisfranc Injuries: A Systematic Review
Modified Dresden Technique With a Distal Locking Suture for Achilles Tendon Repair: Technique Tip - Part 2
A Prospective Evaluation of Opioid Consumption Following Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery: Utilization Patterns and Prescribing Guidelines
Achilles Ruptures- High and Low, New and Old
Foot & Ankle Focus: Game Changers in Footwear, Orthotics, and Bracing
Opioid Use for Operative Foot and Ankle Fractures: A Systematic Review
Orthopod-cast: IFFAS Award Winner: Percutaneous versus Open Distal Chevron Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus: A Prospective Randomized Study
Strength and Functional Outcomes Following Achilles Tendon Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon Autograft Augmentation
I Was Addicted to the Hokey Pokey but I Turned Myself Around: Prescribing Drugs for Surgery
Paper Session 1A: Ankle Arthritis
Foot & Ankle Focus: Managing Complex Ankle Arthritis and Deformity with Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Increased Complication and Hardware Removal Rates Associated with Headed Screws in Subtalar and Ankle Arthrodeses
Isolated Talonavicular Arthrodesis as Treatment for Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Case Series
Orthopod-cast: IFFAS Award Finalist: UK Foot and Ankle Thrombo-Embolism Audit (UK-FATE) – A Multicentre Prospective Study of Venous Thromboembolism in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Getting Connected on Social Media
Talus OCD- Often So Simple, Occasionally So Not
Foot & Ankle Focus: Patient Reported Outcome Measures - Soup to Nuts
Reliability of Inflammatory Markers as a Diagnostic Tool for Non-Diabetic Foot and Ankle Infections: Case Series Study
Resection of Calcaneonavicular and Talocalcaneal Coalitions With Surgical Correction of the Hindfoot Valgus Deformity in One Step
Orthopod-cast: IFFAS Award Finalist: Tibialis Posterior Tendon Entrapment in Posterior Malleolar and Pilon Injuries of the Ankle: A Retrospective Analysis
Paper Session 2A: Potpourri
AOFAS On the Same Page: The Remedy (Book Club Discussion)
Bone Transport to Arthrodesis for Ankle and Hindfoot Osseous Defects
Results of Anatomical Arthroscopic Repair of Anterior Talofibular Ligament in Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability Patients
FAI March 2024 Podcast: Primary Ankle Fusion Using an Antegrade Nail Into the Talus for Early Treatment of OTA Type C3 Distal Tibial Plafond Fractures: A Preliminary Report
The Opioid Epidemic: How We Got Here, Where We Are, and What the Future Holds
The Pediatric Foot and Ankle (CURE Webinar)
Comparison of Complications and Reoperation Rates of Minimally Invasive Circular Fixation vs Conventional ORIF for AO/ASIF C3 Pilon Fractures
Prevalence and Predictors of Peroneal Tendon Instability Accompanying Calcaneal Fractures
Orthopod-cast: IFFAS Award Finalist: Effects of Ankle Arthrodesis Versus Total Ankle Arthroplasty on Patient's Shoe-Wear – What Fits Better?
Paper Session 3A: Sports
The ABCs of WBCT: Incorporating It Into Practice and Research
Do Concomitant Posterior Malleolus Fractures Affect Mid-Term Functional Outcomes in Tibial Shaft Fractures?
Optimizing the Operating Room Setup for Minimally Invasive Forefoot Surgery: Technical Tip.
Orthopod-cast: Roger A. Mann Award Winner: Younger Patients Undergoing Total Ankle Arthroplasty Experience Higher Complication Rates and Worse Functional Outcomes Scores
The Seven (8) Dwarfs- Midfoot DJD
Management of Acute Achilles Ruptures in the Athlete
Reinforcement of the Achilles Tendon Double-Row Repair: Technique Tip
Achilles Tendon Loading During Walking Differs Between Commonly Used Immobilizing Boots
Orthopod-cast: J. Leonard Goldner Award Finalist: Postoperative Medial Malleolar Fractures in Total Ankle Replacement are Associated with Medial Malleolar Width and Coronal Alignment
The First Rule of Fight Club Is You Do Not Talk About Fight Club
Managing the Neuropathic Foot and Ankle
Tracking Day-To-Day Achilles Tendon Loading Progression During Rupture Recovery: A Case Study
FAI February 2024 Podcast: Immediate Unprotected Weightbearing vs 2 Weeks Nonweightbearing After Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Ankle Fractures
Women of Orthopaedics
AOFAS/BOFAS: The Use of Biologics in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Use of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale to Predict Other Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Among Plantar Fasciitis and Chronic Ankle Instability Patients
Orthopod-cast: J. Leonard Goldner Award Finalist: Automated AI Detection Tool for Ankle Fractures Using X-Rays using Smart Devices
Foot & Ankle Focus: Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Athlete
Manual and Visual Clinical Assessment of Foot Type and Posture Correlate Poorly with Radiographic Assessment
Orthopod-cast: Considerations for Flexible Fixation in Ankle Syndesmosis Repair. Sponsored by Acumed.
Surgical Correction of Lesser Toe Deformity
The Power of Social Media: Promotion to Pitfalls
Chopart Peritalar Subluxation in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity Assessed by Three- Dimensional Coverage Maps
Orthopod-cast: 3D Printing for Complex Foot & Ankle Pathologies. Sponsored by Paragon28.
AOFAS On the Same Page: Bias Training for Medical Professionals
Controversies in Total Ankle Replacement (Kenneth Johnson Symposium)
Open vs Minimally Invasive Scarf Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Correction: A Randomized Controlled Trial
The Longitudinal Axis of the Inter-Sesamoid Crista in Hallux Valgus and Its Relationship with the Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle. A Case Control Study.
FAI January 2024 Podcast: Outcomes After Proximal Medial Gastrocnemius Recession and Stretching vs Stretching as Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis at 6-Year Follow-up
Your Fellowship did WHAT?! AOFAS Fellowship Case Conference (Sports Themed Cases) - October 2021
The Pediatric Foot and Ankle Fall 2022
FAI Pod Image
Foot Reanimation Using Double Nerve Transfer to Deep Peroneal Nerve: A Novel Technique for Treatment of Neurologic Foot Drop
A Citation Analysis Study of the 50 Most-Cited Articles on the Achilles Tendon
AOFAS Podcast MasterClass: Peroneal Tendon Injuries – An Expert's Perspective
Fireside Chat with Jeff Gordon
Foot & Ankle Focus: Total Ankle Replacement: Are We Starting to Replace More Than Fuse?
Retrograde Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation in Treating Osteochondral Lesion of Distal Tibial Plafond: A Case Report and Technical Tips
Do the Number of Screws and the Use of a Lateral Fibular Autograft Influence the Union Rate in Ankle Arthrodesis? A Systematic Review
Orthopod-cast: Best Vacation- Have Some Fun!
Your Fellowship did WHAT?! AOFAS Fellowship Case Conference - August 2021
AOFAS On the Same Page: Advocacy for Women in Orthopaedics
Suture Anchor Augmentation for Acute Unstable Isolated Ankle Syndesmosis Disruption in Athletes
How to Approach Plantar Fasciopathy in Elite Athletes? A Scoping Review of the Literature
FAI December 2023 Podcast: Outcomes After Hallux Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
Your Fellowship did WHAT?! AOFAS Fellowship Case Conference - June 2021
2022 Resident Review Webinar
The Intraseptal Course of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve: An Anatomic Study
Role of Lateral Soft Tissue Release in Percutaneous Hallux Valgus Surgery: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Orthopod-cast: The Business of DEI: Making the Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Healthcare Workspace
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Tackling the Stage IV Flatfoot
The Pediatric Foot and Ankle - Spring 2022
Comparison of Functional and Radiographic Outcomes of Talar Osteochondral Lesions Repaired With Micronized Allogenic Cartilage Extracellular Matrix and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate vs Microfracture
FAI November 2023 Podcast: Outcomes of Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Postfracture Ankle Arthritis
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Charcot Marie Tooth: The Cutting Edge
Adding Arthroscopy to Your Foot and Ankle Practice
Femoral Head Allografts for Talar Body Defects
Hindfoot Nail or Protibial Screw Fixation for Ankle Fracture: A Multi-Centre Study
Orthopod-cast: J. Leonard Goldner Award Winner Data Censoring Likely Biased the Largest Randomized Trial of Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment Against Surgery: A Monte Carlo Analysis
Bunions Behaving Badly
Annual Meeting 2020 -Symposium: Prevention and Management of Physician Burnout
Total Ankle Arthroplasty With Valgus Deformity
Arthroscopic Evaluation of Subtle Syndesmotic Instability: Are We Pulling Correctly in the Coronal Plane?
Promotion in the Academic Setting
Deltoid Ligament Problems
Outcomes of Simultaneous Bilateral vs Unilateral Distal Chevron Metatarsal Osteotomy in Hallux Valgus Patients Aged ≥60 Years
Role of Syndesmotic Ligaments in Lateral Ankle Instability
AOFAS Podcast MasterClass: Insertional Achilles Tendonitis
Difficult Ankle Fractures
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Battle of the Bunions: Why My Way of Fixing Bunions Is Best
Functional Outcomes of Autologous Matrix-Related Chondrogenesis to Treat Large Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Use of Flexible Carbon Fiber Insoles for Hallux Rigidus: A Randomized Controlled Trial
FAI October 2023 Podcast: Adverse Events After Ankle Fracture Open Reduction Internal Fixation Among Patients With and Without Documented Cannabis and Tobacco Use
Hallux Valgus Update: Working Toward Better Outcomes
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Bone Loss Deformity Arthritis: Modern Use of External Fixation and Other Contemporary Methods
Midterm Outcomes of Talocalcaneal Coalition Arthroscopic Resection in Adults
Anatomic Landmarks for Minimally Invasive Exposure for Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL) Tendon Transfers and Spring Ligament Reconstruction
Work Life Balance
How to Write a Winning Research Grant Application
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Measuring What Matters in Orthopaedic Surgery
Two-Step 3D-Guided Supramalleolar Osteotomy to Treat Varus Ankle osteoarthritis
Quantitation and Patterns of Carbon Expenditure for 2019 AOFAS Annual Meeting Attendance
YPC: Success in Private Practice
Malpractice Issues in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Annual Meeting 2020 - Research Speaker: Kevin Bozic, MD, MBA
Valgus Second Toe Deformity Treated With a Percutaneous Extracapsular Closing-Wedge Osteotomy of the Proximal Phalanx
Clinical and Radiological Results of a Human Bone Graft Screw in Tarsometatarsal II/+III Arthrodesis
FAI September 2023 Podcast: The Fate of Delayed Unions After Isolated Ankle Fusion
Mentoring in a Diverse Workforce
Annual Meeting 2020 - Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Ultrasonography-Guided Minimally Invasive Surgery for Achilles Sleeve Avulsions
The Effects of Sociodemographic Factors on Variation in Baseline Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Foot and Ankle Patients
Highlights of the Upcoming 2023 AOFAS Annual Meeting in Louisville
Nonoperative Management of the Flatfoot
Annual Meeting 2020 -PED Talk: Management of the NBA Player with Foot and Ankle Injuries
Effect of Lateral Column Lengthening on Subtalar Motion in a Cadaveric Model
Intramuscular Haemangioma of Abductor Hallucis Muscle: A Rare Case Report
AOFAS Podcast MasterClass: Ankle Instability
Online Journal Club Best of FAI 2017
Annual Meeting 2020 -Symposium: Novel Coronavirus COVID-19
Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Debridement With Extracellular Matrix Augmentation and Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation for Medium-Size Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection after Operative Management of Pilon Fractures
The Business of DEI: Part 1: Making the Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Outreach and Giving Back
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Managing Fractures in the Elderly
Outcomes and Surgical Strategies of Minimally Invasive Chevron/Akin Procedures
Nail Plate Constructs: A Novel Technique for Treatment of Unstable Charcot Ankle and Hindfoot Deformity
YPC Discussion on Oral Board Preparation
Painful Total Ankle
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Optimizing Technology in Radiology to Treat Foot and Ankle Patients
Percutaneous Chevron and Akin (PECA) Osteotomies for Severe Hallux Valgus Deformity With Mean 3-Year Follow-up
Trends and Utilization of Ankle Arthroplasty vs Arthrodesis in the State of New York, 2009-2018
Current Operative Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Guest Nation: Chile
Low Donor Site Morbidity Associated With Tricortical Calcaneal Bone Graft
Maximum Plantarflexion Lateral Ankle Radiograph for Pre-Operative Planning for the Arthroscopic Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
FAI August 2023 Podcast: Broström Repair With and Without Augmentation: Comparison of Outcomes at Median Follow-up of 5 Years
Annual Meeting 2020 - Symposium: Coding and Practice Management
Long-term Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Following Particulated Juvenile Allograft Cartilage Implantation for Treatment of Difficult Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
FAI July 2023 Podcast: Association of Preexisting Triple Fusion and Arthroscopic Ankle Arthrodesis nonunion
Gene Transcription in End Stage Ankle Osteoarthritis Differs Markedly From Knee Arthritis and Non- Arthritic Ankles
Practice Management and Coding
Annual Meeting 2020 - Humanitarian Service Symposium: International Experience on Ankle Fracture
FAI June 2023 Podcast: Does Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Use at New Foot and Ankle Patient Clinic Visits Improve Patient Activation, Experience, and Satisfaction?
Endoscopic Flexor Hallucis Longus Transfer for the Management of Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptures in Professional Soccer Players
Determining the Operative Efficiency of Ankle Arthroscopy with a Standard Arthroscope vs Nanoscope
PROMIS and Other Patient Generated Data: What You Need to Know
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 1A: Forefoot
FAI May 2023 Podcast: Risks Associated With Posterior Ankle Hindfoot Arthroscopy Complications
Average 4-Year Outcomes of Distal Oblique First Metatarsal Osteotomy for Stage 1 to 3 Hallux Rigidus
The Use of Amniotic Membrane for Peripheral Nerve Injury in Lower Extremity Surgical Procedures
Public Health Ethics During a Pandemic
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 1B: Practice Management and Misc.
FAI April 2023 Podcast: Outcomes of Salvage Procedures for Failed Total Ankle Arthroplasty
The Plantar Fascia Talar Head Correlation: A Radiographic Parameter With a Distinct Threshold to Validate Flatfoot Deformity and Its Corrective Surgery on Conventional Weightbearing Radiographs
Early Complications Following Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus in Patients with and without Diabetes
Salvage of the Charcot Foot: Latest Techniques
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 2A: Flatfoot
The History and Evolution of Ankle Instability Surgery with Dr. Tom Clanton
Fully Intra-articular Lasso-Loop Stitch Technique for Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair
3-Dimensional Analysis of First Tarsometatarsal Joint after First Metatarsal Osteotomy with Weightbearing CT (WBCT)
The Flatfoot of Children and Young Adults
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 3A: Sports/OCD
How to Select a Fellowship Program
Outcomes and Complications of Open vs Posterior Arthroscopic Subtalar Arthrodesis: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Multicenter Study
Dual Approach to Talar Body Fractures Increases Talar Dome Access for Fracture Care without Osteotomy
The Role of Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Chronic Ankle Fractures
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 3B: Misc.
YPC Discussion on Finance Management
A Modified Extra-articular Lateral Column Lengthening Procedure for Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Morphologic and Radiographic Alignment Features of Feet with Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Thromboembolic Disorders in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 4A: Total Ankle (Part 1)
Importance of Mentorship for Future Success
Dome Supramalleolar Osteotomies for the Treatment of Ankle Pain with Opposing Coronal Plane Deformities Between Ankle and the Lower Limb
2022 IFFAS Award for Excellence Winner: Minimally Invasive Chevron-Akin for Correction of Moderate and Severe Hallux Valgus Deformities
Tips to the Orthopaedic Residency Application: A Primer for Medical Students
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 4B: Sports Ankle Instability
Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Practice
Irreducible Fractures and Dislocations of the Ankle Associated With Entrapment of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Within the Tibiofibular Interosseous Space: A Case Series and Literature Review
Comparison Between Hallux Rigidus Parameters Assessed by Conventional Radiographs and Weight- Bearing CT
Update in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 5A: Foot and Ankle Trauma
Resident Series Lectures: Flatfoot Deformity
Medial and Lateral Combined Ligament Arthroscopic Repair for Multidirectional Ankle Instability
Hallux Valgus Angular Measurements using WBCT Semiautomatic and Manual Assessments
2018 Resident Review Webinar
Annual Meeting 2020 - Paper Session 5B: Total Ankle (Part 2)
Resident Series Lectures: Ankle Arthritis
Modified Anterolateral Approach for Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Metatarsophalangeal and Metatarso-Sesamoid Joint Interaction in Hallux Valgus Deformity: A Case- Control Study
A Proposed Radiographic Predictive Score for Failure in Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A COFAS Study
Your Fellowship Did What?! AOFAS Fellows Case Conference - April 2021
Resident Series Lectures: Hallux Valgus
Previsit Patient Instructional Video for the Virtual Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Examination
The Use of Advanced Semi-Automated Bone Segmentation in Hallux Rigidus
Foot & Ankle Focus: AOFAS Consensus Group Approach to Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Resident Series Lectures: Plantar Plate Tears
Surgical Management of the Posterior Fibula Fracture Dislocation: Case Report
Nitinol Shape Memory Staple Fixation of Lisfranc Fractures is Safe and Efficacious
Ankle and Hindfoot Kinematics of a Next Generation Total Ankle Replacement During Simulated Gait
Resident Series Lectures: Achilles Tendonitis
Prevention and Management of Physician Burnout
Snapping Plantaris Tendon: Case Report - Video 1
Analysis of a Single Centre's Protocol of the Treatment of 5th Metatarsal Fractures. What Patients Need a Face-To-Face Fracture Clinic Review?
Ankle Arthritis in Your 20s: The Sad Future
Resident Series Lectures: Achilles Tendon Rupture
Burnout and What AOFAS Can Do to Help
Snapping Plantaris Tendon: Case Report - Video 2
Does a 1st Metatarsophalangeal Fusion in a Patient with Pes Planus Improve the Pes Planus Deformity? A Retrospective Case Series
Ankle Arthroplasty Patient Reported Outcomes in Preoperative Fixed Equinus
Resident Series Lectures: Lisfranc Injury
Peer Support
Snapping Plantaris Tendon: Case Report - Video 3
A Novel Technique of Minimally Invasive Calcaneal Osteotomy for Intractable Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Associated with Haglund Deformity
Ankle Fractures - Does This Need Surgery
Resident Series Lectures: Charcot Arthropathy and Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Snapping Plantaris Tendon: Case Report - Video 4
Is the Diagnosis of 5th Metatarsal Fracture Type Consistent? An Inter-Observer Reliability Study.
Ankle Microenviroment After Fracture
Resident Series Lectures: 5th Metatarsal Base Fractures
Dry Arthroscopy With a Retraction System for Matrix-Aided Cartilage Repair of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Outcomes of Hemiepiphysiodesis in Treatment of Juvenile Hallux Valgus (Systematic Review)
Are Patients Presenting with an Achilles Tendon Rupture at Greater Risk of Rupturing Their Contralateral Tendon? A Retrospective Cohort Study with Minimum 2 Years Follow-up
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Resident Series Lectures: Peroneal Tendon Subluxation and Dislocation
Effect of First Tarsometatarsal Joint Derotational Arthrodesis on First Ray Dynamic Stability Compared to Distal Chevron Osteotomy
Ultrasound Guidance vs Anatomical Landmark for Ankle Arthroscopic Portal Insertions: A Cadaveric Study
Cartilage I Can Fix It
Revision Hindfoot Arthrodesis
AOFAS Resident Series Lectures: Hallux Rigidus
Outcomes Achieved With Use of a Prefabricated Roll-On Total Contact Cast
Dyslipidemia is Associated with an Increased Risk of Achilles Tendinopathy and Tendon Rupture to a Greater Extent in Underweight Than in Obese Subjects
Arthroscopic Bone Marrow Stimulation in the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus Outcomes Over Ten Years of Follow-up
Why Pursue a Career In Foot and Ankle Surgery?
Hallux Valgus Correction Comparing Percutaneous Chevron/Akin (PECA) and Open Scarf/Akin Osteotomies
Factors Influencing Postoperative Residual Diastasis after the Operative Treatment of Acute Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation
Supramalleolar Osteotomy
Asian Experience
Resident Series Lectures: Ankle Instability
Outcomes After Percutaneous Reduction and Fixation of Low-Energy Lisfranc Injuries
Radiographic Outcomes of Proximal vs Distal Syndesmotic Low Tibial Osteotomy
AOFAS/BOFAS: Complex Pilon Fractures
Assessment of Fibular Anterior-Posterior Translation Is Critical During Fixation After Syndesmotic Injury
Mentorship in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Functional Results of Open Broström Ankle Ligament Repair Augmented With a Suture Tape - Video 1
Treatment Strategy for Posterior Malleolar Fractures: Different Operative Strategies are Needed for Each Morphological Type
Managing Poor Outcomes with Surgery on the Athlete: Why and What's Next?
Be All Ends All Bunion Correction: Can We Distill It to a Single Procedure?
How to Establish a Research Career
Functional Results of Open Broström Ankle Ligament Repair Augmented With a Suture Tape - Video 2
Bilateral Achilles Tendon Ruptures in the NFL
Latest Advances in Surgical Correction of the PCFD
Calcaneal Fractures - Does this Need Surgery?
Resident Lecture Series: Plantar Fascitis
Role of Tendoscopy in Treating Stage II Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
Clinical Outcomes of Synthetic Cartilage Implant for Second Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthritis
Foot & Ankle Focus: Ankle Fractures: Getting Them Right When They Aren't so "Simple"
Can Subtle Syndesmotic Injury Be Assessed Using Weightbearing CT Scans?
Resident Lecture Series: Leg Entrapment Neuropathy
Modified Dorsal Approach in the Management of Lisfranc Injuries
Limited Open Achilles Repair without Instrument Guided Assistance: A Surgical Technique
Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Hindfoot and Ankle
Case Discussions - Trauma and Foot & Ankle (THE CASES: Hindfoot Trauma: I Hate Puzzles Details)
Resident Series Lectures: The Syndesmosis
Fifth Metatarsal Jones Fractures in the Athlete
Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery Leadership Trends: A Cross-Sectional Study of Fellowship Directors and Division Chiefs
Forgotten Fractures of the Foot
Case Study: Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)
Resident Lecture Series: Ankle Instability
Role of Subtalar Arthroscopy in Operative Treatment of Sanders Type 2 Calcaneal Fractures Using a Sinus Tarsi Approach
Revision Surgery after Failed Index Synthetic Cartilage Implant Resurfacing for Hallux Rigidus: Single Surgeon Five-Year Experience
Forgotten Fractures of the Foot
Cases: Session 1: Hallux Rigidus
FAI March 2023 Podcast: Patient Satisfaction and Pain Relief After Deep Peroneal Nerve Neurectomy for Midfoot Arthritis: A Preliminary Short Report
Improvement in Quality of Life Following Operative Correction of Midtarsal Charcot Foot Deformity
A 10 Year Review of Designated Leadership Positions of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS)
Midfoot Arthritis: The Challenges, Solutions, and Unmet Needs
Cases: Session 10: Pes Cavus
YPC Gamechanger Series: Syndesmosis Injuries, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Part 1)
Results of External Fixation and Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fixation With K-Wire in Brachymetatarsia
A Study of Treatments of Congenital Clubfoot in Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
Foot & Ankle Focus: Charcot Neuroarthropathy: Complications of Surgical Management
Cases: Session 5: Lesser Toes
YPC Gamechanger Series: Syndesmosis Injuries, Diagnosis, and Treatment Part 2
3D Printing Surgical Guide for Talocalcaneal Coalition Resection: Technique Tip
Differences in Outcomes Between Tendon Transfer Treatments of Congenital Clubfoot in Cerebral Palsy
Foot & Ankle Focus: Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Cases: Session 8: Pes Planus
AOFAS Resident Series Lectures: Plantar Fasciitis
Wound and Sural Nerve Complications of the Sinus Tarsi Approach for Calcaneus Fractures
The Effect of an External Ankle Brace on Return to Play Following Ankle Sprains in Elite Collegiate Athletes
Practice Management: Choosing the Right Practice, Understanding Employment Contracts, and Cost Containment in an ASC
Change in Gait Pre- and Post-Correction: Are We Really Offloading the 5th Metatarsal?
AOFAS Resident Series Lectures: Leg Entrapment Neuropathy
Combined Spring and Deltoid Ligament Repair in Adult-Acquired Flatfoot
After Total Ankle Arthroplasty, When Does Bone Perfusion and Metabolic Activity at the Bone- Implant Interface Normalize? A PET/CT Study
Physician Wellness Series: Physician Suicide
Cheilectomy and Alternatives to Fusion
AOFAS Presidential Podcast with Dr. Chris DiGiovanni
Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Midterm Follow-up
Mid-Term Follow-Up of Patient Reported Outcomes and Reoperation Rates for Minimal-Resection Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Putting It Into Practice - The Basics Applied Part 1: Common Foot and Ankle Trauma
Clinical Challenges Faced in Elderly DM Ankle Fracture
Special Episode: Overcoming Adversity in Orthopaedic Surgery - Perspectives from Sports Psychology
Results of Scarf Osteotomy Without Implant Fixation in the Treatment of Hallux Valgus
Outcomes Following Broström Repair with Internalbrace Ligament Augmentation vs Broström Repair Alone for the Treatment of Anterior Talofibular Ligament Injury of the Lateral Ankle
Putting it into Practice - The Basics Applied Part 2: Deformity Correction
Clinical Correlation of Hallux Rigidus to System: How Do We Really Do?
Orthobiologics in Foot & Ankle Surgery
Results of Scarf Osteotomy Without Implant Fixation in the Treatment of Hallux Valgus - Video 2
Patient-Reported Outcomes Following a Two-Stage Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty for Chronic Periprosthetic Joint Infections
Putting It Into Practice: The Basics Applied Part 3: Diabetic Foot
Closing Remarks
Get Ready for the 2022 AOFAS Annual Meeting in Québec City, Canada!
Results of Peroneal Tendoscopy With a Technical Modification
Metal Allergy in Foot & Ankle: A Systematic Review
The State of the Art in Lateral Ankle Ligament Instability Treatment: An AJSM/AOFAS Webinar
Combined Popliteal Catheter with Single Injection Versus Continuous Infusion Saphenous Nerve Block Video
AOFAS Resident Series Lectures: The Syndesmosis
Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Midfoot Charcot Reconstruction With Intramedullary Beaming
Biomechanical Properties of Splint Materials Immediately Following Dipping
Talus Osteochondral Lesion Treatment
Comparison Between Weightbearing and Non-weightbearing Measurements for Evaluation of Tibiofibular Syndesmotic Injuries: Initial Experience Using Dedicated Extremity Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Bone Infection Management Using CERAMENT G with Gentamicin, a Novel Local Novel Local Antibiotic-Eluting Bone Graft. Sponsored by BONESUPPORT.
Effect of Lateral Ligament Augmentation Using Suture-Tape on Functional Ankle Instability
Management, Complications, and Radiographic Follow-Up of Total Ankle Arthroplasty in the Setting of Talar Bone Loss
Optimizing Telemedicine for Foot and Ankle Specialist
Comparison of Union and Complication Rates in Primary versus Revision Tibiotalar Arthrodesis
Total Ankle Replacement Revision Series Part 1: Experience Over 35 Years and 2000 Implants
Comparison of the Type of Fixation of Akin Osteotomy
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA) into Spanish (Chile)
Latest Imaging Technologies
Complications, Reoperations, and Postoperative Outcomes of Simultaneous Supramalleolar Osteotomy and Total Ankle Replacement in Misaligned Osteoarthritic Ankles in Comparison to Tota
Total Ankle Replacement Revision Series Part 2: Early Ankle Designs and Future Revisions
Knotless Modified Arthroscopic-Broström Technique for Ankle Instability
Evidence for Graft Materials Used in Hindfoot and Ankle Arthrodesis: A Systematic Literature Review
The Troublesome Triad: Knee Trauma, Peroneal Nerve Injuries and Foot Drop – The Team Approach
Concentrated Bone Marrow Aspirate May Decrease Postoperative Cystic Occurrence Rate in Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus A Retrospective Case-Study
Total Ankle Replacement Revision Series Part 3: Bone Loss Treatment Options
Severe Flexible Pes Planovalgus Deformity Correction Using Trabecular Metallic Wedges
Outcomes of Surgical Treatment for Sural Nerve Pain
3D Printing in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Concurrent Paper Sessions : Clinical Outcomes - Discussion
Total Ankle Replacement Revision Series Part 4: Bone Loss Treatment Options
Arthroscopic Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus in a Suspended Position With the Patient in a Prone Position
Outcomes of Surgical Treatment for Symptomatic Superficial Peroneal Neuromas
Concurrent Paper Sessions : Imaging of OCD - Discussion
Setting Up a Practice in Academics and Private Practice
Deltoid-Spring Ligament Reconstruction in Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity With Medial Peritalar Instability
Current Literature Definitions of Failure in Lateral Ankle Instability Surgery: A Systematic Review
Concurrent Paper Sessions : TAA: Impact of Component Position - Discussion
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Why it matters?
Ceramic Artificial Talus as the Initial Treatment for Comminuted Talar Fractures
Early Results and Complication Rate of the Lapidus Bone Block Fusion in the Treatment of Medial Longitudinal Arch Collapse: A Prospective Cohort Study
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Ankle Fractures - Discussion
Open Broström-Gould Repair vs Arthroscopic Anatomical Repair of the Anterior Talofibular Ligament for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Surgical Correction of Peritalar Subluxation and Subtalar Joint Articular Coverage Improves Patient- Reported Outcomes in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Hindfoot Part II - Discussion
Flexible Fixation Technique for Lisfranc Injuries
Syndesmotic Malreduction Assessment using Three-Dimensional Distance Mapping: A Cadaveric WBCT Study
Orthopod-cast: Roger A. Mann Award Finalist: Lower Limb Alignment in Patients with Primary Valgus Ankle Arthritis: A Comparative Analysis with Patients with Varus Ankle Arthritis and Controls
Concurrent Paper Sessions: OCD Talus - Discussion
Radiological Evaluation of a Preoperative First Metatarsal Realignment Test for Metatarsus Primus Varus and Hallux Valgus Correction by the Syndesmosis Procedure
The Effect of Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Correction on Sesamoid Position and Rotation
Orthopod-cast: J. Leonard Goldner and IFFAS Award Finalist: AI-based Foot X-ray Reading in Real-world: Evaluating the Accuracy of Assistive Decisions for Diagnosing Foot & Ankle Disorders
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Other Joints After TAA: Knee, Subtalar - Discussion
Posterior Arthroscopic Reduction and Internal Fixation for Treatment of Posterior Malleolus Fractures
Treatment of Moderate to Severe Hallux Valgus without Osteotomy or Arthrodesis
Roger A. Mann Award Finalist: Cervical Ligament Insufficiency in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: It May Be More Important Than We Know
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Pushing the Envelope - Discussion
Effect of the Modified Lapidus Procedure on Pronation of the First Ray in Hallux Valgus / for Hallux Valgus on Foot Width (two articles)
Tantalum Spacer Augmentation of Large Bony Defects in Hindfoot Arthrodesis
How I Treat This: Metatarsus Adductus Part 1
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Revision TAA: What Do I Do Now? - Discussion
Morphology of Anterior Talofibular Ligament After Arthroscopic Lateral Ankle Ligament Repair
Leadership Characteristics of Orthopaedic Surgery Foot and Ankle Fellowship Directors
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Syndesmosis: Controversy Continues - Discussion
Plantar Medial Avulsion Fracture of the Calcaneus With Acute Tarsal Tunnel: Case Report and Technique Tip
Evaluation of Automated Coverage and Distance Mapping Selections to Improve Reliability and Clinical Utility of 3D Weightbearing CT Assessments
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Tendon Issues - Discussion
Percutaneous Transosseous Suture Fixation of the Akin Osteotomy and Minimally Invasive Chevron for Correction of Hallux Valgus - Video 2
Outcomes in Open and Endoscopic Treatment for Haglund's Syndrome and Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Trauma - Discussion
Percutaneous Transosseous Suture Fixation of the Akin Osteotomy and Minimally Invasive Chevron for Correction of Hallux Valgus - Video 1
Disrupting Biofilms From Titanium with a CHG Antimicrobial Irrigation System
Concurrent Paper Sessions:T AA: Outcomes II - Discussion
Outcome After Modified Grice-Green Procedure (SAMBB) for Arthritic Acquired Adult Flatfoot
Association of Radiographic Alignment, Degree of Ankle Instability, Concomitant Pathology, and VAS Pain Scores after the Brostrom-Gould Procedure for Chronic Ankle Instability
Conventional Ankle Sprain Treatment is Associated with Alarmingly High Rates of Persistent Opioid Use
Suture Button vs Conventional Screw Fixation for Isolated Lisfranc Ligament Injuries
Interobserver and Intra-Observer Reliability of a New Prognostic Classification for Foot and Ankle Diabetic Charcot Arthropathy
Conventional Ankle Sprain Treatment is Associated with Alarmingly High Rates of Persistent Opioid Use
Posteromedial Approach for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Traumatic Great Toe Mcl Avulsion in Professional Athlete Treated Surgically with Mcl Repair with Suture Tape Augmentation Allowing Rapid Return to Sport
Cost Comparison and Complication Rate of Lisfranc Injuries Treated with Open Reduction Internal Fixation versus Primary Arthrodesis
Risk Factors for Complications Associated With Minimally Invasive Medial Displacement Calcaneal Osteotomy
Assessing the Stability of Talar Defect Repairs: Does Shape Matter?
CPT Coding for Foot and Ankle Procedures
Outcomes of Posterior Arthroscopic Subtalar Arthrodesis for Medial Facet Talocalcaneal Coalition
Development of a Method to Assess the Tribological Effect of Osteochondral Defects Within the Talocrural Joint
Custom 3D-printed Total Talar Prostheses Restore Normal Joint Anatomy Throughout the Hindfoot
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 1
Characteristics, Quality, and Safety Issues Identified During Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Assessment of Orthopaedic Facilities Utilizing Cone-Beam CT Equipment
Debridement, Curettage, Microfracture, and Fixation Techniques for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus Results from an International Consensus Meeting
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 2
Patients' Opinions on Critical Portions of Surgical Procedures in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Discussion - Symposium #4 - Should I Scope That?
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 3
Comparison of the Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Simultaneous vs Staged Bilateral Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Single-Center Comparative Cohort Study
Discussion - Paper Session - MidFoot Issues
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 4
Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Hemiarthroplasty of First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Hallux Rigidus: Single Surgeon Five-Year Experience
Discussion - Paper Session 2
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 5
Radiographic Changes in Tibiotalar Motion Following Achilles Tendon Lengthening and Gastrocnemius Recession in Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Comparative Cohort Study
Discussion - Paper Session Hindfoot Part I
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 6
Comparison of Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes of First Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis with the Lapiplasty System vs Cross-Screw Fixation
Discussion - Symposium #3 - I'd Scope That!
Antibiotic-Impregnated Calcium Sulfate vs. Wound Irrigation-Suction to Treat Chronic Calcaneal Osteomyelitis - Video 7
Functional Outcomes of Primary Arthrodesis vs Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in the Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries
Discussion - Symposium #5 - Does This Need Surgery?
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Percutaneous Third-Generation Double First Metatarsal Osteotomy Combined With Closing-Wedge Proximal Phalangeal Osteotomy for Moderate and Severe Hallux Valgus
Low Ankle Arthroscopy Procedural Volume Amongst Graduating Orthopedic Surgery Residents
Discussion (Paper Session 1)
Comparison of Total Joint Replacement With Arthrodesis of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Septic Tenosynovitis of the Lower Extremity: A Case Report
Discussion (Paper Session 2)
Contemporary Review: Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Foot and Ankle Applications
Computed Tomography Scan vs Saline Load Test in the Detection of Traumatic Arthrotomies of the Ankle: A Cadaveric Study
Discussion (Paper Session 2: Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Popularity Has Its Price)
Noninvasive Soft Tissue Expansion Strips and Wound Complications After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Does Sesamoid Pathology Adversely Impact Outcomes of Cheilectomy in the Treatment of Hallux Rigidus?
Discussion (Symposium: Ankle Arthritis)
Outcomes of combined posterior tibial tendon tendoscopy and medializing calcaneal osteotomy for stage IA progressive collapsing foot deformity
Long-Term Follow-Up of Hindfoot and Ankle Arthrodesis Procedures Supplemented with an Autologous Bone Graft Alternative (rhPDGF)
Discussion (Symposium: Cavus Foot)
Proximal Plantar Plate of Lesser Toe Metatarsophalangeal Joint Vascular Supply
Opiate Free Multimodal Pain Pathway in Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Prospective Study
Discussion (Symposium: Forefoot)
Results After Percutaneous and Arthroscopically Assisted Osteosynthesis of Calcaneal Fractures
Biological Evaluation of a Native Amniotic Membrane Allograft
Discussion/Case Presentation (Symposium 3)
Strain Distribution in the Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament, Posterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament, and Interosseous Membrane Using Digital Image Correlation
2022 Roger A. Mann Award Winner: Total Ankle Replacement vs Arthrodesis (TARVA) Randomized Controlled Trial: 2 Year Results
Discussion/Case Presentations
The Foot and Ankle Kinematics of a Simulated Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity During Stance Phase: A Cadaveric Study
2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate Adjuvant Use in Calcaneal Tendon Repair: Comparative Experimental Study in Rabbits
Does Patient-specific Instrumentation Have a Higher Rate of Early Osteolysis than Standard Referencing Techniques in Total Ankle Arthroplasty A Radiological Analysis
The Virtual Foot and Ankle Physical Examination
A Prospective Evaluation of a 4th Generation Total Ankle Prosthesis with 2-Year Follow-Up
Does Patient-specific Instrumentation Yield Better Component Position than Standard Instrumentation in Total Ankle Arthroplasty?: A Radiographic Analysis
Comparison of Chitosan-Based Liquid Scaffold and Hyaluronic Acid–Based Soft Scaffold for Treatment of Talus Osteochondral Lesions
Do COFAS Scores Effect the Outcomes of a 4th Generation Total Ankle Prosthesis? A 2-Year Follow- Up
Does Total Ankle Arthroplasty Preserve Midfoot Function and Mitigate Excessive Adjacent Joint Loading A Biomechanical Gait Analysis
Diagnosis and Operative Treatment of Peroneal Tendon Tears
Does Severe Ankle Deformity Affect the Outcomes of a 4th Generation Total Ankle Prosthesis? A 2- Year Follow-Up
Dynamic Pedobarography Shows Pain Avoidance Gait of Symptomatic Severe Flatfoot Patient: Forefoot Inversion and First Metatarsal Head Elevation
Fluoroscopic and Endoscopic Calcaneal Spur Resection Without Plantar Fascial Release for Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis
Effect of Insertion Trajectory on the Compressive Performance of Intramedullary Devices for Subtalar Arthrodesis
Educating Trainees into Your Practice: Clinically, Lectures, Curriculum, Etc.
Analysis of Shortening and Elevation of the First Ray With Instrumented Triplane First Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis
The Pathologic Achilles Insertion Angle (PAIA): A Novel Angular Measurement to Guide Both Evaluation and Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2/Hydroxyapatite on Ankle Fusion with Bone Defect in an Rabbit Animal Model
Conservative Management of Lisfranc Injury: A Systematic Review
Müller-Weiss Disease: Midfoot Arthrodesis in Reduction vs Malreduction
Effect of Deltoid Ligament Repair versus Syndesmosis Fixation on Ankle Joint Stability After Bimalleolar Equivalent Ankle Fracture A Biomechanical Analysis
The Statistical Fragility of Platelet-Rich Plasma as Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Outcomes Following Excision of Toe Glomus Tumors
Evaluation of Outcomes Following Lesser Toe Metatarsophalangeal Interpositional Arthroplasty with Semitendinosus Allograft with Description of the Anchovy Technique
Intramedullary Beaming Superconstructs for the Treatment of Midfoot Deformity in Patients with Charcot Arthropathy
Outcomes of Joint-Preserving Surgery for Forefoot Deformities in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Experimentation with Ostetomies - Did It Work, Why Are They Not Popular
Portable Dynamic Ultrasonography is a Useful Tool for the Evaluation of Suspected Syndesmotic Instability
Primary Ankle Fusion Using an Antegrade Nail Into the Talus for Early Treatment of OTA Type C3 Distal Tibial Plafond Fractures: A Preliminary Report
External Fixation in the Emergency Department Is Equally Efficacious to Placement in the Operating Room
Portable Ultrasound Equals Arthroscopy for Assessment of Syndesmotic Instability
Failed Total Ankle Replacement - 1
Measuring Deltoid Insufficiency after Supination-External Rotation Ankle Fracture with Lateral Talar Subluxation on Gravity Stress View
Failed Total Ankle Replacement - 2
Early Revisions, Reoperation, and Survivorship of the Exactech Vantage Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty Implant
Failed Total Ankle Replacement - 3
Risk Factors for Early Mechanical Failure and Revision in Modern Total Ankle Replacements
Failed Total Ankle Replacement - Discussion
The Pull-Through Technique: Surgical Augmentation for Debriding Mid- and Forefoot Diabetic Foot Infections
Fixation of Ankle Fractures Experiences in Improving Quality
Article Impact and the International Publishing Landscape in Foot and Ankle Research
Forefoot Issues With Cavus Foot - Evaluation and Treatment
Comparison of Arthroscopic, X-ray and MRI T2 Mapping Findings for Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis
No Association Between Cavovarus Alignment and Risk of Non-Union or Delayed Union in Jones Fractures
Functional Outcome Risk Score for Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Outcomes of Lisfranc Injuries Treated with Arthrex Internalbrace
Fusion versus Joint Sparing for Hallux Rigidus
Quality of Reduction of Posterior Malleolar Fractures: A CT-Based Case-Control Study Comparing AP- PA Screw Fixation vs Posterolateral Approach
Graft Interposition Arthroplasty
Epidemiology of Lower Leg Fractures at a Colorado Ski Resort
Growing Your Foot and Ankle Practice: Marketing, Accessibility, Services
Indications and Limitations of Synthetic Ligament Augmentation Among Foot and Ankle Surgeons and Other Orthopedic Subspecialties
Hammertoes - Evolution of Treatment Past to Present
Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Post-Operative Outcomes: The University of Colorado Orthopaedic Surgery Monitoring of Outcomes System (U-COSMOS)
Heterotopic Ossification in Total Ankle Arthroplasty Case Series of Novel Implant and Systematic Review
The OFAR Experiment: Barriers, Lessons, and Findings From an Orthopedic Patient Outcomes Database
High Risk Diabetic Ankle Fractures
Can Patient Reported Outcomes be Used to Eliminate Unnecessary Follow Up Clinic Visits after Surgery?
How Do I Decide: Fix or Not to Fix?
Radiographic Correction of Bunionette Deformity using Minimally Invasive Fifth Metarsal and Akinette Osteotomy
Improved Reduction of the Tibiofibular Syndesmosis with Tightrope Compared to Screw Fixation: Results of a Randomized Controlled Study
Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity Correction using Longitudinal Arch Support Inflatable Ankle- Foot Orthosis: A Prospective Case-Control Study
Improvement in Health-related Quality of Life After Total Ankle Arthroplasty Compares Well to Other Successful Orthopaedic and Non-orthopaedic Procedures
Analysis of Corrective Distal Tibio-Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis and Evaluation of Prognostic Factors: Consecutive 67 Cases in One Center
Instability of the First Ray and Hallux Valgus in Patients with Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity (AAFD) A Weightbearing CT Study
Lateral Joint Distraction Through Distal Fibula Lengthening Osteotomy for Lateral Compartment Ankle Osteoarthritis
Integrating Outcome into Your Practice: The Promise
The Lateral Fibular Stress Test: High Variability of Force Applied May Lead to Under-Detection of Syndesmotic Instability
Intraoperative Syndesmotic Instability Test: A Novel Alternative Technique -Watch
Durability and Safety of Deep Peroneal Nerve Neurectomy for Midfoot Arthritis at Midterm Follow Up
Jeffrey E. Johnson, MD - Best Paper I Read This Past Year
Combined Internal and External Fixation for Charcot Neuro Arthropathy: 1 Year Results
Jones Fracture
A Systematic Review Comparing Bone Graft Harvest From the Iliac Crest, Tibia, and Calcaneus Donor Sites in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MS, MPH - Best Paper I Read This Past Year
A Cohort Study of Risk Factors for Failure of Total Ankle Replacements: A Data Linkage Study using the National Joint Registry and NHS Digital
Juvenile Cartilage Did It Work
Outcome of Conversion to Fusion for a Failed Ankle Replacement: A Data Linkage Study using the National Joint Registry and NHS Digital
Keynote Presentation | Surviving the Boston Marathon Bombing – The Patient Perspective
Total Talus Replacement: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Knee Kinetics and Kinematics in Patients with Ankle Arthroplasty and Ankle Arthrodesis
Predictors of High-Dose Initial Opioid Prescriptions in Primary Osteoarthritis: A Single Institution Analysis
Kyung-tai Lee, MD, PhD - Best Paper I Read This Past Year
Outcomes Following Total Talus Replacement: A Systematic Review
Lateral Ligament Reconstruction
Comparison of Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Individuals Outcomes Following Ankle ORIF Surgery Based on Physical Therapy Start Times
Lateral Ligament: New Augment Working for Ankle Instability?
Can We Utilize PROMIS Neuropathic Pain Quality for Assessment of Neuropathic Heel Pain?
Ligamentous Lisfranc
Time to Surgery and Technique as Predictors of Complications after Surgical Treatment of Achilles Ruptures: A Retrospective Study
MACI and Their Variation Early Data and Clincial Outcomes
Ultrasound Imaging and Prevalence of Intrasheath Peroneal Tendon Subluxation in Asymptomatic Volunteers
Mark E. Easley, MD - Best Paper I Read This Past Year
Coronal Plane Calcaneal-Talar Orientation in Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis
Medial Structure Injury During Suture Button Insertion Utilizing “Center-Center” Technique for Syndesmotic Stabilization
Surgical Options for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: How Has the Incidence of the Broström-Gould Procedure Evolved in the Past Decade?
Microfracture of Subchondral Bone Leads to Persistent Subchondral Sclerosis and Poorer Functional Outcomes Following Distraction Arthroplasty of the Ankle Joint While Biologic Augment May Improve Reco
Synovial Inflammation in Patients with Hallux Valgus is Similar to Changes Seen in Those with Hallux Rigidus
Micronized Cartilage Is the Way
The Fall and Rise of Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Database Analysis of Procedural Incidence Between 2009 and 2019
Midfoot - Discussion
Trending the Incidence of 1st MTP Joint Arthrodesis in the Past Decade
Midfoot Charcot Reconstruction with Intramedullary Beaming: Clinical Outcomes and Complications
Anatomical and Radiological Description of the Spring Ligament Articular Facet (SLAF)
Midfoot Strikers Are Different from Forefoot Strikers, but Similar to Rearfoot Strikers: Lessons from a Marathon
Novel Techniques for Acute Lengthening of Metatarsal for Treatment of Brachymetatarsia with 2cm and More Shortening
Charcot Arthropathy of the Midfoot: the Role of Internal Fixation
Nanopore 16S Amplicon Sequencing Enhances the Understanding of Pathogens in Medically Intractable Diabetic Foot Infections
MIS Ankle Stabilization Surgery: Percutaneous Ankle Reconstruction of the Lateral Ligaments (P-Anti RoLL)
2022 J. Leonard Goldner Award Winner: Passive Eversion Assessment for Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity after Lateral Column Lengthening: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study
MTP Fusion
Early Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes of the Cadence Total Ankle Replacement System
Multi-center Early Radiographic Outcomes of Triplanar Tarsometatarsal (TMT) Arthrodesis with Immediate Weight Bearing
Incidence and Predictors of Valgus Tibiotalar Tilt after Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity Reconstruction using Subtalar Fusion
New Concepts in Europe
Mid-Term Functional Outcomes Following Reoperation after Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Case-Control Study
New Technique for Tibiotalar Arthrodesis Using a New Intramedullary Nail Device Recording
Radiographic Cut-Off Values for Predicting Lateral Bony Impingement in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Correlation Analysis with Weightbearing Computed Tomography
Non-Operative Management - Achilles
Analyzing Risk Factor for Wound Healing after Delayed Primary Closure of Diabetic Foot
Non-Operative Management of Fractures
Influence of Isolated and Combined Medial Displacement Calcaneal Osteotomy, Lateral Column Lengthening and Cotton Osteotomy in Three-Dimensional Foot Alignment: A Cadaveric Weightbearing CT Study
Open Techniques: Anterior, Lateral, Posterior Technique with Plates (Rationale)
Does the Radiographic Lateral View of the Lesser Toe Matter in a Trauma? A Retrospective Analyses of 378 Radiographs
Operative Management and Imaging
The Double Calcaneal Osteotomy for Pediatric Flatfoot
Opioid Consumption Rate After Foot and Ankle Surgery
Correlation of the Modified Magnetic Resonance Observation of Cartilage Repair Tissue (MOCART) Score with Patient-Reported Outcome Scores for Postoperative Assessment of Ankle Osteochondral Lesions
Osteotomies to Realign Lesser Toes (Weil)
Calcaneus Fracture Fixation: Assessing the Adequacy of the Sinus Tarsi Surgical Fixation Technique
Osteotomy to Avoid Arthroplasty: C'mon, Man
Success Rate of Non-Operative Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Outcome of Autologous Bone Grafting with Preservation of Articular Cartilage to Treat Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus with Large Subchondral Cysts
3D Analysis of the Hindfoot Following Total Ankle Replacement for Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis
Outcomes of Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Moderate and Severe Valgus Deformity
Long-Term Survival of Hintegra Revision Ankle Arthroplasty in 116 Patients
Overcorrection in the Flatfoot: Too Much Cotton, Too Much Sliding Calcaneus, Not Enough Cowbell
Reconstruction of Severe Osteolytic Malleoli using Femoral Head Allograft in a Revision Total Ankle Replacement: A Case Report
Overview of Cartilage over the Last 10 Years
Short-Term Outcomes of a Two-Component Total Ankle Replacement in Revision Arthroplasty
Pain Assessment in Foot and Ankle Patients: Numeric Pain Rating Scale versus PROMIS Pain Interference: Which Is Best?
Coronal Plane Rotation of the Medial Column in Hallux Valgus (HV), Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD), and Combined PCFD HV: A Retrospective Case Control Study
Paper Session 1_Discussion
Distribution, Prevalence, and Impact on the Metatarsosesamoid Complex of First Metatarsal Pronation in Hallux Valgus
Paper Session_Complication TAA - Discussion
Impact of First Metatarsal Hyperpronation on First Ray Alignment: A Cadaveric Study
PED Talk - E-Motion Creativity Dance Perspective
Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of Virtual Assessments vs In-Clinic Assessment in the Foot & Ankle Clinic
Periprosthetic Ankle Fractures Developing an Algorithm for Management
A Radiographic Analysis of Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus and Biplanar Proximal Phalanx Closing Wedge “MoAkin” Osteotomy in Hallux Rigidus Treated with a Synthetic Cartilage Implant
Peroneal Tendon Dysfunction, Evaluation and Treatment
Arthroscopic-Assisted Minimal Invasive Surgery for Weber C Ankle Fractures: Comparation to Open Reduction Internal Fixation
Comparison of Outcomes Between Knotless Anchor Repair and Knot Anchor Repair for All- Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair in Chronic Ankle Instability
Pilon Fractures
Non-Anatomic All-Inside Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair with a High Position Anchor Shows Inferior Clinical Outcomes: A 3D-CT Based Analysis in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients
Plantar Plate - FTT to Plantar Plate Repairs
Postoperative Isokinetic Evertor Strength is Important Prognostic Factor Following Arthroscopic Modified Brostrom Procedure in Chronic Ankle Instability
Posterior Malleolar Ankle Fractures An Effort in Improving Outcomes
Predisposing Factors for Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis after Operation for Malleolus Fracture in Patients Aged 50 Years Or Less with a Minimum Follow-Up of 5 Years
Postoperative Coronal Alignment Predicts Total Ankle Replacement Failure: A COFAS Study
Midfoot Joint Arthrodesis using Compression Plate with Lag Screw Augmenting with Highly Porous β- Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC)
Postoperative Pain Management After Foot and Ankle Surgery Without and With Gabapentin: A Prospective Investigation
The Efficiency of Highly Porous β-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP) with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) in Midfoot Joint Arthrodesis
Preoperative Ankle Swelling and the Effect on Postoperative Wound Complications Following Ankle Fracture Surgery
What Makes Plantar Heel Spur Painful? A Matched Case-Control Study
Presidential Guest Speaker: Jeremy DeSilva, PhD
Articular Regional Reconstruction (ARR) for Large Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus using Viable Osteochondral Allograft Combined with Autograft: Technique Description and Case Series
Primary Arthrodesis Compared with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Lisfranc Injuries with the First Tarsometatarsal Joint Dislocation: A Multicenter Study
A Case Series Evaluating Complications of Foot and Ankle Surgeries in Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
Progressive Cavovarus: Are Traditional Procedures Limiting
Ballistic Injuries to the Foot and Ankle: Antibiotic Administration and Infection Rate
PROMS and Radiological Outcomes in Mobile Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty for Patients with Varus or Valgus Deformity
Foot and Ankle Offset (FAO) Does Not Reflect the Actual Hindfoot Alignment in Cases Involving Ankle and/or Sagittal Foot and Ankle Deformities
Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Mobile-bearing and Fixed-bearing Total Ankle Replacement
Clinical and Radiologic Outcomes of the 3-Component Salto Total Ankle Arthroplasty for End-Stage Ankle Osteoarthritis
Release of Tibialis Posterior Muscle Osseofascial Sheath for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome Leads to Improved Outcomes: Impact on Long-term Results
Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Between Modified Lapidus and Proximal Reverse Chevron Metatarsal Osteotomy in Hallux Valgus Concomitant with Metatarsus Adductus
Reliability and Validity of Scores from the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure: A Rasch Analysis
Distribution of Bone Mineral Density in the Ankle Joint: Correlation with Hindfoot Alignment
Renal Function as a Predictor of Reamputation After Initial Transmetatarsal Amputation in the Perioperative Period An ACS-NSQIP Study
Biomechanical Changes in the Ankle Joint after Syndesmosis and Deltoid Injury and Subsequent Repair in a Cadaveric Model
Replace with 3D
Isokinetic Evaluation in a Large Cohort of Normal Ankles
Restoration of Talar Height Using a Modular Revision Prosthesis After Failed Total Ankle Arthroplasty
3D Printed Total Talus Replacement after Free Vascularized Medial Femoral Condyle Osteocutaneous Flap for Avascular Necrosis of the Talus Leads to Poor Clinical Outcomes
Return to Sports and Physical Activities after First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in Young Patients
Early Results with the Use of Synthetic Cartilage Implant Augmented with 3D Printed Baseplate to Prevent Implant Subsidence for Treatment of Hallux Rigidus
Revisions, Failures, and Challenges For The Future
Patient Reported Outcomes Analysis with Cartiva Implant
Role of External Fixation
Computational Modeling of Peritalar Joint Contact Mechanics in Flexible Flatfoot Deformity
Role of External Fixator Deformity Correction
Association of Bleeding Disorders and Risk of Complications Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Ankle
Salvage of Major Failures (Total Talus)
Successful Treatment of Recalcitrant Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection, Short and Intermediate Results
Self-Reported Pain Tolerance and Opioid Pain Medication Use After Foot and Ankle Surgery
Degenerative Injuries of the Metatarsophalangeal Plantar Plate on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A New Perspective
Should 15 degrees of Valgus Coronal-Plane Deformity Be the Upper Limit for a Total Ankle Replacement
3-T MRI Outperforms 1.5-T MRI in Diagnosis of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus in Patients Undergoing Broström Repair
South American Experience
Posterior Ankle Impingement: It is Not All About the Os Trigonum
SPECHT Imaging for Painful TAA: What Is Its Role?
Talar Head Coverage Correction in the Absence of Lateral Column Lengthening: A Prospective Study with Calcaneal Osteotomy and First Ray Procedures
Spring Ligament Injuries in Athletes
Weight-Bearing CT Hounsfield Unit Algorithm Assessment of Calcaneal Osteotomy Healing: A Prospective Study Comparing Metallic and Bio-Integrative Screws
State of Art PTT Reconstruction
Impact of BMI on Outcomes after First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
Stem Cells from the Sheath and Core Tissues of Human Plantar Fascia Exhibit Differential Properties
Impact of Low Social Support Systems on Post-Operative Outcomes of Ankle, Hindfoot and Midfoot Surgery
Structural Cavus, CMT, ETC - Evaluation and Treatment
The Position and Morphology of the Peroneus Longus Tubercle in Hallux Valgus: A Weight-Bearing CT Assessment
Arthroscopy of the Subtalar Joint
Percent Weightbearing in Foot and Ankle X-rays
Subtalar and Naviculocuneiform Fusion in Treating Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity with Medial Arch Collapse at the Level of the Naviculocuneiform Joint A Radiographic Analysis
Arthroscopic Reduction and Internal Fixation of Talus Fractures: An All-Inside Soft-Tissue Preserving Technique
Subtalar Joint Arthritis After Total Ankle Replacement
Can Sociodemographic Factors be Used to Help Predict Outcomes in Charcot Neuroarthropathy?
Subtle Cavus Deformities: Is Isolated Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Enough for Improved Patient-reported Outcomes?
Charcot Neuroarthropathy is Associated with Higher Rates of Phantom Limb after Major Amputation
Symposium #10 | Brutal Challenges of Midfoot and Forefoot…To Fix or Fuse? - Discussion
Few Randomized Controlled Trials in Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics Include Sociodemographic Patient Data
Symposium #11 | Ankle Arthritis/Hindfood Deformity: Reconstruction by Experts - Discussion
Hemoglobin A1C in Charcot: Can It Predict a BKA?
Symposium #12 | High Risk Ankle Fracture: A,B,C to X,Y,Z - Discussion
Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism Following TAA: Does Chemoprophylaxis Work?
Symposium #14 | China: Paper Session - Discussion
Prophylaxis for the Prevention of PJI after TAA: Is It Economically Justifiable?
Symposium #3 | Fireside Chat: What Changes Have You Seen in Foot and Ankle in Your Lifetime?
Venous Thromboembolism in Foot and Ankle Surgery: How Common is It?
Symposium #4 | Deep Diving in Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus - Discussion and Case Studies
Vitamin D Deficiency is Associated with Charcot Neuroarthropathy: A Case-Control Study
Symposium 1: Ankle Joint Preservation - Discussion
Lateral Column Midfoot Injury: Do They All Need Fixation?
Syndesmotic Injuries
Pattern of Injury in Polytrauma Compared to Single Limb Related Midfoot Fractures
Syndesmotic Instability After Total Ankle Replacement: A Neglected Problem?
Rate of COVID-19 Infection and 30 Day Mortality Between Blue and Green (Dedicated COVID-19 Safe) Pathways: Results From the UK Foot and Ankle COVID-19 National-Audit
Takedown of Ankle Fusions and Conversion to Total Ankle Replacements: A Prospective Longitudinal Study
The Occurrence Parallelism of the 1st and 2nd Ray in Mid Foot Fracture Dislocations. A Review of 234 Cases
The Deleterious Effects of Injuection and Ostectomy: Simple Isn't So Simple
Is Patient Resilience a Predictor of Postoperative Success Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
The Downside of Ankle Fusion and Is There a Role For Takedown Arthroplasty
Shortcomings of Posterior Malleolus Fractures Classifications: A Independent Inter and Intra-Rater Agreement Study Was Proposed
The Effect of Containment Type on Clinical Outcome in Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus Treated with Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation
Complications of First Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis
The Effect of Deformity and Hindfoot Arthritis on Midterm Outcomes of Ankle Replacement and Fusion A Prospective COFAS Multi-centre Study of 890 Patients
Cartiva Protocol
The Effect of Fibular Osteotomy on Talus Position in Supramalleolar Osteotomy
Early Results using a Locking Intramedullary Nail for Charcot Reconstruction
The Effect of Preoperative Bone Density and Subchondral Cysts on Periprosthetic Fracture Risk in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Minimally Invasive Neuropathic Reconstruction (MiNR study)
The Evolution of Fusion as a Solution
Effect of Racial, Ethnic and Linguistic Disparities on the Treatment of End-Stage Ankle Osteoarthritis
The Impact of Lower Back Pain on Functional Outcomes for Ankle Arthritis Treated with Arthroplasty and Arthrodesis: A COFAS Study
Partial Postero-Medial Superficial Release of the Proximal Crural Fascia in Patients with Positive Silfverskiold's Test: Case Series of Clinical Outcomes and Novel Technique
The Other Adjacent Joint Knee Pain in Ankle Arthroplasty and Ankle Arthrodesis A COFAS Study
Tibial Nerve Branches in Relation to the Tarsal Tunnel: A Cadaveric Study
The Role of 3D Reconstruction True Volume Analysis in Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Preventing Iatrogenic Fibula Fractures using the Push-Pull Technique: A Biomechanical Comparison of Unicortical vs Bicortical Post Screws
The Use of Three-Dimensional (3D) Biometric Measurements to Predict Additional Alignment Procedures in Total Ankle Replacement
Are Complications and Survival of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Influenced by Hospital Setting? An Analysis of 189 Cases Performed in Community and County Hospitals
The Way It Was (Showing Charley Technique With Compression Clamps, Then Lateral Approach With Screws and +/- FibulaFixation)
Distal Tibia Apex Posterior Angulation: A Normal Anatomic Variant with Side-To-Side Symmetry
The Way It Was 1970 - 1990 (Keller, Old Fashioned Fusion, Silastic Joints, Total Joint Replacements)
Total Ankle Arthroplasty for Post-Traumatic Fracture vs Primary Osteoarthritis: An Analysis of Complications, Revisions, and Implant Survival
Tibiotalocalcaneal Fusion Rate with a Novel Pseudoelastic Intramedullary Nail with NiTiNOL
What is the Best Evidence to Guide Management of Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptures? A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Total Ankle Arthroplasty Is Safer than Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Discriminative Ability for Adverse Outcomes in Traumatic Ankle Fracture: A Comparison of the Modified Charlson Comorbidity Index, Elixhauser Comorbidity Measure, and Modified Frailty Index
Total Ankle Replacement
Interference Screw vs Suture Button Fixation for Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer to Lateral Cuneiform: A Biomechanical Analysis with Implications for Clubfoot Treatment
Treatment of Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures with the Intramedullary Nail: Results of the First Twenty-six Cases with Two Years Follow-up
Chronic Achilles Tendon Repair: Minimally Invasive Turn-Down Technique with Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer
Tricks or Adjuncts for High Risk Ankle Fracture
National Cost Comparisons Between Orthopaedics and Podiatry in Ankle Fracture Fixation
Unusal Factors in Recurrence: Intercuneiform Diastasis and Other Bedtime Stories
Comparison of Ultrasound and MRI with Intraoperative Findings in the Diagnosis of Peroneal Tendinopathy, Tears, and Subluxation
3-Year Follow-Up of Arthroscopic Debridement and Interposition with Acellular Allograft Dermal Matrix for Ankle Arthritis with Anterior Impingement
What Is the Rate of Recurrence of Peroneal Groove Deepening for SubluxationDislocation
5-Year Follow-Up of Neuropathic Minimally Invasive Surgery for the Management of Diabetic Forefoot Ulcers
What is the Real Utility of Tendon Transfers in Cavovarus?
A 5-Year Follow-Up of Neuropathic Minimally Invasive Surgeries with Superconstructs for Mid-Foot Charcot Deformity.
Z-cut Osteotomy for Correction of Adult Acquired Pes Planovalgus Deformity
The Impact of a Pandemic on the Provision of Diabetic Foot Care. Then, Now and the Future.
International Experience on Ankle Fracture
Peritalar Configuration Following Fusion in Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis: A 3D Weight Bearing CT Analysis
From Orthotics to Minimal Footwear: An Evolution of Thought Irene Davis, PhD, PT, FAPTA, FACSM, FASB
A Patient-Reported Outcome Based Comparison of Cheilectomy with and without Proximal Phalangeal Dorsiflexion Osteotomy for Hallux Rigidus
Physician Suicide Prevention
Emergency Department Visits for Ankle Fractures: Trends Through COVID-19
OCD Talus Orthobiologic
Bone Density of the First Metatarsal Head: Which is the Best Place to Put the Screws in MIS Hallux Valgus Surgery?
Achilles and Orthobiologic
Hallux Valgus Multiplanar Correction Surgery Through a Minimally Invasive Technique: Our First 100 Patients Experience
Tried and True: California Perspective
Incidence and Functional Impact of Floating Toe after Distal Metatarsal Minimal Invasive Osteotomy Compared to Open Modified Weil Osteotomy
Arthroscopic Characterization of Syndesmotic Instability: Exactly What Measurement Matters?
Correlation Between Muscle Strength Asymmetry and Its Impact on Functional Scores after Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation
Conservative Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis: A Prospective Randomized Study among Three Methods
Augmented Stress Weightbearing CT for Evaluation of Subtle Lisfranc Injuries in the Elite Athlete
Ankle Arthroscopy
Augmented Stress Weight-Bearing CT for Evaluation of Subtle Tibiofemoral Syndesmotic Injuries in the Elite Athlete
Arthroscopic Ankle Techniques
Forefoot Width Correction in Hallux Valgus after Rotational Scarf Osteotomy
Brostrom Repair (History, Technique, Results and Arthscopic)
Hemiarthroplasty of the Ankle Joint: Mid-Term Results
Mechanical Anatomical Axis in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Rare Presentation of Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy, Idiopathic Hallux Saltans
Tendonoscopy for Peroneal Tendons
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes after Total Ankle Arthroplasty and Suture Tape Augmentation for Ankle Arthritis Combined with Ankle Instability
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Sports
Functional Outcomes of Early Weight Bearing after Modified Kidner Procedure
Arthroscopic and Small Incision Technique
Impact of Pre-Operative PROMIS Depression Scores on Total Ankle Replacement Outcomes
The Way It Was - The Start of Ankle Arthroscopy and People and Things That Advanced This Technique
‘Haleem's Hen’: A Mnemonic for the Anatomy of Hindfoot Structures at the Level of Sustentaculum Tali on Coronal T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images
The Evolution of Treatment of OCD's of The Ankle
Novel External Fixation Device for the Treatment of Hallux Distal Phalanx Fractures
Arthroscopy of Other Foot Joints
Proximal Flexor Hallucis Longus Transfer to Peroneus Brevis for Treatment of Peroneal Muscle Paralysis
Cases: Session 7: Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle
Risk Factors for Amputation in Opioid-Related Compartment Syndrome
The Resurrection of Non-Operative Treatment
Metaphyseal Fracture Displacement is Predictive of Intra-Articular Displacement in Adolescent Triplane Ankle Fractures
Foot & Ankle Specialty Spotlight: Ankle Instability
High Reproducibility of a Novel Fixed Anterior Drawer Test for Diagnosing Ankle Instability
South America Perspective: Issues of Triathlete
Morphology of Posterior Malleolus Fractures Associated with Tibial Shaft Fractures
Specialty Day 2018 - Welcome
Prediction of Distal Tibial Articular Extension in Tibial Shaft Fractures
Prevalence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Low Risk Patients After Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery
Determining Bias in Ankle Replacement Studies Conducted by Design vs Non-Design Surgeons
The Microvasculature of the Plantar Plate: Using Nano-Computed Tomography
Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: Comparison of Ultrasonic Guided Percutaneous Fasciotomy vs New Technique Combining Fasciotomy with Amniotic Membrane Allograft
Preoperative Emotional Distress Negatively Impacts Foot and Ankle Outcomes
The Effects of Anxiety and Depression in Outcomes of Patients with Total Ankle Replacement
Research Guest Speaker - Introduction
Correlation of Statins Use with the Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Ankle Fracture
Can You Believe What You Read in the Medical Literature?
Prediction of Venous Thromboembolism after Ankle Fractures using Machine Learning: To Give Prophylaxis or Not to Give, That is the Question
D Minus: Bad Grade for the Bone and the Surgeon
Traditional Modified Brostrom vs Suture Tape Ligament Augmentation for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Speed “Factor” Rounds: Impact and Implications
Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus Measurement: Comparison of the Two Radiographic Methods
Does Foot Strengthening Matter?
“Double-Row” Suture for Achilles’ Tendon Insercional Tendinopathy Reattachment and Two Types of Rehabilitation Protocol: A Retrospective Comparative Study
Midfoot Power During Walking and Stair Ascent in Healthy Adults
Arthroscopic Syndesmotic Repair with Suture Tape Augmentation
A Comparison of Foot Strengthening versus Minimal Footwear Use on Intrinsic Muscle Size and Strength
Computed Tomography Changes Diagnosis, Management and Surgical Planning of Ankle Fractures
Midfoot Angle Changes During Running After an 8-week Foot Strengthening Program
Does Revision Surgery Peak after Extensive Joint Surgical Correction of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus?
Concurrent Symposium #13 | Does Strengthening the Foot Really Matter to Patients? - Discussion
Prospects of Long Term Relapse after Management of Pediatric Clubfoot with the Ponseti Method: A Systematic Review
Kashin-Beck Disease in Foot and Ankle in Northeast China
The Impact of Treatment Method and Timing on the Long Term Outcomes of Pediatric Clubfoot Management
Foot and Ankle TB Infection and Management in Chinese Population
Comparative Study of Patients Treated with the Original Lapidus Procedure That Evolved with and without Fusion Between the First and Second Metatarsals
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Orthopaedic Bone Setting in Modern China
Effect of Forefoot Width Variation on Clinical and Functional Outcomes Following the Lapidus Procedure
The Move From Autograft to Allograft (Not Available in 1970's, Now Common Place)
Long-Term Functional Outcomes and Return to Sport Activities in a Nonathlete Population after the Brostrom-Gould Repair
The Way It Was - This Will Be Incredible
Does the Reduction Matter? Non-Emergent Ankle Fractures and the Effect of Near-Anatomic Reduction
Modern Advances in Surgical Management of Charcot
3D Light Scanner Analysis of the Lateral Collateral Ligaments of the Ankle: An Anatomical Study
In Support of Circular External Fixation
Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin: Locking the Metatarsal-Cuneiform Joint
Pain, Pain, Pain: Issues of Redo Cases Post Surgical Neuroma
ATFL All Inside Arthroscopic Repair: Clinical and Functional Outcomes
Cases: Session 4: Ankle Arthrodesis
Connecting Fibers Between ATFL's Inferior Fascicle and CFL Transmit Tension Between Both Ligaments
Conservative treatment Versus Repair Deltoid in SER Type IV Equivalent Ankle Fracture: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study
Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin (MICA) Osteotomy for Severe Hallux Valgus
Primary Arthrodesis Compared with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Lisfranc Injuries with the First Tarsometatarsal Joint Dislocation A Multicenter Study
The Use of Cheilectomy with Hemispheric Reamers in Combination with Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis in Treatment of Patients with Hallux Rigidus
Medical Bone Setter versus Western Technology
Syndesmotic Suture Button Fixation Results in Higher Tegner Activity Scale Scores When Compared to Screw Fixation: A Multicenter Investigation
Indian Perspective: Local Bone Setter to Now
Gender and Geographic Trends Amongst Foot & Ankle Surgeons: Where are We and Where Do We Need to Improve?
Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery | Controversy of Local Bone Setter to Western Technology in China and India - Discussion
Prospective Study of the Inversion Destabilization Maneuver in the Treatment of Acute Ankle Ligament Injury: Case Series
Long Term Calcaneal Malunion
Evaluation of Distal Tibiofibular Interosseous Ligament Angle and Its Relevance in Syndesmosis Fixation
Plates or Screws for Malunited Lisfranc?
Anatomy of Flexor Hallucis Longus and Its Relationship with Hallux Valgus: A Cadaveric Study
AOFAS Paper: Fractures of the Tibial Plafond: Does the Presence or Absence of a Fibular Fracture Predict Future Morbidity?
Behavior of the Subtalar Joint after Arthroereisis in Adult Acquired Flatfoot, Evaluation with WBCT
A Prospective Randomized Study Evaluating the Effect of Perioperative NSAIDs on Opioid Consumption and Pain Management After Ankle Fracture Surgery
Epidemiology of Isolated Ankle Dislocations in the United States
New Persistent Opioid Use Following Operative Treatment of Ankle Fractures Compared to Nonoperatively Treated Fractures
Presence of Anemia and Its Severity is Associated with Worse Outcomes Following Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Ankle Fractures
Fixing the Posterior Malleolus
Trends in Ankle Sprains Presenting to Emergency Departments During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Diagnosing and Fixing the Syndesmosis
INBONE Total Ankle System: Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes
Discussion (THE SCIENCE: Rotational Ankle Fractures and Syndesmosis: The Standard, The Latest, The Controversies Details)
Evaluation of the Clinical-Radiographic Results of Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Metatarsal- Phalangeal Arthrodesis of the Hallux
Fuse It Discussion (THE DEBATE: The Midfoot: Fix It or Fuse It? Are These Joints Essentially Nonessential?)
Factors Related to the Inconstancy of Sustentaculum Tali Fragments in Intra-Articular Calcaneus Fractures
Fix It Discussion (THE DEBATE: The Midfoot: Fix It or Fuse It? Are These Joints Essentially Nonessential?)
Hindfoot Motion Analysis by Subtalar Compensation and Ankle Osteoarthritis Stage using a 3D Multi- Segment Foot Model
Severe Deformity: Can We Do TAA? Should We?
Vascular Supply to the Proximal Plantar Plate of Lesser Toe Metatarsophalangeal Joint is Primarily Supplied by the Attachment to the Metatarsal: A Nano-CT Microvasculature Study
Salvage of Chronic Achilles: How We Do It in Texas
Outcomes of Bone Graft for Periprosthetic Osteolysis after Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Selective Arthrodesis for Treatment of Symptomatic Müller-Weiss Disease_
Rates of Complications and Readmissions: In-Patient vs Outpatient ORIF of Calcaneus Fractures
Distribution of High-Volume Ankle Arthroplasty Surgeons in United States Metropolitan Areas: Data from the 2012-15 Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Release
Defining Operative Indications in Lisfranc Injuries
Is the Lateral Column Lengthening Dead?
Finite Element Analysis for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis Demonstrates Reduction in Stress Across Bio-Integrative Fixation Over Traditional Metal Fixation
Bone Transport in Peripheral Arterial Disease in Foot and Ankle
Statistical Shape Model-Based Tibiofibular Assessment of Syndesmotic Ankle Lesions using Weightbearing CT
Case Study: Tibialis Posterior Tendon Management
Results of Minimally Invasive Distal Metatarsal Osteotomies (Dmmo) Limited to the 2nd and 3rd Rays: About 112 Cases
Can Foot Exercises and Going Barefoot Improve Function, Muscle Size, Foot Pressure During Walking and Qualitative Reports of Function in People with Flat Foot?
Evaluation of Articular Morphology and Congruency using a Combination of 3 Dimensional CT Based Bone Segmentation and Joint Surface Mapping
Tendon Morphology in Stage II Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction Is Associated with a Clinical Measure of Deep Posterior Compartment Strength
MRI Findings in Patients with Discordant Results Between Gravity Test and Weight-Bearing Stress Views in Isolated Supination-External Rotation Fibular Fracture
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Forefoot - Discussion
Reduction Quality in Posterior Malleolar Fractures using the Modified Posteromedial Ankle Approach
Open versus MIS for Midfoot Forefoot Arthrodesis
Outcomes of PIPA/DIPA with Retrograde Screw Fixation for Correction of Lesser Toe Deformities
Novel Ultrasound for the Ligament/Tendon
Epidemiological Analysis of Foot and Ankle Injuries in Athletes: Experience of a Single Specialized Center
Salvage After Failed Hindfoot
The Ponseti Method for the Treatment of Clubfeet Associated with Down Syndrome
Valgus Ankle OA with Deltoid Insufficiency
Extensive Lesser Toes Plantar Plate Tears Reconstruction
The Effect of Patient Comorbidities on Intermediate Outcomes After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Acute Deep Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction using a Novel, Arthroscopically-Assisted Technique: Case Report
The Effect of Age in Total Ankle Replacement
Evaluating the Association of Anesthesia Type with Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Ankle Fracture Repair
Finite Element Analysis of Tibial Bone-Implant Load Transfer and Bone Strains with a Modern Fixed-bearing Total Ankle Replacement
Isolated Talonavicular Arthrodesis as Treatment for Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Case Series
Conventional Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene versus Highly Cross-linked Polyethylene from Semi-constrained, Fixed-bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty Systems A Comparison of W
Comparison of Midterm Survivorship, Radiographic, and Clinical Outcomes of the INBONE II and Salto Talaris Total Ankle Arthroplasty Systems
Driving After Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Impact of Asymptomatic Flatfoot on Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of the Modified Lapidus Procedure in Patients with Hallux Valgus
An Update on the Canadian Experience Treating End Stage Ankle Arthritis with Fusion or Replacement Surgery
Anterior Malleolar Fractures: Pathoanatomy, Classification and Treatment Options
3D-printed Talar Components for the Reconstruction of Large Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: An Experimental Study
Resection of a Symptomatic Os Vesalianum with Peroneus Brevis Reattachment: A Report of 3 Cases and Literature Review of 100 Years
New Alternative to Arthrodesis: What Is the Magic?
Comparison of Foot Center Axis and Ankle Rotation using Weight-Bearing CT
MTP Arthroplasty: Where Are We?
Validating Foot Center Axis and Ankle Rotation using Weight-Bearing CT
First MTP Fusion: Better Technique
Emergency Department Visits Within 90 Days of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Analysis of Arc of Motion and Functional Outcomes
Physical Therapy Utilization Within 90 Days of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Welcome and Introduction: AOFAS Specialty Day 2018
Development and Validation of a Patient Decision Aid for the Treatment of Ankle Arthritis
Ankle Fusion for the Young Arthritic Patient - Justin D. Orr, MD
The Effect of Chilled vs Room Temperature Irrigation on Thermal Energy Dissipation During MIS Calcaneal Osteotomy
Ankle Distraction Arthroplasty for Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis - Austin T. Fragomen, MD
Indication and Consideration of Minimally Invasive Bosh Akin (MIBA) for Salvage in Recurrence of Hallux Valgus
Case Study: Post-Traumatic Arthritis - Justin D. Orr, MD, Austin T. Fragomen, MD
Syndesmotic Reduction Landmarks in Healthy Ankle Patients, Comparative Analysis of Weight- Bearing Computed Tomography
Ankle Deformity and Osteoarthritis - S. Robert Rozbruch, MD
Intermetatarsal Screw Fixation Reduced Intermetatarsal Angle Following Modified Lapidus Procedures
Ankle deformity and osteoarthritis Osteotomie and internal fixation - Fabian Krause, MD
Older Age is Not a Contraindication for Surgical Treatment of Closed Calcaneal Fractures using the Sinus Tarsi Approach
Case Study: Ankle Deformity - S. Robert Rozbruch, MD; Fabian Krause, MD
Minimally Invasive Intra-Calcaneal Fractures vs Conservative Treatment: A Propensity Score Matched Cohort Series
Concurrent Paper Sessions: TAA: Anything New?
The Effect of Diabetes on Ankle Fracture Outcomes in the UK: A National Collaborative Assessment of Current Guidelines, Management and Surgical Choices in Ankle Fractures
The Lapidus Procedure: Treatment of Hallux Valgus with an Unstable or Arthritic 1st MTC
Bilateral Hindfoot Osteonecrosis Associated with Treatment for Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
Symposium #8 | Forefoot: The “Devil” Lies in the Details - Discussion
End-Stage Tibiotalar Osteoarthritis and Chronic Strontium Toxicity
Minimally Invasive versus Open Hallux Valgus Surgery: Prospective Multi-center Trial
Surgical Fixation of Lateral Malleolus Fractures with the Steel Cross Surgical Technique
Lower Expectation Fulfillment After Hallux Valgus Surgery in Males: A Propensity Score Matched Study
Return to Play and Performance Measures for National Football League Athletes Following Operative Ankle Fractures
Concurrent Paper Sessions: Pain and Bunions II - Discussion
Complete Closed Rupture of the Medial Bundle of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis Tendon Off the Medial Sesamoid Insertion
Severe Neglected Deformity of the Foot and Ankle in Trauma and Congenital Conditions in China
Septic Arthritis in a Non-Prosthetic Joint Due to Mycobacterium Fortuitum: A Case Report
Have We Forgotten About the DMAA?
First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis Outcomes of Hallux Rigidus vs Hallux Valgus
Hypermobility and Flatfoot: Challenging Reconstructions, Avoiding Recurrence
Surgical Site Infection after Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis of Incidence using a Low Concentration Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) 0.05% in Sterile Water
Plantar Plate and First MTP
Reliability of Weight-Bearing Ultrasonography for Assessment of Sesamoid Position and Rotation: A Cadaveric Study
Hallux Valgus: Thinking 3D
Reliability of Weight-Bearing Ultrasonography for Diagnosis of Lisfranc Joint Injuries: A Cadaveric Study
Cone Beam CT with Weight Bearing: Do We Need This New Technology?
Return to Play after High Ankle Sprains in Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Plantar Plate Repair: Steps to Re-establish Balance of Lesser Toes
The Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis
New Persistent Opioid Use Following Two Common Forefoot Procedures for Treatment of Hallux Valgus
A Cadaveric Biomechanical Comparison of a Triple vs Quintuple Hemi-Section Achilles Tendon Lengthening
Discussion (Symposium: Flatfoot)
Treatment of Hallux Rigidus: Comparison of Hemiarthroplasty with Cartiva Implant, Allograft Interpositional Arthroplasty, and Arthrodesis
Outcomes of Reconstruction of the Stage II Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity in Older Patients Abstract
Clinical Profile of Physiotherapy Ambulatory Patients Adult Ankle and Foot Trauma Orthopedics Brazil
Early Changes in Philosophy - Lapidus, McBride with Various Proximal Osteotomies
Results of an Interim Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Study Assessing Radiographic and Patient Outcomes Following Triplanar Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis with Early Weightbearing
How Far Can We Push a Chevron/Distal Osteotomy
New Evaluation Method for Lateral Ankle Instability using Ultrasound
Rotational Osteotomy
A Comparison of Different Techniques for Measuring the Hindfoot Moment Arm on Weight-Bearing CT: An Inter and Intra-Observer Reliability Study
Cases: Session 2: Hallux Valgus
A Comparison of Minimally Invasive Achilles Repair Techniques on Functional Outcome and Failure Rates
OTA Paper: Posterior Malleolar Fixation Reduces the Need for Syndesmotic Screw Fixation in Rotational Ankle Injuries
Factors Influencing Different Classes in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
The Only Thing That Really Matters Is the Deltoid: The Consequences of a Limited Field of View (AOFAS)
The Role of the Transverse Arch in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD): A Retrospective Case Control Study
The Only Thing That Really Matters Is the Lateral Column: Ignoring the Deltoid (OTA)
Validation of the Mayo Periprosthetic Joint Infection Risk Score for Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptures: A Systematic Review of Overlapping Meta-Analyses
Annual Meeting 2019: Incoming Presidential Remarks
Anatomic Structures at Risk When Utilizing Percutaneous Intramedullary Fibular Screw Fixation for Lateral Malleolus Fractures: A Cadaveric Study
Annual Meeting 2021: Presidential Remarks and Award Presentations
Anterior Structures at Risk During Antegrade Subtalar Fusion: A Cadaver Study
Annual Meeting 2020: Incoming Presidential Remarks
Factors Affecting Patient Reported Outcomes after Surgical Fixation for a Lisfranc Injury
Annual Meeting 2022: Presidential Remarks and Awards Presentation
Factors Affecting Patient Reported Outcomes after Surgical Fixation of Lisfranc Injury
Annual Meeting 2017: Incoming Presidential Remarks
What Is the Best Total Ankle Replacement and Why?
Five-Year Minimum Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Isolated Gastrocnemius Recession for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinopathy
Recorded Faculty Discussion
Long-Term Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes Following the Brostrom-Gould Procedure
Medial Structures at Risk During Sinus Tarsi Approach for Fixation of Sustentaculum Tali Fractures: A Cadaveric Study
Significant Early Loss of Correction in Modified Lapidus Compared to Original Lapidus for Hallux Valgus
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Hindfoot Fusion Utilizing the Triple Arthrodesis Procedure
Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis plus Peripheral Blood Concentrate (AMIC+PBC) in Chondral Defects of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint - 5-Year Follow-up
Tarsometatarsal Joint Preparation using a Modified Dorsal Approach vs Standard Approach: A Cadaver Study
Workers’ Compensation: The Burden on Healthcare Resource Utilization Following Foot and Ankle Surgery
Projections and Epidemiology of Total Ankle and Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty in the United States to 2030
The Role of the Plantar Fascia in Supporting the Arch in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Hallux Valgus with Increased DMAA Correction by Modified Lapidus Procedure
Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Peroneus Brevis Allograft Reconstruction
Clinical Outcomes of Posterior Hindfoot Endoscopic Surgery using 1.9-mm Diameter Needle Arthroscopy for Posterior Ankle Impingement in Athletes
Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Peroneus Brevis Allograft ReconstructionBon Cutting Efficiency and Heat Generation Using a Novel Resurfacing Tool
Routine Postoperative Aspirin for VTE Chemoprophylaxis in Primary Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Medium- to Long-term Results of Nonanatomic Spring Ligament Reconstruction Using an Allograft Tendon in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity With Severe Abduction Deformity
Impact of E-Scooter Injuries: A Systematic Review of 34 Studies
Transient Exposure of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Analogs to Synovial Fluid Hematoma After Ankle Fracture Promotes Chondrocyte Death and Alters Gene Expression Toward an Osteoarthritic Phenotype
The Role of Diet and Nutrition on Fracture Healing: A Systematic Review
Evaluation of Leg-foot Range of Motion. Which Measurement Method is Most Reliable?
Vitamin D Status and Fracture Healing: A Systematic Review of 63 Studies
Weight-bearing Computed Tomography Evaluation of Acute SER4a Ankle Fractures
Midfoot Nail-Plate-Constructs for Charcot Neuroarthropathy: A Cohort Study with Midterm Follow Up
Long Hallucal Tendon Force Vectors and First Metatarsophalangeal Deformity After Hallux Valgus Surgery
Does the Addition of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate from the Pelvis Improve Fusion Rates of Hindfoot and Ankle Arthrodesis?
Three dimensional analysis of windlass mechanism using loading Computed tomography in patients with hallux rigidus and healthy volunteers.
A Systematic Review of Lower Extremity Return to Sport
Nonunion Rate of Evans Osteotomy Without Fixation Pediatric Flatfoot
A Large Database Evaluation of Infection and Nonunion Following Ankle Arthrodesis: Does Pain Regimen Matter?
The Effects of Tibialis Anterior Tenotomy on Wound Problems after Anterior Fusion Plating for Severe Ankle Arthritis
Analysis of the Foot and Ankle Questions on the Orthopaedic In-Training Examination Over a 10-Year Period (2012-2021)
Survivorship, Clinical Outcomes, and Radiographic Complications in the Infinity Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Mid-term (Minimum 5-Year) Follow-up
Prospective Randomized Study Evaluating the Effect of Postoperative Ketorolac on Bone Healing and Opioid Consumption after First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion
Acute effects in selective training of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
Standard Crutches vs Rolling Knee Scooters: Analysis of Patient Satisfaction and Risk of Falling after Foot and Ankle Surgery
Are Body Mass Index (BMI), diabetes, and smoking cutoffs creating racial, ethnic, gender, or age disparities in patient eligibility for Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Effect of Particulate Matter on Achilles Tendon Healing: An Experimental Study in Rats
Obesity and Ankle Fractures: Are Outcomes and Complications Really Worse?
Clinical Outcomes of Posterior Tibial Tendon Sheath Ultrasound-Guided Corticosteroid Injections
First Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis: Effects on Adjacent Joint Arthritis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Safety and Bio-Integration of a Fiber-Reinforced Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Fixation Implant: Prospective Multicenter Study with 2-Year Follow-Up
A Novel Application of Neural Networks to Identify Potentially Effective Combinations of Biologic Factors for Enhancement of Bone Fusion/Repair
90-Day Reoperation and Wound Complication Rates in Lateral Approach to Total Ankle Replacement for Post-Traumatic Arthritis
Safety Data from a Study of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection in Participants With Plantar Fibromatosis
Sesamoid View X-ray vs Weightbearing Computed Tomography in the Measurement of Metatarsal Pronation Angle
Two Different Types of Valgus Tibiotalar Tilt: A Comparative Radiographic Study of Patients with or without Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
A Clinical and Economic Evaluation of ORIF Management for Calcaneal Fractures with and without Adjunctive Umbilical Cord
Clinical Comparison of Internal Fixation Constructs in Midfoot Charcot Arthropathy
Nitinol Staple vs Traditional Plate Osteosynthesis for Primary Arthrodesis of Lisfranc Injuries: A Retrospective Analysis
High-heel Wearing Reproduces Hallux Valgus Parameters: 3-dimensional Weight-bearing CT Assessment
The Use of SPECT-CT to Define Treatment for Müller-Weiss Disease: A Prospective Radiographic and Clinical Study
Heat Generation during Minimally Invasive Calcaneal Osteotomy: A Cadaveric Study
Three-Dimensional Measurements of the Sinus Tarsi and Tarsal Canal in Pediatric Flexible Flatfeet using Weightbearing CT Scans
Post-Operative Complications after Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair: A Survival Analysis of Minimally Invasive vs. Open Techniques
Use of Pro in Evaluating TAA and its Indications
Three-dimensional Weightbearing CT Distance and Coverage Mapping Assessment of the 1st MTPJ and Sesamoid Joints in Patients with Hallux Valgus Deformity
Epidemiology of Ankle Ligament Injuries in US High School Athletes
Quantification Of First Metatarsal Joint Surface Interactions In Hallux Rigidus Using Distance And Coverage Mapping
Ankle Temporizing External Fixation as a Risk for Sharp Exposure: A Common Occurrence
Defining Normal Articular Characteristics of the Primary Joints of the Foot and Ankle: A 3D Hounsfield Algorithm Weight Bearing CT Study
Novel Dynamic Screw-Suture Stabilization System for Syndesmotic Repair Provides Better Anteroposterior Translation and Axial Tibiofibular Joint Stability: A Human Cadaveric Study
Primary Endpoint Analysis for a Prospective Multicenter Study Assessing Radiographic Recurrence and Patient Outcomes Following Triplanar Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis with Early Weightbearing
Surgical Fixation of Maisonneuve Fractures with a Screw Suture Fixation Device: Results of 10 Cases
Improved Survival Rates with Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Biomechanical Study of Syndesmotic Stability in AITFL and PITFL Injury Models
Increased Metal Component Failure with STAR Total Ankle
Arthroscopic Articular Reduction for Posterior Malleolar Fracture using a “Handlebar”
The Effect of Body Mass Index on Short-Term Complications and Patient-Reported Outcomes In Patients with Surgically-Repaired Achilles Tendon
Surgically Repairing Achilles Tendon Ruptures Restores Plantar Flexor Function Better Than Non- Surgical Treatment in a Rat Model
The Association Between Distressed Community Index And Complication Rates and FAAM-VAS Scores Following Surgical Repair of Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptured Payment Model for Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Plain Radiographs are Insufficient for Evaluation of First Metatarsal Pronation in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Hallux Valgus
The Association Between Distressed Community Index And Complication Rates And FAAM-VAS Scores Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Developing Objective Computational Methods for Quantifying Ankle Osteoarthritis using Low-Dose Weight Bearing CT
Preliminary Results and a Treatment Algorithm For Osteomyelitis of the Distal Tibia and Talus
Clinical Outcomes of Arthroscopic Ankle Lateral Ligament Repair with Accelerated Rehabilitation
Foot and Ankle Offset in the setting of severe rotational foot and ankle deformities
Hounsfield Unit Assessed Bone Density Amongst Non-Traumatic and Post-Traumatic Arthritic Total Ankle Arthroplasty Patients
A novel ultrasonographic method to detect intra-operative syndesmotic malreduction – the "Gap Penetrance" sign
Post-Operative Lucency Formation Amongst Stemmed vs Non-Stemmed Total Ankle Arthroplasty Constructs
Increased Hospital Length of Stay for Severe and Morbidly Obese Patients: a National Database Study
Stress Shielding and Aseptic Loosening in Fully Porous-Coated vs Smooth Stemmed Tibial Implants in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
A Step in the Right Direction: Analyzing Differences in Demographics and Mortality in Operative Management of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
Determining the Key Predictive Factors for Non-Union in Fifth Metatarsal Fractures: A Machine Learning-Based Study
Early Osteolysis and Component Revision of CADENCE Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Midterm Follow Up
Outcomes of Lisfranc Injuries in NCAA Football Players
Increased Union Rates in STJA with Hybrid Nitinol Dynamic Compression Device
CT Analysis of the Posteromedial Neurovascular Bundle in Patients with End Stage Ankle Arthritis for Planning of Total Ankle Replacement Surgery
The Footprint of Mortality: Outcome Analysis in Charcot Neuroarthropathy Patients Who Underwent Multiple Surgical Procedures
Sesamoidectomy for Autografting in First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
Outcomes after Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Patients <50 years at Mid-Term Follow-up
Transmetatarsal Amputation Results in Higher Frequency of Revision Surgery and Higher Ambulation Rates Than Below- Knee Amputation
The effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) on Achilles tendon injury
A Novel Technique for Tarsal Metatarsal Joint (TMTJ) Fusion using Calcaneal Precision Bone Graft: Reducing Morbidity Associated with Bone Graft Donor Site
Predicting the Potential Complications of Lateral Column Lengthening: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study
Bone Marrow Stimulation and Biologics for Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Comparative Studies
Long-Term Outcomes After Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Clinical Outcomes of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: an Analysis of Injury Location, Age, and Body Mass Index
Effectiveness of Hospital-Based Systemic Rehabilitation after Arthroscopic Broström procedure in CAI
Surgical Management of Chronic Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Systematic Review and Proposed Treatment Algorithm
Successful Limb Salvage Reconstruction Using Bulk Femoral Head Allograft
Calcaneal Osteotomies in Prevention of Deformity-Driven Subtalar Joint Arthritis
Endoscopic calcaneoplasty in Haglund's disease: surgical technique, clinical and subjective outcomes
Kinematic, Electromyographic Activity and Muscular Architecture Description in Patients Operated with Pars-Dresden Technique
Should all ‘small-shell’ posterior malleolar fractures be considered for fixation?: Results from a 3D fracture mapping study
Functional and Radiologic Outcomes Following Fifth Metatarsal Fracture Non-Operative Treatment: A Retrospective Chart Review with Application of the RUST Score From 2019-2021
Comparable Outcomes of Synthetic Cartilage Implant, Cheilectomy, and Fusion of Hallux Rigidus of the 1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint: A Matched Cohort Study
Osteotomies Around the Knee Interfere with Alignment of the Hindfoot: A Systematic Review of Biomechanical and Clinical Studies
Early to Mid-Term Follow-up of Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Patients < 35 years
Lateral Trans-Fibular Total Ankle Replacement Capability in Correcting Ankle Osteoarthritis Deformities and Improving Clinical Outcomes
How Much Subtalar and Ankle Joint Surface are Actually Destroyed when Reaming for Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) Nailing? A Cadaveric Study
Using Motion-Capture to Establish the Efficacy of Surgical vs Non-Surgical Treatment of Clubfoot via Gait Analysis: A Systematic Review
Foot and Ankle Surgery Postoperative Complications with Regional versus General Anesthesia
Patient Outcomes on Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy with Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: A Retrospective Study
Narcotic Use and Prescribing Trends Among Workers’ Compensation Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Surgery
Effect of Internal Bracing on Broström Operation Clinical Outcomes
Deformities Influencing Different Classes in Progressive Collapsing Foot
Validation of the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions
Evaluation of Automated Coverage and Distance Mapping Selections to Improve Reliability and Clinical Utility of 3D Weightbearing CT Assessments
Outcomes in Ankle Fracture Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Fibular Intramedullary Nail Fixation vs Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Randomized Controlled Trials
Do Arch Supports Alter Foot Alignment in Patients with Metatarsalgia? A Weightbearing CT and X-ray Study
Prevalence of Orthopaedic Knee Scooter-Related Injury: Risk Factor Analysis and Patient Safety Perceptions in a Prospective Cohort
Comparing Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Flatfeet using known markers of Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD): a case control study
The Role of the Plantar Fascia, Flexor Hallucis Longus, and Fiberosseous Tunnel in Functional Hallux Rigidus
Three-Dimensional Distance Map Comparisons between Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD)
How Does Surgical Technique Affect Fluid Permeability? A Laboratory Study Comparing Nanofracture, Microfracture and Fine Wire Drilling Approaches
Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis plus Peripheral Blood Concentrate (AMIC+PBC) in Chondral Lesions at the Ankle as Part of a Complex Surgical Approach - 5-Year Follow-up
Postoperative Pain in Outpatient Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Trauma Surgery Patients
Midterm Outcomes of Talocalcaneal Coalition Arthroscopic Resection in Adults
Identification of the Apex of the Medial Longitudinal Arch Break in Progressive Collapsing Foot Disorder
The Efficacy of Suture Button Fixation for Lisfranc Injuries: A Systematic Review
Interobserver Reliability of Radiographic Angles and Measurements in Flat Foot Deformity
Conservative treatment outcomes for Achilles tendon re-rupture occurring in the subacute phase after primary repair
A Systematic Review of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) for Insertional and Non- Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
The impact of tendon lengthening following Achilles tendon repair on foot kinetics, a finite element analysis
Surgical Management of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Ruptures: A Systematic Review and Proposed Treatment Algorithm
First ray mobility in hallux rigidus, hallux valgus, and normal feet based on weightbearing computed tomography and three-dimensional analysis.
Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery: A Review and a Novel Technique
Effect of Medial Closing Wedge Distal Femoral Varization Osteotomy on Coronal Ankle and Hindfoot Alignment
What are the Major Risk Factors for Nonunion in Pilon Fractures?
Effect of Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Over-compression on the Range of Motion of Ankle Bones
Factors Associated with Nonunion and Infection Following Ankle Arthrodesis using a Large Claims Database
Does the underlying cause of arthritis affect the outcome of total ankle replacement? A 10 year follow up study
Illuminating the Complexity of Biology in Syndesmotic Injuries with Ankle Fractures: The Downfalls of Strong Bones
Clinical outcomes following tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with intramedullary nailing combined with partial fibulectomy and onlay bone graft
Impact of Obesity on Severity of Ankle Fracture
Peritalar Osteotomy for Rigid Pes Cavus and Cavovarus
Comparative Risk Stratification for Prediction of Early Postoperative Morbidity and Mortality after Open Fixation of Periarticular Lower Extremity Fractures
A Systematic Review Of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Entrapment In Ankle Fractures: Evidence And Recommendations
Racial Disparities in Early Adverse Events and Unplanned Readmission after Open Fixation of Below- Knee Fractures
Arthrodesis of the Second and Third Tarsometatarsal Joints Comparison of Radiological and Clinical Results using Combined or Individual Plating
The Biomechanical Burden of Orthopaedic Procedures and Musculoskeletal Injuries Sustained by Surgeons: A Systematic Review
Structural validation of the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOxFQ) for use in foot and ankle surgery
The Statistical Fragility of Platelet-Rich Plasma as Treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Effect of Focused Vibration on Tibialis Anterior Function in Normal Subjects
A Prospective Evaluation of Opioid Utilization Following Ankle Fracture Surgery
A novel method of assessment of talar neck angle in adults with clubfoot using weightbearing CT - Expected values and intra- / inter-observer reliability
Impact of Pain in Other Body Regions on the Foot-Specific Quality of Life in Patients with Hallux Valgus
One Year Outcomes of the H-AMIC Procedure for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Patient Specific Instrumentation and Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Relationship Between Hallux Valgus Recurrence and Sesamoid Position on AP Standing Radiographs After Distal Chevron Metatarsal Osteotomy
Is It Safe to Prep the External Fixator in Situ During Staged ORIF of Pilon Fractures? A Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study
Fixation Methods for 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis: Screws or Plate Fixation?
Relationship Between Talofibular Impingement and Increased Talar Tilt in Incongruent Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis
The Arterial Risk Posed by the Posterolateral Approach to the Ankle. An Anatomical Cadaveric Observational Study
Calcaneal Malunions Management and Types of Surgical Correction
Predictors of Intraoperative and Early Complications of Total Ankle Replacement in the Setting of Talar Bone Loss
Accessory Soleus: Posterior Ankle Pain in Two Adolescent Athletes
Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis With Hybrid Nail-Plate Constructs: A Novel Technique for Treatment of Unstable Ankle & Hindfoot Deformities
Assessing the Accuracy, Quality, and Readability of Online Patient Resources on Achilles Tendonitis
Biomechanical Comparison of Nitinol Compression Staples versus Fully Threaded Lag Screws for Talonavicular Fusion
Charcot Arthropathy Limb Salvage with 3D Custom Cage and Dynamic Hindfoot Fusion Nail Combination Fixation: A Case-Series
Treatment Patterns for Plantar Fibromatosis in the United States: a Retrospective Observational Study
Effect of Distal Tibial Cortical Bone Coverage in Rates of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Implant Subsidence, Loosening, Heterotopic Bone Formation and Clinical Outcomes
Determining the Causal Effect of Statins on Reducing the Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism after Ankle Fractures
Quality of MIS vs Open Joint Preparations of the Foot and Ankle
Traumatic Talonavicular Dislocations: A Bad Actor Made Worse Without Sufficient Fixation
The Spatial Orientation of the Foot: A Critical Step in Hindfoot Alignment Evaluation on Weight Bearing CT
Opioid Consumption Following Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Systematic Review
Calcaneal Osteotomy and First Ray Procedures Improves Talar Head Coverage in the Absence of Lateral Column Lengthening
Biomechanical Comparison of Open versus Percutaneous Techniques for Primary Mid-Substance Achilles Tendon Repair: A Meta-Analysis
Nitinol Staple versus Traditional Plate Osteosynthesis for Primary Arthrodesis of Lisfranc Injuries: A Retrospective Analysis
Arthroscopically Assisted Deep Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction Utilizing Suture Tape Augmentation for Treatment of Medial Ankle Instability in Acute Ankle Fractures: A Novel Technique and Case Series
The Effect of Tibiotalar Joint Line Level Alterations on Tibiotalar Range of Motion Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Biomechanical Evaluation of 4th Generation Minimally Invasive Distal First Metatarsal Osteotomy-Akin Osteotomy Technique on First Ray Articular Contact Properties
The Surgical Treatment of Hallux Valgus Utilization Minimally Invasive and Percutaneous Techniques with a Shannon Burr: A Systematic Review
Bone Mineral Density distribution in the foot bones: correlation with hindfoot alignment
Do radiolucencies affect the outcomes of a 4th generation total ankle prosthesis? A 2-year follow-up
InternalBrace for Anatomic AITFL Augmentation and Syndesmotic Stabilization: Results after Long-term Follow Up
Surgical Construct Associated with Time to Fusion in Double and Isolated Talonavicular Arthrodeses
Patterns of Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament Avulsion Fracture Accompanied by Ankle Fracture
Lateral talar subluxation (LTS) in SER ankle fractures is more responsive than medial clear space widening: A cadaveric biomechanical study
Cleats Worn Versus Lower Extremity Injuries in the English Premier League
The Importance of Patient Resilience on Outcomes Following Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery
Multiple Ankle Injuries Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Subsequent Concussion in National Football League Players
Identification and Analysis of the Ankle Microbiome Using Next-Generation DNA Sequencing
Medial Column Soft Tissue Imbrication with INTERNAL BRACE Augmentation Following Lateral Column Lengthening in the Ambulatory Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Population with Pes Planovalgus Foot Deformities: A Novel Indication
The Cost of Multimodal vs Opioid Postoperative Pain Regimens for the Foot & Ankle Surgical Patient
Anatomic Lateral Ligaments Repair Augmented with Suture-tape for Chronic Ankle Instability with Poor Quality of Remnant Ligamentous Tissue
A Relationship between Anterior Talar Migration in the Sinus Tarsi on Weightbearing Computed Tomography and Failure of the Talocalcaneal Interosseous Ligament in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Increased Calcaneal Pitch and Subtalar Instability are Predictors associated with Surgical Reconstruction for patients who develop Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Axial Rotation of the Talus in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Weightbearing Computed Tomography Analysis
Heat Generation and Risk of Thermal Necrosis during Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Correction Utilizing a Shannon Burr: A Cadaveric Study
Correlating the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) to the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score and Patient Functional Testing in Total Ankle Arthroplasty Patients
Correction of Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle in Hallux Valgus Surgery Utilizing a Percutaneous First Metatarsal Distal Transverse Osteotomy
The Efficacy of Simple Debridement Compared to Augmentation with Flexor Hallicus Longus Transfer for Surgical Treatment of Moderate to Severe Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Association between Postoperative Medial-Middle Intercuneiform Joint Gapping and Recurrence Rates in Hallux Valgus
Determining Bias in Ankle Replacement Studies Conducted by Design versus Non-design Surgeons
Racial Disparities in the Utilization of Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Ankle Instability in the United States
Can sural nerve injuries be prevented in posterior leg approaches? Stage 1: Ultrasound evaluation of a new method based on surface anatomical landmarks and sural nerve pathway.
What is the learning curve for Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Minimally invasive Vs open medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy. A cadaveric study.
Is Prehabilitation Effective on Modified Broström Procedure for CLAI?
A Comparison of Cyst Formation and Management in Mobile-Bearing and Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty
A Retrospective Comparison of Single Screw vs Dual Screw Fixation of Medial Malleolus Fractures on Rate of Non-union and Mal-reduction.
A Comparison of Cyst Formation and Management in Mobile-Bearing and Fixed-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty Abstract
Hindfoot stability test: introduction and validation of a diagnostic test of subtalar instability in deltoid ligament injury associated with ankle fractures
All Soft-suture Anchor versus Suture Bridge Construct for Insertional Achilles
Does Perioperative Use of Bisphosphonate Affect the Implant Revision Rate of Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Analysis of the Hindfoot Alignment Measured in 3D After a Medializing Calcaneal Osteotomy Using a Pre- and Postoperative Weightbearing CT
Outcomes after Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy for Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Ankle Fractures
Clinical Outcomes of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Patients Treated with Reattachment and Dorsal Closing Wedge Calcaneal Osteotomy: A Meta analysis
Arthritic Patterns of Subchondral Cysts in Patients Evaluated for End-stage Ankle Arthritis
Stronger Magnets, No Improvements in Accuracy - Comparing Efficacy of 3-T MRI versus 1.5-T MRI in Detecting Associated Lesions in Patients with Lateral Ankle Instability
Biomechanical Impact of FHL Tendon Harvest on Forefoot and Great Toe Push-off Strength and Its Correlation to Knot of Henry Crossover Variation
The Proximal 5th Metatarsal Fracture: A Spectrum of Misunderstood Fractures
Calcaneal Fractures
Management of Zone 2 5th Metatarsal Fractures Varies Based on Who You See
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Midfoot Arthrodesis Using Different Fixation Methods
Zone 2 5th Metatarsal Fractures Treated Nonoperatively Have Similar Time to Healing to Those Treated Operatively
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Using an Intramedullary Referencing Implant
Effects of a 4-week cyclic stretching program on muscle stiffness and hardness and jump performance in healthy adults: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial
Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Transfibular Total Ankle Arthroplasty at 2-years Follow-up
Ultrasound Guided Cryoablation of Morton’s Neuroma: Case Series Including Post-ablation MRI Appearances
Combined Popliteal Catheter with Single Injection Versus Continuous Infusion Saphenous Nerve Block
Black/African Americans Experience Disparate Outcomes after Lower Extremity Orthopaedic Injury Evaluation in U.S. Emergency Departments
Conventional Ankle Sprain Treatment is Associated with Alarmingly High Rates of Persistent Opioid Use Abstract
Incidence of postoperative rerupture of Achilles tendon and associated risk factors in South Korea: A national population-based study
Decreasing Postoperative Narcotic Utilization with the Use of Concentrated Bone Marrow Aspirate in First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Interposition Arthroplasty
Natural course of talar avascular necrosis during short-term follow-up and factors associated with disease progression
Development of a Reliable Grading System for the Radiographic Analysis of the Subtalar Joint
Midterm Outcomes of Operatively and Nonoperatively Treated Isolated Weber B Ankle Fractures
Distribution of High-Volume Ankle Arthroplasty Surgeons in United States Metropolitan Areas- Data from the 2012-15 Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Release Abstract
Lateral Talar Subluxation Measurements in Nonoperatively Managed Weber B Ankle Fractures
Dynamic Pedobarography Shows Pain Avoidance Gait of Symptomatic Severe Flatfoot Patient Forefoot Inversion and First Metatarsal Head Elevation
Analyzing the Quality and Educational Value of Achilles Tendinopathy-Related Videos on TikTok
Effect of Lateral Column Lengthening Calcaneal Osteotomy on Radiographic Measurements of Foot Alignment
Body Mass Index is a Predictor of Discharge to a Post-Acute Care Facility Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Five-year Outcomes of a Synthetic Cartilage Implant for the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Advanced Hallux Rigidus
Radiographic measurements associated with ankle power generation during gait in patients with cerebral palsy
Flecting Osteotomy of the Distal Tibia for Salvage of an Asymmetric Osteoarthritic Ankle Joint
How Do Causes of Readmission Following Orthopaedic Surgery Differ Between Races? A Five-Year Analysis of the NSQIP Database
Fractures of The Tibial Plafond- Does the Presence or Absence of a Fibular Fracture Predict Future Morbidity Abstract
The Variation between Unilateral and Bilateral Weight Bearing in Hindfoot Alignment Evaluation. Part I: A Prospective In Vivo Radiographic Study
Helical CT Scan Evolution of Periprosthetic Cysts of a Stainless Steel DLC Coated Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Four Years Apart and Survival at 13 Years
Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Does Obesity Matter?
Identifying Foot and Ankle Patients at Risk to Fall Based on Patient Reported Outcomes Assessments
Anterolateral ankle impingement due to Bassett’s ligament
Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism in Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeries
The Use of the Lateral Tibial Line to Assess Ankle Alignment: A Preliminary Investigation
Increased Early Revision Rate with the INFINITY Total Ankle Prosthesis
Intellectual Property and Royalty Payments Among Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship Faculty
Influence of Tibial Component Position on Altered Kinematics Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty During Simulated Gait
Patient-reported outcomes of surgically treated Lisfranc injuries with isolated longitudinal instability
Intraoperative Radiographic Assessment of Ankle Prosthesis Alignment
Hindfoot Arthrodeses and the Order of Joint Fixation Influence Tibiotalar Kinematics During Simulated Stance
Intraoperative Syndesmotic Instability Test A Novel Alternative Technique
Key Trace Elements Zinc and Magnesium Levels Decline After Rat Femur Fracture Model
Mechanical and Anatomical Axis in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Nitinol Compression Staples for Midfoot and Chopart Arthrodesis
Microvasculature of the Plantar Plate Using Nano-Computed Tomography
Peroneal Tendon Disorders: Cellular Profiles and Gene Expression
Midfoot Charcot Reconstruction with Intramedullary Beaming Clinical Outcomes and Complications
Comparing the Utility of Custom Foot Orthoses Versus Prescription-grade Prefabricated Foot Orthoses
Morphological Analysis of Tibiofibular Disruption Using CT images in Ankle Fractures with Unstable Syndesmotic Injury
A Practical Guide to Selecting Foot and Ankle Journals for Publication
Non-union Rates in Hind and Midfoot Arthrodesis in Current, Ex-, and Non-smokers
The Plumbline: A novel radiographic assessment tool to assess metatarsus adductus with hallux valgus
Opioid Consumption Rate After Foot and Ankle Surgery Abstract
Validation of the Angle Bisector Method for Precise Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Fixation Angle Using Computed Tomography and 3D-Printed Models
Outcomes of Acute Hematogenous Periprosthetic Joint Infection in Total Ankle Arthroplasty Treated with Irrigation, Debridement, and Polyethylene Exchange
Evaluation of Hindfoot Alignment on Lateral Weightbearing XRs: A Novel Prospective In Vivo Study
Preoperative Emotional Distress Negatively Impacts Patient-reported Outcomes Following Foot and Ankle Surgery
Minimally Invasive Transverse Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy (MITO) for Hallux valgus correction: Is there a difference in outcome between moderate and severe deformities?
Restoration of Talar Height using a Modular Revision Prosthesis after Failed Total Ankle Arthroplasty Abstract
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width: A Novel Predictor of Mortality Following Amputation in Diabetic Foot
Revision Surgery for Metal Component Failure in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
The Influence of Patient Characteristics and Social Determinants of Health on Post-Operative Complications Following Achilles Tendon Ruptures
Self-Reported Pain Tolerance and Opioid Pain Medication Abstract Use after Foot and Ankle Surgery Abstract
Deltoid Ligament Release for Varus Deformity Correction in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Step Activity After Surgical Treatment of Ankle Arthritis
Trends in Utilization of Total Ankle Arthroplasty and Ankle Arthrodesis
The Midfoot Contributes to Power and Work During Single-limb Heel Rise
Non-operative Success of Treating Midfoot and Transverse Tarsal Joint Arthritis
The Presence and Degree of Bone Marrow Edema Influence on Midterm Clinical Outcome Following Microfracture for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Primary Arthrodesis vs ORIF for Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocations: A Cost Analysis
The Role of Axial Rotation in Total Ankle Replacement
Midfoot and Hindfoot Charcot Deformity is Well Maintained with Beam Fixation
The Use of Three-Dimensional (3D) Biometric Measurements to Predict Additional Alignment Procedures in Total Ankle Replacement Abstract
Racial, Socioeconomic, and Payer Status Disparities in Utilization of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Compared with Ankle Arthrodesis
Total Ankle Arthroplasty Analysis of Arc of Motion and Functional Outcomes Abstract
Decreased Reoperation Rate with ABMP in Foot and Ankle Fusions
Total Ankle Arthroplasty vs Ankle Arthrodesis A Comparative Study of Patient Reported Outcomes Abstract
Trends in Utilization of Charcot Reconstruction
A Biomechanical Analysis of Ankle Instability in Supination External Rotation Ankle Fractures
Is Age a Determining Factor When Considering Arthrodesis in Lisfranc Injuries? A Retrospective Cohort Analysis with Patient Reported Outcomes
Arthroscopic Characterization of Syndesmotic Instability Exactly What Measurement Matters
A Comparative Retrospective Radiographic Analysis of the Outcomes of Double and Triple Arthrodesis in the Correction of Flatfoot Deformity
Does Open versus Arthroscopic Surgical Technique Affect the Union Rate of Tibiotalar Arthrodesis
Validity of the center-center method for the syndesmotic fixation axis against the trans-syndesmotic axis: A cross-sectional study
Outcomes Following the Treatment of Talar Osteochondral Lesions with BioCartilage and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Mixture
Sex differences in muscle hypertrophy response to training of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis muscles
Conservative Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis A Prospective Randomized Study Among Three Methods
Measuring the Medial Clear Space: A Comparison of Various Methods to Assess Reliability
Application of Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) in Elite Athletes
Immediate Weight Bearing after Modified-Brostrom Reconstruction: A Retrospective Review of an Accelerated Rehab Protocol
Forefoot Striking Is More Effective in Reducing Loadrates than Increasing Cadence in Runners
Surgical Interventions Have Lowered Complication Rates Compared to Casting in Charcot Foot
Prevalence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Low Risk Patients After Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery Abstract
The Fate of Delayed Unions After Isolated Ankle Fusion
Impact of Vancomycin Treatment on Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells During Osteogenic Differentiation
Does Suture Configuration Matter in Achilles Tendon Repairs?
Conservative Treatment Versus Repair Deltoid in SER Type IV Equivalent Ankle Fracture A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study
Comparison of Bone Healing and Delayed or Nonunion Rates Between Operatively and Non-Operatively Treated Displaced Zone 1 Fifth Metatarsal Fractures
Selective Arthrodesis for Treatment of Symptomatic Müller-Weiss Disease
Outcomes And Complications of Tibiotalocacaneal Arthrodesis
Preoperative Picture Improves Postoperative Satisfaction in Bunion Surgery
Intramedullary vs. Plate Fixation of Distal Fibular Fractures: Use Rates, Fracture Patterns, Patient Characteristics, and Complication Rates
Osteochondral Autograft Transfer Combined with Periarticular Osteotomy for the Treatment of Osteochondral Defect of the Talus in Varus Ankle
Association of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Insurance in Chronic Ankle Instability
Midterm Survivorship and Complications of the Cadence Total Ankle Arthroplasty
2023 IFFAS Award for Excellence Winner: Percutaneous vs Open Distal Chevron Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus: A Prospective Randomized Study
Midterm Outcomes of the Salto Talaris Total Ankle Arthroplasty
2023 J. Leonard Goldner Award Winner: Data Censoring Likely Biased the Largest Randomized Trial of Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment Against Surgery: A Monte Carlo Analysis
Efficacy of the Ponseti Technique in Correcting Clubfoot Deformity and Influence of Residual Deformity in Patient Reported Outcomes. A Prospective Comparative and Controlled Study
2023 Roger A. Mann Award Winner: Younger Patients Undergoing Total Ankle Arthroplasty Experience Higher Complication Rates and Worse Functional Outcomes Scores
Complication rates of open subtalar fusion with and without combined calcaneal osteotomy in severe hindfoot deformity
A New Trend of Social Media and Medicine: Analyzing the Quality and Educational Value of Ankle Sprain-Related Videos on TikTok
Three-Dimensional Assessment of Hallux Valgus Correction Using Lapicotton Technique
AI-Based Foot X-Ray Reading in Real-World: Evaluating the Accuracy of Assistive Decisions for Diagnosing Foot & Ankle Disorders
Risks of Increased Operative Time and Longer Hospital Stays Based on Age in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Altered Gait in Charcot Neuropathic Mice: A Kinematic Analysis
Venous Thromboembolism in Outpatient Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery: Who is at Risk?
An Open Label, Multi-center, Controlled, Retrospective Study of a Biodegradable Synthetic Graft for Soft Tissue Reconstruction in Patients Suffering from Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Pathogenesis of the hallux valgus: enthesopathy of the metatarsosesamoid ligament
Application of External Torque Enhances the Detection of Subtle Syndesmotic Ankle Instability in a Weightbearing CT
Assessing the Appropriateness of Repeat MRI Scan Requests Within A Foot and Ankle Department
Automated AI Detection Tool for Ankle Fractures Using X-Rays and Smart Devices
Classification of the Os Calcis subtalar morphology in symptomatic flexible pes planus deformity using weight bearing CT and distance mapping
Biomechanical Performance of Static Compression Devices Compared to NiTiNOL Compression Devices in Simulated First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
Unsatisfactory outcomes after conservative treatment for acute calcaneal side CFL ruptures in proximal migration: Preliminary report
Cervical Ligament Insufficiency in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: It May Be More Important Than We Know
Casting is a Cost-Effective Management Option in Appropriate Cases of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
Characterizing Three-Dimensional Alignment of the Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot under Physiological Upright Load. A Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography Study in Arthritic Joints and Healthy Controls
Patient Reported Outcomes with the Use of Fibular Nail Fixation
Comparing the Clinical Outcomes of Percutaneous Cheilectomy to Open Cheilectomy with Moberg Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Rigidus
A Systematic Review of Outcomes of Total Ankle Arthroplasty with the INBONE II
Complication Rates and Functional Outcomes after Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Biomechanical Analysis about Syndesmotic Stability for AITFL augmentation with fibular plate
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) for PROMIS After Total Ankle Replacement
To Cut or to Cast? An Evaluation of Demographics & Mortality in Operative, Conservative, and Failed Conservative Management of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
Early Survivorship, Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Following Primary and Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty using a Modular Augmented Revision (INVISION) Implant
Retrospective Review of 200 Fibula Nails with Proximal and Distal Fixation
Effect of Dorsal Closing Wedge Calcaneal Osteotomy on Foot Alignment and Biomechanics in Patients with Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
How Does Alcohol Use Disorder Impact Outcomes and Costs Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Bimalleolar Fractures?
Effects of Ankle Arthrodesis vs Total Ankle Arthroplasty on Patient´s Shoe-Wear: What Fits Better?
Does use of Allograft Affect Union Rates in Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Surgery?
Efficacy of Liposomal Bupivacaine in Managing Postoperative Pain in Foot and Ankle Surgeries: A Prospective Randomized Blinded Controlled Study
Complications and Radiographic Outcomes of Operatively Treated Navicular Fractures
Epidemiology, Pathoanatomy and Clinicoradiologic Correlations of Quadrimalleolar Ankle Fractures: A Cross-Sectional Study
Multiligament Ankle Instability Following Rotational Ankle Injuries: A Prospective Cohort Study
Evaluating the Utility of Plain Radiograph and Computerised Tomography Scanning in Identifying Concomitant Foot Fractures in Patients with Unstable Lisfranc Injuries
Radiographic Anatomy of the Lateral Ankle Ligament Complex: A Cadaveric Study
Evaluation of Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability with a Sprain Stimulator: A Controlled Study in Physically Active Subjects
The Evaluation of Müller Weiss Disease and Normal Feet on Three Dimensional Foot Models
Fixed Bearing in Primary Total Ankle Replacement Is Associated with Reduced Revision Rates
Treatment of Complicated Clubfoot Using External Fixation: A Scoping Review
Identification and Analysis of the Ankle Microbiome Using Next-Generation DNA Sequencing: An Observational Analysis
The Keystone of Müller Weiss Disease: How does the compressed navicular cause the cascade of deformities in the mid and hindfoot?
Immediate Unprotected Weightbearing After Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Ankle Fractures: A Prospective Trial
Examination of the Learning Curve Associated with Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus: A Systematic Review
Influence of Joint Line Level on Clinical Outcomes and Range of Motion in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: Quantification of Metabolic and Neurologic Changes in Murine Model for Charcot Arthropathy
Integrity of the First Metatarsal Head Vascularization and Soft-Tissue Envelope Following Minimally Invasive Chevron Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus (HV) Deformity: A Micro-CT and Anatomical Assessment
A 3D Surface Mapping Based Morphology Study of the Cartilaginous Surfaces of the 1st TMT Joint
Lower Limb Alignment in Patients with Primary Valgus Ankle Arthritis: A Comparative Analysis with Patients with Varus Ankle Arthritis and Controls
Topography and Morphometrics of the Cartilage Surfaces in the Peritalar Joints
MIBA Osteotomy vs Open Technique in Hallux Valgus Surgery: Results of a Randomized Prospective Study
Measurements and Protocols Used for Weight Bearing Cone Beam CT Scans for Evaluating the Alignment of the Foot and Ankle: A Systematic Literature Review
Mid- to Long-Term Outcomes of the STAR Total Ankle Replacement
Sagittal Orientation and Variabilities of the Anatomical Insertional Footprint of the Achilles Tendon: A Cadaveric Study
Operative Treatment of Jones Fractures (OTA Type 87,5.2A) is not Associated with Earlier Clinical or Radiographic Healing
Safe and effective is not always acceptable: The Case for PASS Scores in Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery
Outcomes after Bipolar Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Ankle
Clinical outcomes of the surgical management for unstable ankle fractures: prospective randomized controlled trial between MIS using fibula nail versus ORIF using plate
Outcomes after Total Ankle Arthroplasty with A Minimum Average Follow-Up of 10 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Effectiveness of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections for Plantar Fasciitis: Looking at Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Outcomes of Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair with and without Inferior Extensor Retinaculum Augmentation for Chronic Ankle Instability: A Prospective Randomized Study
Do patients who undergo fixation for pilon fracture develop symptoms comparable to primary ankle osteoarthritis
Outcomes of Early Weightbearing Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in the Geriatric Population
Radiographic correction and recurrence rates in hallux valgus treated with modified Lapidus procedure: Comparison of intermetatarsal suspensory fixation vs. intercuneiform screw fixation
Outcomes of the Bone-Block Lapidus Arthrodesis (LapiCotton) in the Treatment of the Collapsed Foot
Early Radiological Outcome Of Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction Using A Guided Trajectory System
Outpatient Total Ankle Arthroplasty (TAA) as a Safe and Lower Cost Alternative to Inpatient TAA
Clinical & Radiographic Outcomes of Supramalleolar Osteotomy for the Old Age Patients with Medial Compartment Ankle Osteoarthritis
Participant Satisfaction and Investigator Assessment of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection as a Nonsurgical Intralesional Treatment Option for Plantar Fibromatosis
Dependence Of Total Ankle Tibial Baseplate Stability Upon Bone Density
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Surgical Intervention of Isolated Lisfranc Injury: Minimum Two- year Follow-up
Dependence Of Total Ankle Tibial Baseplate Stability Upon Device Fixation Features
Patient-related Risk Factors Associated with Poorer Outcomes Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Scoping Review of 101552 Cases
First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis in Hallux Rigidus and Hallux Valgus: A Comparison of Patient Reported and Clinical Outcomes
Peroneus Brevis to Longus Tendon Transfer in the Treatment of the Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Cadaveric Study
Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Isolated Gastrocnemius Recession for Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
Postoperative Medial Malleolar Fractures in Total Ankle Replacement are Associated with Medial Malleolar Width and Coronal Alignment
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Triple Arthrodesis for Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity: Minimum Two Year Follow Up
Predictive Model for Reintervention in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Open Broström-Gould Procedure: Minimum 5 Year Follow-Up
Proximal Tibial Cortex Transverse Distraction Facilitating Healing and Limb Salvage in Severe and Recalcitrant Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Comparison of clinico radiographic outcome of the 3 component Salto total ankle arthroplasty according to degree of ankle varus deformity for end stage ankle arthritis
Radiographic and Clinical Results of 4rd Generation Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery for Symptomatic Hallux Valgus
Pediatric Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Systematic Review and Treatment Algorithm
Reliability of Cone Bean Weight-Bearing Measurements of the Postoperative Outcome of Total Ankle Arthroplasties and Inter-Method Reliability with Respect to the Weight Bearing x-rays
Lateral joint distraction through distal fibula lengthening osteotomy for lateral compartment ankle osteoarthritis
Role of Insole Material in Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Distance mapping of the ankle joint before and after corrective anterolateral arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis (ALAPSTA)
Diagnostic Accuracy of Conventional Ankle CT Scan With External Rotation and Dorsiflexion in Patients With Acute Isolated Syndesmotic Instability
Corrective distal tibio-fibular osteotomy for medial ankle osteoarthritis: consecutive 67 cases, prognostic factors evaluation
Syndesmosis Evaluation Under WBCT: 3rd Base to Get a Cut-Off Point to Diagnosis
Fully Reduced HMGB1 Enhances Tissue Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats
The Accuracy of 3D Measurements in Weightbearing Computed Tomography to Diagnose Lisfranc Instability
Combined ORIF and Subtalar Arthrodesis for Talar Neck Fracture-Dislocations: Technique and Case Series
The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus on Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes
Early-to-intermediate clinical and radiographic outcomes of the Vantage total ankle arthroplasty
The Impact of 3D Foot Alignment on Detection of Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmotic Widening after Injury using Comparative Contralateral Distance Mapping
Effect of tibial cortex transverse transport in patients with recalcitrant diabetic foot ulcers: A prospective multicenter cohort study
The Impact of Surgical Timing After Ankle Fracture on Clinical and Long-Term Patient Reported Outcomes
Evaluating Failure Mechanisms for Total Talus Replacement: A Case Series
The Influence of Multiplanar Talar Displacement on Articular Ankle Loading: A 3D Finite Element Study
Comparing Rates of Radiographic Baseplate Loosening Between Cement and Cementless INFINITY Total Ankle Prostheses
The Role of Computed Tomography with External Rotation and Dorsiflexion in Decision Making for Acute Isolated Posterior Malleolar Fractures Bartoníček and Rammelt Type II: A Cross-Sectional Study
Is There a Correlation between the Distance to Healthcare Facilities and Postoperative Complications after Achilles Tendon Rupture? – A Geospatial Study
Three-Dimensional Mapping of Chaput Tubercle Fractures: Evaluation of Morphologic Characteristics and Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament Involvement
Supramalleolar Osteotomy Combined with Medial Malleolar Osteotomy for Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis with Varus Medial Malleolar Deformity
Tibialis Posterior Tendon Entrapment in Posterior Malleolar and Pilon Injuries of the Ankle: A Retrospective Analysis
Position Of The First Ray And Patient Reported Outcome Measures Following The Modified Lapidus Procedure: A Weightbearing CT Study
Total Ankle Arthroplasty is Associated with Decreased Risk of Postoperative Total Knee Arthroplasty Compared to Ankle Arthrodesis
Biomechanics and Injury Prevention for Barefoot/Minimalist Running
UK Foot and Ankle Thrombo-Embolism Audit (UK-FATE): A Multicentre Prospective Study of Venous Thromboembolism in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Ballooning Periprosthetic Osteolysis Related to Crystalline Arthropathies Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Case Series
Wear Rates of Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene in Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Mean 7-Year Follow- up
Ligamentous injuries in stable ankle fractures
A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing the Outcomes of Fixed vs Non-Fixed Middle-Sized Posterior Malleolus Fractures
Post-operative rehabilitation protocols may affect rates of Achilles tendon re-rupture after acute surgical repair: A systematic review
Anatomical Features of Patients with Recurrent Dislocation of the Peroneal Tendons
Progressive First Metatarsal Shortening is Observed Following Allograft Interpositional Arthroplasty in Hallux Rigidus
Arthroscopic Broström-Gould Repair Has Comparable Radiological and Clinical Outcomes Compared to Traditional Open Broström-Gould Repair in High-Demand Patients
Patient Reported Outcome Measures in the Footand Ankle Literature: A Systematic Review
Assessment of Cartilage Resected from Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus for Intraoperative Reimplantation
Characteristics and Discrepancies in Publication of Clinical Trials Related to Foot and Ankle Surgery
Changes in Coronal and Sagittal Alignment of the Ankle Joint After High Tibial Osteotomy: Evaluation Using Low Extremity Scanogram and EOS Imaging System
Does time to surgery affect postoperative outcomes of ankle fractures?
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty using a Revision Ankle System
Minimally Invasive Versus Open Approach for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis: A Retrospective Comparison of Surgical Outcomes
Clinical Association of Achilles Tendinopathy and Hypertension Mediated by CaV1.2 Voltage-gated Ca2+ Channel
Evaluating the Quality of Ankle Fracture Education on Short-Form Video Platform YouTube Shorts
Comparison Between Clinical, Radiological and Functional Outcome of Arthroereisis vs Corrective Osteotomies for Correction of Symptomatic Flexible Pes Planovalgus in Adolescents
Does Hallux Valgus Correction with Chevron-Akin Osteotomies Reduce the Length of the First Ray
Comparison of Intraoperative Radiation Exposure Between Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin (MICA) and Open Procedures for Hallux Valgus Correction
Normal Variation of the Lisfranc Joint: Tridimensional Analysis using Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography Imaging
Comparison of Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes between Distal and Proximal Minimally Invasive Chevron and Akin Osteotomy for Severe Hallux Valgus Deformity
What do we know about the pathoanatomy of talar neck malunions? Results from a 3D morphometric analysis.
Comparison Total Joint Replacement with Arthrodesis of the 1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Identification and Analysis of the Ankle Microbiome In Patients Undergoing Removal of Hardware
Does Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Use at New Foot and Ankle Patient Clinic Visits Improve Patient Activation, Experience, and Satisfaction?
Semiautomatic Weightbearing Computed Tomography Area Analysis of the Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmotic Incisura in Subtle Chronic Syndesmotic Instability
Does Shoe Type Impact Ankle Injury Risk or Outcomes in Professional Basketball Players?
Association between socioeconomic status and increased postoperative emergency department utilization following ankle fracture surgery
Early Efficacy of Combined Total Ankle Total Talus Replacement (TATR) in the Revision Setting
An Analysis of Pre- and Post-Operative Patient Reported Outcome Measurements Following Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery
Effect of Plate and Screw Fixation on Stability of Weber B/Supination-External Rotation Fractures with Partial Deltoid Ligament Injury (SER4a): Robotic-Based Joint Testing
The DeOrio One Finger Test: Does a Patients Ability To Localize Their Pain Lead to Different Clinical and Patient Reported Outcomes Than Those That Cannot?
Efficacy of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection, a Potential Nonsurgical Intralesional Treatment Option for Plantar Fibromatosis: A Randomized, Open-Label, Dose-Ranging Study
Achilles Tendon Rupture – The Essentials; A Bibliometric Study
Four-Leg Sustained Dynamic Compression Staple and Screw Generates Superior Lapidus Construct as Compared to Plate and Screw: A Biomechanical Study
Exploration of RNA-Sequencing Data from Knee and Ankle Synovium using Machine Learning
Intercuneiform Instability is Present in Midfoot Arthritis Patients: A 3D Volumetric Case-Control Assessment
Can distal first metatarsal supination osteotomy, varization osteotomy, or a combination of both improve HV surgical outcomes? Preliminary results of a multicenter randomized control trial
Lateralizing Calcaneal Osteotomy Performed with a Percutaneous Burr Results in a Significantly Lower Increase in Tarsal Tunnel Pressure
Minority and Lower Socioeconomic Status Patients Receive Ankle Fracture Care at Higher Cost Sites
Opposing Flanks vs Parallel Flanks – the Influence of Headless Screw Design on Compression and Pull- Out Resistance
Time to Surgery is an Important Factor for Acute Achilles Tendon Repair
Outcomes of Midfoot Arthrodesis After Primary ORIF For Lisfranc Injuries: Should We Be Primarily Fusing Every Lisfranc?
Short-term Follow-Up of Patients Receiving Bio-integrative Screws for Lisfranc Injuries: A Case-series
Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Complication Rates after Minimally Invasive vs Open Calcaneal Osteotomy
A Prospective Evaluation of Cost and Space Utilization Following Implementation of an Intelligent Delivery Platform for Forefoot Single-use Implants and Instrumentation in the ASC Setting
Patient Reported Outcomes Before and After Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Done In the First Two Years of a Single Surgeons Practice
Lessons learned – the learning curve of percutaneous hallux valgus correction using 3rd generation MICA in 106 consecutive cases
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Revision Ankle Arthrodesis for Ankle Fusion Non-Union
Outcomes of Hindfoot Joint-sparing Reconstructive Procedures for Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: a Prospective Cohort Study
Prevalence of Heterotopic Ossification following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
A Bibliometric Analysis of the 50 Most-cited Publications in Plantar Fascia Release
Primary Care Physicians’ Preferences Regarding Communication from Orthopaedic Providers
Isolated Tears of the Superior Fascicle of Anterior Talofibular Ligament Can Be Identified on MRI: A Cadaveric Study
Retrospective Review of Double vs Triple Hindfoot Arthrodesis: Clinical and Radiographic Comparison
The Volumetric Assessment of Lisfranc Joint and Spaces in Hallux Valgus Deformity Patients. A Case Control Study
Spontaneous Radiographic Improvement of a Large Cystic Osteochondral Lesion of the Talar Shoulder Following Realignment Surgery for Symptomatic Improvement
Incidence of Acute vs. Chronic Post-operative Complications following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Are they preventable?
Statistical Shape Modeling Enables Identification of Subtalar Contact Stress Differences Following Tibiotalar Arthrodesis and Total Ankle Replacement
Objective Analysis of Regional Tibiotalar Joint Changes in Ankle Osteoarthritis Assessed by Semi-automated 3D Distance Mapping
Talar Neck Malunions: Evaluation of Kinematics, Pedobarographic Changes and Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Relationship Between High Heels and Hallux Valgus Deformity. Fact or Fiction? A 3-dimensional Weight-bearing CT Assessment
The 10-Year Patient-Reported and Clinical Outcomes of a Series of 156 Mobile-Bearing Total Ankle Replacements and the Effects of Patient Age
Can the contralateral ankle be used for preoperative planning in total ankle arthroplasty in the posttraumatic patient? A prospective study
The Density-Weighted Foot Center Is Different to the Geometric Foot Center
3D Printed Titanium Wedges for Distraction Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint
The Effect of ASA Score on Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Three-Dimensional Distance Mapping to Identify Safe Zones for Lateral Column Lengthening
The Variation Between Unilateral and Bilateral Weight Bearing in Hindfoot Alignment Evaluation: Part II: A Prospective In Vivo Kinematic and Plantar Pressure Study
The Invision Talar Component as a Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Option: Analysis of Early Outcomes
Tibial Cortex Transverse Transport: A Novel Treatment of Large Area of Deep Wounds in the Patient's Lower Extremities
Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes in a Large Single-Center Series: Evaluation of Coronal Plane Deformity Correction and Patient Reported Measures
Transfibular Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Clinical, Functional, and Radiographic Outcomes and Complications at a Minimum of Five Years Follow-up
Patient Reported Outcomes Before and After Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Done In the First Two Years of a Single Surgeons Practice
Use of Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography (WBCT) Imaging in the Assessment of the Achilles Tendinopathy: A Prospective Comparative and Controlled Study
Lesions of the Talus with Particulated Juvenile Allograft Cartilage Implantation +/- Calcaneal Autograft
Varying Distance Between Suture-Endobuttons Does Not Improve Stability of the Transected Syndesmosis in a Motion Tracking Cadaveric Model
Assessment of clinical outcomes after mini-open reduction of depressed calcaneal fractures using the ‘push-out molding technique’
3D Weightbearing CT for the Diagnosis of Lisfranc Instability: An Update
Cavovarus Foot: The Highs and Lows
A Cross Sectional Analysis of Arch Height and Pressure Distribution in a Normalized Population of More than 1000 Subjects
Charcot Reconstruction: The Best Solutions for the Worst Problems
A Novel Application of Neural Networks to Identify Potentially Effective Combinations of Biologic Factors for Enhancement of Bone Fusion/Repair
Advanced Forefoot: The Final Frontier
A Novel Ultrasonographic Method to Detect Intra-Operative Syndesmotic Malreduction – the "Gap Penetrance" Sign
Sports: Getting Back in the Game!
A Step in the Right Direction: Analyzing Differences in Demographics and Mortality in Operative Management of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
MIS: Savoring the Small Things
Acute Effects in Selective Training of the Peroneus Longus and Peroneus Brevis
Complex TAR: Not Your Average Joint Replacement
Adjacent Joint Arthritis Incidence Rate Following Fusion of the First Tarsometatarsal Joint as Treatment for a Forefoot Deformity
Practice Management: It’s Not Surgery but It’s Still Work
Ankle Radiographic Characteristics of Two Different Types of Valgus Ankle Arthritis: With or Without Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Flatfoot: Too Much Is Never Enough
Are Body Mass Index (BMI) Cutoffs Creating Racial, Ethnic, Gender, or Age Disparities in Patient Eligibility for Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Trauma: Sticks and Stones - Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis: Is the Sky Really Falling Down?
Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis plus Peripheral Blood Concentrate (AMIC+PBC) in Chondral Defects of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint: 5-Year Follow-up
Trauma: Sticks and Stones - Talus Fracture 360
Bio-integrative vs Metallic Screws in Calcaneus Osteotomies: A Non-Inferiority Randomized Clinical Trial
Trauma: Sticks and Stones - Lisfranc Injuries: Beyond Fixing vs Fusing
Biomechanical Fixation Analysis of Minimally Invasive Chevron Osteotomy
Introduction to AOFAS 2022 Pre-Meeting Course: Advanced Arthroscopic Treatments
Bone Cutting Efficiency and Heat Generation Using a Traditional Fluted Burr and a Novel Fluteless Resurfacing Tool
Symposium 1: Arthroscopy in Ankle Ligament Repair
Chronic Achilles Tendon Rupture Reconstruction with Semitendinous Autograft Tendon: A Case Series
Symposium 2: Treating OLTs with the Scope
Clinical Comparison of Internal Fixation Constructs in Midfoot Charcot Arthropathy
Symposium 3: Tendoscopy and Os Trigonum
Clinical Efficacy of Distal Tibial Hounsfield Unit for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in Ankle Fractures
Symposium 4: Endoscopy for the Achilles and Plantar Fascia
Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Peroneus Brevis Allograft Reconstruction
Symposium 5: Arthroscopy for Arthritis and Fractures: Indications and Techniques
Clinical Outcomes and Complications of the Zadek Calcaneal Osteotomy in Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Symposium 6: Seriously, You Can Scope That? Arthroscopy in the Forefoot
Combinatorial Small Molecule Enhancement of Osteogenesis for Ankle Arthrodesis
Pre-Meeting Keynote Speaker: C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD - The Evolution of Arthroscopy in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Comparable Outcomes of Cartiva Implant, Cheilectomy, and Fusion for Hallux Rigidus of the 1st Metatarsophalangeal Joint: A Matched Cohort Study
The Association of the ASA Score and Outcomes Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Comparing Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Flatfeet Using Known Markers of Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD): A Case Control Study
Does Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Use at New Foot and Ankle Patient Clinic Visits Improve Patient Activation, Experience, and Satisfaction?
Comparison of Acute vs Chronic Lisfranc Injury Patient-Reported Outcomes in Surgically Treated Patients
Midfoot Arthrodesis After Primary ORIF for Traumatic Lisfranc Injuries: Should We Be Primarily Fusing High Energy Lisfrancs?
Congruent Weber-B Ankle Fractures do not affect Tibiotalar Contact Mechanics: No Need for the Scalpel?
Primary Care Physicians’ Preferences Regarding Communication from Orthopaedic Surgeons
Conservative Treatment with Arch Support Inflatable Ankle-Foot Orthosis Does Not Correct Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Prospective Comparative and Controlled Study
Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes between the distal and proximal MICA for severe hallux valgus deformity
Defining Normal Articular Characteristics of the Primary Joints of the Foot and Ankle: A 3D Hounsfield Algorithm Weight Bearing CT Study
Clinical Association of Achilles Tendinopathy and Hypertension Mediated by CaV1.2 Voltage Gated Ca2+ Channel
Deformities Influencing Different Classes in Progressive Collapsing Foot
Early Efficacy of Combined Total Ankle Total Talus Replacement (TATR) In the Revision Setting: A Case Series
Diabetes is a Potential Predictor of Failure following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Statistical Shape Modeling Enables Identification of Subtalar Contact Stress Differences Following Tibiotalar Arthrodesis and Total Ankle Replacement
Do Arch Supports Alter Foot Alignment in Patients with Metatarsalgia? A Weightbearing CT and x-ray Study
Transfibular Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Clinical, Functional, and Radiographic Outcomes and Complications at a Minimum of Five Years Follow-up
Does the Presence of Asymptomatic Flatfoot Impact the Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of the Minimally Invasive Chevron and Akin Bunionectomy?
Effects of Fibular Plate Fixation on Ankle Stability in Weber B Fracture Models with Partial Deltoid Ligament Sectioning
Does Total Ankle Replacement Help to Improve Physical Activity in Patients 2 Year Post-Operatively? A Pilot Activity Monitoring Study
The effectiveness of arthroscopic Broström-Gould repair for treating chronic ankle instability of high-demand patients
Early Osteolysis and Component Revision of CADENCE Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Midterm Follow Up
A prospective randomized study comparing the outcomes of fixed versus non-fixed middle-sized posterior malleolus fractures
Early Outcomes after Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Calcaneal Osteotomy in the Treatment of Cavovarus and Planovalgus Foot Deformities
Comparison of Intraoperative Radiation Exposure Between Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin (MICA) and Open Procedures for Hallux Valgus Correction
Early to Mid-Term Follow-up of Total Ankle Arthroplasty in Patients <35 Years
Isolated Realignment Surgery Improves Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes in Patients with Large Cystic Osteochondral Lesion of the Talar Shoulder with Concurrent Malalignment
Effect of BMI on Acute Postoperative Complications following Total Ankle Arthroplasty (TAA)
Four-Leg Sustained Dynamic Compression Staple and Screw Generates Superior Lapidus Construct as Compared to Plate and Screw: A Biomechanical Study
Effect of Fibula Shortening on Medial Clear Space and Lateral Translation of the Talus: An Anatomical Cadaveric Study
The density weighted foot center is different to the geometric foot center
Effectiveness of Hospital-Based Systemic Rehabilitation in Improving Ankle Function after Surgery in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients
Opposing Flanks vs. Parallel Flanks: The Influence of Headless Screw Design on Compression and Pull-Out Resistance
Endoscopic Calcaneoplasty in Haglund's Disease: Surgical Technique, Clinical and Subjective Outcomes
Tibial Cortex Transverse Transport - A novel Treatment for Large-Area Deep Wounds in the Lower Extremities
Evaluation of Automated Coverage and Distance Mapping Selections to Improve Reliability and Clinical Utility of 3D Weightbearing CT Assessments - Annual Meeting 2023
Anatomical Features of Patients with Recurrent Dislocation of the Peroneal Tendon
Evaluation of Leg-foot Range of Motion: Which Measurement Method is Most Reliable?
Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Complication Rates after Minimally Invasive vs. Open Calcaneal Osteotomy
Foot and Ankle Offset in the Setting of Severe Rotational Foot and Ankle Deformities
The 10-year patient-reported and clinical outcomes of a series of 156 mobile-bearing total ankle replacements (TAR) and the effects of patient age
Foot and Ankle Surgery Postoperative Complications with Regional vs General Anesthesia
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty using a Revision Ankle System
Heat Generation during Minimally Invasive Calcaneal Osteotomy: A Cadaveric Study
Total Joint Replacement of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint with Roto-Glide as Alternative to Arthrodesis
Heat Generation during Minimally Invasive First Metatarsal Osteotomy: A Cadaveric Study
Coronal and sagittal alignment of ankle joint is significantly affectedby high tibial osteotomy
High-Heel Wearing Does Not Change The Forefoot Alignment In Non-Frequent Users Without Hallux Valgus: 3D Weight-Bearing Scan Study
Varying Distance Between Suture Endobuttons Does Not Improve Cadaveric Syndesmotic Stability in a Motion Tracking Model
How Much Subtalar and Ankle Joint Surface are Actually Destroyed when Reaming for Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) Nailing? A Cadaveric Study
Intercuneiform Instability is Present in Midfoot Arthritis Patients: A 3D Volumetric Case-Control Assessment
Improved Survival Rates with Fixed Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty
The Impact of Shoe Type on Ankle Injuries in Basketball
Increased Hospital Length of Stay for Obesity Class II and III Patients After Primary Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A NSQIP Analysis
Retrospective Review of Double versus Triple Hindfoot Arthrodesis: Clinical and Radiographic Comparison
Increased Metal Component Failure with STAR Total Ankle
Assessment of cartilage resected from osteochondral lesions of the talus for intraoperative reimplantation
Increased Union Rates in Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis with Hybrid Nitinol Dynamic Compression Device
The Variation between Unilateral and Bilateral Weight Bearing in Hindfoot Alignment Evaluation. Part II: A Prospective In Vivo Kinematics, and Plantar Pressure Study
Intermediate Term Clinical Outcomes in Total Ankle Arthroplasty: The CU Total Ankle Registry
Use of Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography (WBCT) imaging in the assessment of the Achilles Tendinopathy: A Prospective Comparative and Controlled Study
Is there any Synergistic Effect of Perioperative Use of Pregabalin in Addition to Naproxen in Ankle Fractures? A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study
Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection in Patients with Plantar Fibromatosis: A Randomized, Open-Label, Dose-Ranging Study
Is There Improvement in Plantar Pressures Patterns Following Total Ankle Replacement? – A Prospective Novel 1 Year Follow Up Study
Symposium 1: West Meets East: Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
Long Hallucal Tendon Force Vectors and First Metatarsophalangeal Deformity After Hallux Valgus Surgery
Symposium 2: Kenneth A. Johnson Symposium on Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Long-Term Outcomes After Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review
Symposium 3: West Meets East: Lateral Ligament Repair
Long-Term Patient Outcomes for Treatment of Difficult Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus with Particulated Juvenile Allograft Cartilage Implantation with and without Calcaneal Autograft
Symposium 4: Treating Charcot Marie Tooth Disease for the Orthopaedic Specialist
Medium to Long-Term Results of Non-anatomic Spring Ligament Reconstruction Using an Allograft Tendon in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity with Severe Abduction Deformity
Symposium 6: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Mid Term Followup of Patient Reported Outcomes in Patients <50 years with a Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Symposium 7: Room to Grow? Management of Osteochondral Lesions and Peroneal Tendons
Minimally Invasive Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy for Juvenile Hallux Valgus Correction: A Retrospective Radiographic Evaluation
Symposium 8: Treating Chronic Peroneal Tendinopathy
Modified Youngswick Osteotomy for Treatment of Hallux Rigidus in Athletes
Symposium 5: How to Improve Your Research Grant Applications (Research Forum)
Morphological Analysis of Intraarticular Fragments in AO/OTA 44 Category Posterior Malleolar Fractures
Symposium 9: The Science of Injury Mitigation, Prevention, and Treatment
Narcotic Use and Prescribing Trends Among Workers Compensation Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Surgery
Symposium 10: Ankle Arthroplasty: Getting the Best Results
Nonunion Rate of Evans Osteotomy Without Fixation Pediatric Flatfoot
High Impact Research: The (Not So) Simple Truths!
Obesity and Ankle Fractures: Are Outcomes and Complications Really Worse?
Symposium 11: Emerging Technologies That Will Change the Way We Practice
Patient Reported and Radiographic Outcomes following the Malerba Osteotomy
Symposium 12: Managing Grade 2 and 3 Hallux Rigidus: Data-Driven Approaches
Patient Reported Outcomes using PROMIS after Tarsal Tunnel Release Surgery
Advances in Imaging and Tissue Preservation Providing Solutions to Medical Mysteries
Patient Resilience Is Associated with Greater Post-Surgical Improvement Compared to Global Mental Health and Depression in the Foot and Ankle Population
Paper Session 1A: Ankle Arthritis
Plain Ankle Radiographs Underestimate Valgus Tibiotalar Tilt in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Comparative Analysis with WBCT
Paper Session 1B: Ankle Ligament
Post-Operative Complications after Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair: A Survival Analysis of Minimally Invasive vs Open Techniques
Paper Session 2A: Total Ankle 1
Predicting the Potential Complications of Lateral Column Lengthening: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study
Paper Session 2B: Fractures
Preliminary Results and a Treatment Algorithm for Osteomyelitis of the Distal Tibia and Talus
Paper Session 3B: Sports and Achilles
Prevalence of Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity in Hallux Valgus Patients
Paper Session 4A: Hindfoot
Primary Endpoint Analysis for a Prospective Multicenter Study Assessing Radiographic Recurrence and Patient Outcomes Following Triplanar Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis with Early Weightbearing
Paper Session 4B: 3D Imaging and AI
Quantification of First Metatarsal Joint Surface Interactions in Hallux Rigidus Using Distance and Coverage Mapping
Paper Session 5A: Forefoot
Recurrent Toe Walking in Pediatric Orthopedic Patients: Idiopathic vs Concomitant Sensory Processing Disorders
Paper Session 3A: Total Ankle 2
Return to Alpine Sport and Physical Activity After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis
Paper Session 5B: Science of Foot and Ankle Care
Return-to-sport following Operative Management of Lisfranc Injuries in Competitive Athletes
Foundation Remarks and Awards
Rising Patient Out-of-Pocket Costs for Common Outpatient Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeries
AOFAS Presidential Remarks and Awards
Salvage of Failed Ankle Arthrodesis by Conversion to Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Intermediate Term Results
Should all Small Shell Posterior Malleolar Fractures be Considered for Fixation? Results from a 3D Fracture Mapping Study
Anatomical Structures at Risk in Percutaneous Distal Bunionette Correction
Successful Limb Salvage Reconstruction Using Bulk Femoral Head Allograft
Comparison of Complication Rates and Surgical Costs for Total Ankle Replacements Performed in the Outpatient versus Inpatient Setting
Survivorship, Clinical Outcomes, and Radiographic Complications in the Infinity Total Ankle Arthroplasty at Mid-term (Minimum 5-Year) Follow-up
Comparison of Outcomes in Below-Knee Amputation Based on Surgeon Specialty
The Association Between Distressed Community Index and Clinical Outcomes Following Surgical Repair of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture
DARI Evaluation Syndesmosis
The Association Between Distressed Community Index and Clinical Outcomes Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) for PROMIS After Hallux Rigidus Correction Surgery
The Burden of Revision Total Ankle Replacement Has Markedly Increased from 2010 to 2020
Differences in Baseline Physical Function and Mental Health PROM Scores in Patients with Foot and Ankle Conditions
The Effect of Body Mass Index on Short-Term Complications and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Surgically-Repaired Achilles Tendon
Evaluating the Effect of Diabetic Medications on Rates of Nonunion in Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Arthrodesis Treatments
The Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) on Achilles Tendon Injury
Fusion Rates in Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis with Tantalum Coated Metal Cup Augmentation
The Effects of Tibialis Anterior Tenotomy on Wound Problems after Anterior Fusion Plating for Severe Ankle Arthritis
Glucose Lability and Complications in Diabetic Ankle Fractures
The Footprint of Mortality: Outcome Analysis in Charcot Neuroarthropathy Patients Who Underwent Multiple Surgical Procedures
Hawkins Sign of the Talus the Impact of Patient Factors on Prediction Accuracy
The Role of the Plantar Fascia in Supporting the Arch in Flatfoot Deformity
“I Can’t Exercise Because My Foot Hurts Me Too Much.” Does BMI Change After Common Foot and Ankle Surgeries? A Retrospective Review
The Use of a Sustained Dynamic Compression Intramedullary Nail for Subtalar Arthrodesis
Impact of Device Trajectory and Device Type on Compression during Simulated Bone Resorption in a Subtalar Model
The Workers Compensation Burden: Does Compensation Status Lead to Increased Utilization of Healthcare Resources Following Foot and Ankle Surgery?
Impact of Midfoot Charcot Arthropathy (Brodsky Type 1) on Patient Reported Outcome Scores
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Windlass Mechanism Using Loading Computed Tomography in Patients With Hallux Rigidus and Healthy Volunteers
Improved Survival Rates with Fixed Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Three-Dimensional Distance Map Comparisons between Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity (PCFD)
Intermetatarsal and Metatarsal-Phalangeal Angles Can Be Corrected by an Isolated Akin Osteotomy in Patients with Hallux Valgus Deformity
Three-dimensional Weight-Bearing CT Distance and Coverage Mapping Assessment of the 1st MTPJ and Sesamoid Joints in Patients with Hallux Valgus Deformity
Is There Still a Learning Curve for Primary TAA After Completing a High-Volume Ankle Replacement Fellowship? A Multicenter Study
Tolerability and Safety of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection in Participants with Plantar Fibromatosis
A Prospective Evaluation of a 3-D printed 4th Generation Total Ankle Prosthesis with 1-year Follow-Up
Transfer of the Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Improves Joint Kinematics of the Medial Column during Simulated Stance Phase in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Minimally Invasive Dorsal Cheilectomy and Hallux Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Arthroscopy for the Treatment of Hallux Rigidus
Transient Exposure of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Analogs to Synovial Fluid Hematoma After Ankle Fracture Promotes Chondrocyte Death and Alters Gene Expression Toward an Osteoarthritic Phenotype
Outcomes Following Extracellular Matrix Cartilage Allograft for the Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Systematic Review
Treatment of Symptomatic Bunionette Deformity with Distal Metatarsal Metaphyseal Osteotomy with no Fixation or Strapping
Outcomes of Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy for Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy with Two-Year Minimum Follow-Up: A Retrospective Study
Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography Evaluation of Acute SER4a Ankle Fractures
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State Using PROMIS Following Reconstruction of the Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
3D Printed Titanium Wedges for Distraction Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint
Retrospective Comparison of Return to Sports and Physical Activity after Forefoot
A 3D Surface Mapping-Based Morphology Study of the Cartilaginous Surfaces of the 1st TMT Joint
Single-Center, Early Experience with the First 3D-Printed Surface, Fixed Bearing, Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Minimum of 2-Year Follow-Up
A Bibliometric Analysis of the 50 Most-cited Publications in Plantar Fascia Release
The Effect of Operative Time on Short Term Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes
A Comparative Retrospective Radiographic Analysis of the Outcomes of Double and Triple Arthrodesis in the Correction of Severe Flatfoot Deformity
The Effect of Operative Time on Short-Term Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes
A Novel Treatment Protocol to Improve Outcomes with Transtibial Amputations
Total Ankle Replacement with Built-in Antibiotic Spacer: A Paradigm Shift in the Management of Infected Ankles
A Practical Guide to Selecting Foot and Ankle Journals for Publication
Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Foundation: Update - Winter Meeting 2024
A Prospective Evaluation of Cost and Space Utilization Following Implementation of an Intelligent Delivery Platform for Forefoot Single-use Implants and Instrumentation in the ASC Setting
A Retrospective Comparison of Single Screw vs Dual Screw Fixation for Treatment of Medial Malleolus Fractures
A Systematic Review of Outcomes of Total Ankle Arthroplasty with INBONE II
A Systematic Review of Tibialis Posterior Tendon Entrapment in Pilon and Trimalleolar Injuries
Achilles Tendon Rupture – The Essentials: A Bibliometric Study
Acute Deltoid Injury in Ankle Fractures: A Biomechanical Analysis of Different Repair Constructs
An Analysis of Pre- and Post-Operative Patient Reported Outcome Measurements Following Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery
Analysis of Clinical and Radiological Results of Total Ankle Arthroplasty According to Varus Deformity
Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Triple Arthrodesis: A Minimum Two-Year Follow-up
Analyzing the Quality and Educational Value of Achilles Tendinopathy-Related Videos on TikTok
Anatomic Lateral Ligaments Repair Augmented with Suture-tape for Chronic Ankle Instability with Poor Quality of Remnant Ligamentous Tissue
Anterolateral Ankle Impingement due to Bassett’s Ligament
Arthrodesis of the Second and Third Tarsometatarsal Joints: Comparison of Clinical Results Using Combined or Individual Plating Techniques
Assessing the Appropriateness of Repeat MRI Scan Requests Within a Foot and Ankle Department
Assessment of Clinical Outcomes After Mini-Open Reduction of Depressed Calcaneal Fractures Using the Push-Out Molding Technique
Assessment of the Learning Curve of Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus: A Systematic Review
Association between Postoperative Medial: Middle Intercuneiform Joint Gapping and Recurrence Rates in Hallux Valgus
Association between Socioeconomic Status and Increased Postoperative Emergency Department Utilization following Ankle Fracture Surgery
Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis plus Peripheral Blood Concentrate (AMIC+PBC) in Chondral Lesions at the Ankle as Part of a Complex Surgical Approach: 5-Year Follow-up
Ballooning Periprosthetic Osteolysis Related to Crystalline Arthropathies Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Case Series
Biomechanical Analysis about Syndesmotic Stability for AITFL Augmentation with Fibular Plate
Biomechanical Comparison of Nitinol Compression Staples vs Fully Threaded Lag Screws for Talonavicular Arthrodesis
Biomechanical Comparison of Open vs Percutaneous Techniques for Primary Mid-Substance Achilles Tendon Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Biomechanical Evaluation of 4th Generation Minimally Invasive Distal First Metatarsal Osteotomy-Akin Osteotomy Technique on First Ray Articular Contact Properties
Biomechanical Evaluation of Different Fixation Methods for a First Metatarsal Transverse Neck Osteotomy in a Hallux Valgus Sawbone Model
Biomechanics and Injury Prevention for Barefoot/Minimalist Running
Black/African Americans Experience Disparate Outcomes after Lower Extremity Orthopaedic Injury Evaluation in U.S. Emergency Departments
Body Mass Index is a Predictor of Discharge to a Post-Acute Care Facility Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Bone Mineral Density Distribution in the Foot Bones and Correlation with Hindfoot Alignment
Can Distal First Metatarsal Supination Osteotomy, Varization Osteotomy, or a Combination of Both Improve HV Surgical Outcomes? Preliminary Results of a Multicenter Randomized Control Trial
Can the Contralateral Ankle be used for Preoperative Planning in Total Ankle Arthroplasty in the Posttraumatic Patient? A Prospective Study
Symposium 1 – The Midfoot: Why Is It Such a Problem?
Casting is a Cost-Effective Management Option in Appropriate Cases of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
Symposium 2 – Complex Sports Injuries to the Foot and Ankle: He/She Is Going Division 1 – What Do I Do?
Characteristics and Discrepancies in Publication of Clinical Trials Related to Foot and Ankle Surgery
Symposium 3 – Regenerative Biologics in Foot and Ankle: When, Why, and How
Characterization of Motor Performance in 200 Normal Ankles Through Isokinetic Evaluation
Symposium 4 – MIS: So Much More Than the Average Bunion
Chevron vs Oblique Medial Displacement Calcaneal Osteotomy - Which Is More Stable? Results From a Finite Element Analysis Study
Symposium 5 – Lesser Toes: Getting It Right
Classification of the Os Calcis Subtalar Morphology in Symptomatic Flexible Pediatric Pes Planus Deformity Using Weight-Bearing CT and Distance Mapping
Symposium 6 – Neuropathy Foot Complications
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Supramalleolar Osteotomy for the Old Age Patients with Medial Compartment Ankle Osteoarthritis
Symposium 7 – Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Can I Really Do That in This Patient?
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Nitinol Compression Staples for Midfoot and Chopart Arthrodesis
Symposium 8 – Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: The Latest
Symposium 4 – MIS: So Much More Than the Average Bunion
Clinical Outcomes of Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Patients Treated with Reattachment and Dorsal Closing Wedge Calcaneal Osteotomy: A Meta-analysis
Combined Deltoid and Spring Ligament Reconstruction Using Quadrangular Construct
Combined ORIF and Subtalar Arthrodesis Technique for Talar Neck Fracture Dislocations
Comparative Study between Semitendinous Autograft Tendon Length Harvested in Ventral vs Dorsal Decubitus
Comparing Rates of Radiographic Baseplate Loosening Between Cement and Cementless INFINITY Total Ankle Prostheses
Comparing the Utility of Custom Foot Orthoses vs Prescription-grade Prefabricated Foot Orthoses
Comparison of Bone Healing and Delayed or Nonunion Rates Between Operatively and Non- operatively Treated Displaced Zone 1 Fifth Metatarsal Fractures
Comparison of Clinico-Radiographic Outcome of the 3-Component Salto Total Ankle Arthroplasty According to Degree of Ankle Varus Deformity for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis
Comparison of Mini Tightrope Intermetatarsal Fixation and Inter-Cuneiform Screw Fixation in Lapidus
Comparison of Outcomes Between Fixed and Mobile-Bearing Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Complication Rates of Open Subtalar Fusion with and Without Combined Calcaneal Osteotomy in Severe Hindfoot Deformity
Complications and Radiographic Outcomes of Operatively Treated Navicular Fractures
Conservative Treatment Outcomes for Achilles Tendon Re-Rupture Occurring in the Subacute Phase after Primary Repair
Correction of Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle in Hallux Valgus Surgery Utilizing a Minimally Invasive Percutaneous First Metatarsal Distal Transverse Osteotomy
Corrective Distal Tibio-Fibular Osteotomy for Medial Ankle Osteoarthritis: Consecutive 67 Cases, Prognostic Factors and 3B Cases Outcomes Evaluation
Correlation between Level of Evidence and Citations in Top 100 Cited Hallux Valgus Articles
Decreased Reoperation Rate with ABMP in Foot and Ankle Fusions
Deep Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction Utilizing Suture Augmentation via an Arthroscopically- Assisted Approach: A Novel Technique and Case Series
Deltoid Ligament Release for Varus Deformity Correction in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Dependence of Total Ankle Tibial Baseplate Stability Upon Bone Density
Dependence of Total Ankle Tibial Baseplate Stability Upon Device Fixation Features
Determining the Causal Effect of Statins on Reducing the Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism after Ankle Fractures
Distance Mapping of the Ankle Joint Before and After Corrective Anterolateral Arthroscopic Subtalar Arthrodesis (ALAPSTA)
Do Patients who Undergo Fixation for Pilon Fracture Develop Symptoms Comparable to Primary Ankle OA?
Do Syndesmotic Injury Patterns Influence Functional and Radiological Outcomes in Complex Ankle Fractures? A Retrospective Cohort Study
Does Different Anatomical Foot/ Ankle Arthritis Affect Functional Disability Differently?
Does Hallux Valgus Correction with Chevron-Akin Osteotomies Reduce the Length of the First Ray
Does Perioperative use of Bisphosphonate Affect Implant Revision Rate of Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Does Suture Type or Configuration Matter in Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Repairs?
Does the Radiographic Lateral View of Toes Matter? - A Retrospective Analyses of 378 X-Rays
Does the Underlying Cause of Arthritis Affect the Outcome of Total Ankle Replacement? A 10 Year Follow Up Study
Does use of Allograft Affect Union Rates in Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Surgery?
Early Outcomes after Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy for the Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinitis and Haglund’s Deformity
Early Radiological Outcome of Minimally Invasive Bunion Correction Using a Guided Trajectory System
Early-to-Intermediate Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of the Vantage Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Effect of Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Overcompression on the Biomechanical Properties of the Ankle Bones: An In Vitro Cadaveric Model
Effect of Medial Closing Wedge Distal Femoral Varization Osteotomy on Coronal Ankle and Hindfoot Alignment
Effect of Tibial Cortex Transverse Transport in Patients with Recalcitrant Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study
Effectiveness of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections for Plantar Fasciitis: A Patient Reported Outcomes Evaluation
Effects of a 4 Week Cyclic Stretching Program on Muscle Stiffness and Hardness and Jump Performance in Healthy Adults: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of Soccer Cleats Worn vs Lower Extremity Injuries in the English Premier League
Effects on the Lower Limb Anthropometry in Patients with Unilateral Idiopathic Clubfoot Treated Conservatively with Ponseti Technique
Efficacy of the Ponseti Technique in Correcting Clubfoot Deformity and Influence of Residual Deformity in Patient Reported Outcomes: A Prospective Comparative and Controlled Study
Evaluating Failure Mechanisms for Total Talus Replacement: A Case Series
Evaluating the Quality of Ankle Fracture Education on Short-Form Video Platform YouTube Shorts
Evaluation of Hindfoot Alignment on Lateral Weightbearing x-rays: A Novel Prospective In Vivo Study
Evaluation of Mechanical Stress Distribution Across the Calcaneus following Calcaneal Autograft: A Finite Element Analysis
Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Patients Receiving Bio-Integrative Screws for Lisfranc Injuries: A Case Series Study
Exploration of RNA-Sequencing Data from Knee and Ankle Synovium using Machine Learning
Favorable Outcomes Following Extra-Corporeal Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Non-Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Compared to Chronic Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: A Retrospective Review
First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis in Hallux Rigidus and Hallux Valgus: A Comparison of Patient Reported and Clinical Outcomes
First Ray Mobility in Hallux Rigidus, Hallux Valgus, and Normal Feet Based on Weightbearing Computed Tomography and Three-Dimensional Analysis
Fixation in Missed Lisfranc Injuries: Should This Be Attempted?
Fully Reduced HMGB1 Enhances Nonunion Fracture Healing in Diabetic Rat Model
Fusion Rates in Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis with Tantalum Coated Metal Cup Augmentation
Heat Generation and Risk of Thermal Necrosis during Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Correction Utilizing a Shannon Burr: A Cadaveric Study
Hindfoot Stability Test: Introduction and Validation of a Diagnostic Test of Subtalar Instability in Deltoid Ligament injury Associated with Ankle Fractures
How Do Causes of Readmission Following Orthopaedic Surgery Differ Between Races? A Five-Year Analysis of the NSQIP Database.
How Does Alcohol Use Disorder Impact Morbidity, Readmission Rates, and HealthCare Expenditures Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Bimalleolar Fractures?
How Does Lateral Column Lengthening Correct the Flatfoot? A Cadaveric Study
Identification and Analysis of The Microbiome in Patients Undergoing Removal of Hardware
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: Quantification of Metabolic and Neurologic Changes in Murine Model for Charcot Arthropathy
Immediate Weight Bearing after Modified-Brostrom Reconstruction: A Retrospective Review of an Accelerated Rehab Protocol
Incidence of Acute vs Chronic Post-op Complications Following TAA: Are They Preventable?
Incidence of Postoperative Rerupture of Achilles Tendon and Associated Risk Factors in South Korea: A National Population-Based Study
Increased Calcaneal Pitch and Subtalar Instability are Predictors Associated with Surgical Reconstruction for Patients who Develop Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Influence of Double Hindfoot Arthrodesis and the Sequence of Joint Fusion on Ankle Kinematics: A Cadaveric Gait Simulation Study
Influence of Retrograde Intramedullary Beam Position Within Talar Body on Radiographic Failure of Medial Column Fusion
Intellectual Property and Royalty Payments Among Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship Faculty
InternalBrace for Anatomic AITFL Augmentation and Syndesmotic Stabilization: Results at Long-term Follow Up
Intramedullary vs Plate Fixation of Distal Fibular Fractures: Use Rates, Fracture Patterns, Patient Characteristics, and Complication Rates
Is Age a Determining Factor When Considering Arthrodesis in LisFranc Injuries? A Retrospective Cohort Analysis with Patient Reported Outcomes
Is Prehabilitation Effective on Modified Broström Procedure for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability?
Is there a Correlation Between the Distance to Healthcare Facilities and Postoperative Complications after Achilles Tendon Rupture? A Geospatial Study
Key Trace Elements Zinc and Magnesium Levels Decline After Fracture in a Rat Model
K-Wire Fixation vs Implant Device Fixation for Hammertoe Deformity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Lateral Column Overload in Modified Double vs Triple Arthrodesis: A Biomechanical Study
Lateral Talar Subluxation Measurements in Non-Operatively Managed Weber B Ankle Fractures
Lessons Learned – the Learning Curve of Percutaneous Hallux Valgus Correction Using 3rd Generation MICA in 106 Consecutive Cases
Ligamentous Injuries in Stable Ankle Fractures
Long-Term Outcomes of Infinity Total Ankle Arthroplasty Compared to Ankle Arthrodesis
Measurement of the Medial Clear Space: An Intra-Observer Comparison of Various Measurement Methods
Measurements and Protocols Used for Weight-Bearing Cone-Beam CT Scans for Evaluating the Alignment of the Foot and Ankle: A Systematic Literature Review
Medial Column Soft Tissue Imbrication with Internal brace Augmentation Following Lateral Column Lengthening in the Ambulatory Pediatric CP with Pes Planovalgus Foot Deformities: A Novel Indication
Midfoot and Hindfoot Charcot Deformity Correction is Well Maintained with Beam Fixation
Midterm Outcomes of the Salto Talaris Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Midterm Outcomes Talocalcaneal Coalition Arthroscopic Resection in Adults
Midterm Survivorship and Complications of the Cadence Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Minimally Invasive Transverse Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Correction: Is there a Difference in Outcome Between Moderate and Severe Deformities?
Minority and Lower Socioeconomic Status Patients Receive Ankle Fracture Care at Higher Cost Sites
Multiligament Ankle Instability Following Rotational Ankle Injuries: A Prospective Cohort Study
Multiple Ankle Injuries are Associated with an Increased Risk of Subsequent Concussion in National Football League Players
Natural Course of Talar Avascular Necrosis During Short-Term Follow-Up and Factors Associated with Disease Progression
Non-operative Success of Treating Midfoot and Transverse Tarsal Joint Osteoarthritis
Normal Variation of the Lisfranc Joint: Tridimensional Analysis using Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography Imaging
Obesity Significantly Impacts Patient Reported Outcomes after Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Results from 615 Controls and 478 Patients with Obesity
Objective Analysis of Regional Tibiotalar Joint Changes in Ankle Osteoarthritis Assessed by Semi- Automated 3D Distance Mapping
One Year Outcomes of the H-AMIC Procedure for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
Opioid Consumption Following Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Systematic Review
Outcomes and Complications of Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis
Outcomes following Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid Injection for the Management of Hallux Rigidus: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Open vs Minimally Invasive Chevron Osteotomy for the Management of Hallux Valgus Deformity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Outcomes following Particulated Juvenile Allograft Cartilage for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Peroneal Tendoscopy for Peroneal Tendon Disorders: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Implant for Hallux Rigidus: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Surgical Intervention for Freiberg's Infraction: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Surgical Intervention for Hallux Varus deformity: A Systematic Review
Outcomes following Surgical Treatment for Symptomatic Accessory Navicular: A Systematic Review
Outcomes of Hindfoot Joint-Sparing Reconstructive Procedures for Flexible Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity: A Prospective Cohort Study
Pathogenesis of the Hallux Valgus: Enthesopathy of the Metatarsosesamoid Ligament
Patient Reported Outcome Measures in the Foot and Ankle Literature: A Systematic Review
Patient Reported Outcomes Following Open Broström-Gould Procedure: Minimum 5 Year Follow Up
Patient Reported Outcomes with the Use of Fibular Nail Fixation, Retrospective Review of 41 Cases
Patient-Reported Outcomes of Surgically Treated Lisfranc Injuries with Isolated Longitudinal Instability
Patterns of Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament Avulsion Fracture Accompanied by Ankle Fracture
Pediatric Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Systematic Review and Treatment Algorithm
Peroneal Tendon Disorders: Cellular Profiles and Gene Expression
Predictors of Intraoperative and Early Complications in Total Ankle Replacement
Primary Arthrodesis vs Open Reduction Internal Fixation for Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocations: A Cost Analysis
Progressive First Metatarsal Shortening is Observed Following Allograft Interpositional Arthroplasty in Hallux Rigidus
PROMIS Scores for Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Before and After Gastrocnemius Recession
Prospective Evaluation of Rate of Fusion with Augment Injectable Bone Graft
Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Between Fibula Intramedullary Nail Fixation vs Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for the Surgical Management of Unstable Ankle Fractures
Prospective Study of the Destabilization Maneuver in Inversion for the Treatment of Acute Ankle Ligament Injury: Case Series
Racial Disparities in the Utilization of Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Ankle Instability in the United States
Racial, Socioeconomic, and Payer Status Disparities in Utilization of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Compared with Ankle Arthrodesis
Radiographic Anatomy of the Lateral Ankle Ligament Complex: A Cadaveric Study
Radiographic Measurements Associated with Ankle Power Generation During Gait in Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Rates of Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Differ by Insurance Type in Chronic Ankle Instability Patient
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width: A Novel Predictor of Mortality Following Amputation in Diabetic Foot
Relationship Between Hallux Valgus Recurrence and Sesamoid Position on AP Standing Radiographs After Distal Chevron Metatarsal Osteotomy
Relationship between High Heels and Hallux Valgus Deformity. Fact or Fiction? A 3-Dimensional Weight-bearing CT Assessment
Relative Position of the First Ray and Patient Reported Outcome Measures Following the Modified Lapidus Procedure: a Weightbearing CT Study
Retrograde Drilling for Hepple-V Subchondral Lesion of Talus using 3D Image-based Navigation Assisted Endoscopic Technique
Retrospective Review of 200 Consecutive, Single Surgeon, Fibula Nails with Proximal and Distal Fixation
Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes in a Large Single-Center Series: Evaluation of Coronal Plane Deformity Correction and Patient Reported Measures
Risks of Increased Operative Time and Longer Hospital Stays Based on Age in Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Safe and Effective Is Not Always Acceptable: The Case for PASS Scores in Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery
Safe Zones Analysis for Lateral Column Lengthening Using Weightbearing CT and Distance Mapping
Sagittal Orientation and Variabilities of the Anatomical Insertional Footprint of the Achilles Tendon: A Cadaveric Study
Screw Only Fixation vs Plate Fixation For 1st MTPJ Arthrodesis: A Comparative Retrospective Study
Semi-Automatic 3D Assessment of Zadek Osteotomy Effects
Semiautomatic Weight Bearing Computed Tomography Area Analysis of the Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmotic Incisura in Subtle Chronic Syndesmotic Instability
Sex Differences in Muscle Hypertrophy Response to Training of the Peroneus Longus and Peroneus Brevis Muscles
Should We Fix Them? A Comparison of Outcomes at Mid-Term Follow-Up of Operatively and Non- Operatively Treated Weber B Ankle Fractures
Significant Early Loss of Correction in Modified Lapidus Compared to Original Lapidus for Hallux Valgus
Stronger Magnets, No Improvements in Accuracy: Comparing Efficacy of 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) vs 1.5-T MRI in Detecting Associated Lesions in Patients with Lateral Ankle Instability
Structural Validation of the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOxFQ) for use in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Subtalar Joint Fusion For STJ OA before vs after Total Ankle Replacement: Does it affect patient outcomes? – A 10 year follow up clinical study
Superior Rates of Return to Sport following Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair Augmented with Suture-Tape compared to Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair Alone: A Retrospective Comparative Study
Supramalleolar Osteotomy Combined with Medial Malleolar Osteotomy for Varus Ankle Osteoarthritis with Varus Medial Malleolar Deformity
Surgical Interventions Have Lowered Complication Rates Compared to Casting in Charcot Foot
Suture Button Fixation for Lisfranc Injuries: A Systematic Review
Systematic Review of Intra-Articular Use of Antibiotics and Antiseptic Irrigation and their Association with Chondrolysis
Talar Neck Rotation Angle in Adults with Clubfoot Deformity: Observed Values and Intra- and Inter- Observer Reliability using Weightbearing CT
Talonavicular Dislocations: A Bad Actor Made Worse Without Sufficient Fixation
The Arterial Risk Posed by the Posterolateral Approach to the Ankle: An Anatomical Cadaveric Observational Study
The DeOrio One Finger Test: Does a Patients Ability To Localize Their Pain Lead to Different Clinical and Patient Reported Outcomes Than Those That Cannot?
The Effect of Focused Vibration on Tibialis Anterior Function in Normal Subjects
The Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Reducing Blood Loss and Transfusion Rates in Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Comparative Studies
The Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Soft Tissue Foot and Ankle Pathology: A Systematic Review
The Evaluation of Muller Weiss Diseased and Normal Feet on a Three-Dimensional Foot Model
The Fate of Delayed Unions After Isolated Ankle Fusion
The Impact of Tendon Lengthening Following Achilles Tendon Repair on Foot Kinetics, a Finite Element Analysis
The Influence of Patient Characteristics and Social Determinants of Health on Post-Operative Complications Following Achilles Tendon Ruptures
The Invision Talar Component as a Revision Total Ankle Arthroplasty Option: Analysis of Early Outcomes
The Keystone of Muller Weiss Disease: How Does the Compressed Navicular Cause the Cascade of Deformities in the Mid and Hind Foot?
The Plumbline: A Novel Radiographic Tool for Assessment of Metatarsus Adductus with Hallux Valgus
The Proximal 5th Metatarsal Fracture: A Spectrum of Misunderstood Fractures
The Use of the Lateral Tibial Line to Assess Ankle Alignment: A Preliminary Investigation
The Variation Between Unilateral and Bilateral Weight Bearing in Hindfoot Alignment Evaluation. Part I: A Prospective In Vivo Radiographic Study
Three-Dimensional Assessment to Hallux Valgus Correction Using Lapicotton Technique
Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis with Hybrid Nail-Plate Constructs: A Novel Technique for Treatment of Unstable Ankle & Hindfoot Deformities
Time to Surgery Affects Wound Healing of Ankle Fractures
Time to Surgery is an Important Factor for Acute Achilles Tendon Repair
To Cut or to Cast? An Evaluation of Demographics & Mortality in Operative, Conservative, and Failed- Conservative Management of Charcot Neuroarthropathy
Topography and Morphometrics of the Cartilage Surfaces in the Peritalar Joints
Tortuosity Angle of a Calcaneofibular Ligament on Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Stress Radiography
Treatment of Complicated Clubfoot Using External Fixation: A Scoping Review
Treatment Patterns for Plantar Fibromatosis in the United States: A Retrospective Observational Study
Trends in Geographic Utilization of Total Ankle Arthroplasty and Ankle Arthrodesis
Trends in Utilization of Charcot Reconstruction
Ultrasound Guided Cryoablation of Morton’s Neuroma: Case Series Including Post-Ablation MRI Appearances
Unsatisfactory Outcomes After Conservative Treatment for Proximal Migration of Acute Calcaneal- Side Calcaneofibular Ligament Rupture in Athletes: A Preliminary Report
Validation of the Angle Bisector Method for Precise Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Fixation Angle Using Computed Tomography and 3D-Printed Models
Validity of the Center-Center Method for Syndesmotic Fixation Axis Against the Trans-Syndesmotic Axis: A Cross-Sectional Study
Variations in the Management of Zone 2 5th Metatarsal Fractures Based on Physician Specialty
Venous Thromboembolism: Assessing Risk Factors in Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery Patients
Volumetric Assessment of Lisfranc Joint and Spaces in Hallux Valgus Deformity Patients: A Case- Control Study
Weight-bearing CT Scan Analysis in Hallux Valgus Surgery: Comparison between Open (Scarf) and Minimally Invasive (MIBA) Techniques
Weight-bearing CT Scan Analysis in Hallux Valgus Treated with Minimally Invasive Surgery
What Do We Know About the Pathoanatomy of Talar Neck Malunions? Results From a 3D Morphometric Analysis
What is the Learning Curve for Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Zone 2 5th Metatarsal Fractures Treated Nonoperatively Have Similar Time to Healing to Those Treated Operatively
Liposomal Bupivacaine via Combined Sciatic and Saphenous Block after Lower Extremity Procedures: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Trial
3D Weight-Bearing CT Imaging Analysis of Foot Mechanics: Bridging High Heels and Hallux Valgus
A Comparative Analysis of Outcomes using PROMIS after Operative vs Non-operative Treatment of Achilles Rupture
A Comparison of Post-Operative Patient Reported Outcome Measurements Following Bunion Surgery: Modified Lapidus vs Minimally Invasive Techniques
A Comparison of PROMIS Scores in Patients Treated with First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis and Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Implant Hemiarthroplasty for Hallux Rigidus
A Prospective Evaluation of a 3D-Printed 4th-Generation Total Ankle Prosthesis with 1-Year Follow- Up
Agreement Analysis on Postoperative Care Between ChatGPT and a High-Volume Foot and Ankle Surgeon
Anatomical Structures at Risk in Percutaneous Distal Bunionette Correction
Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament Tensile Properties Compared to Suture Tape, Allograft, and Copolymer Augmentation Elements: An Isolated Biomechanical Study
AOFAS Diabetic Foot Survey Results
Arthroscopic Assisted Reduction of Talus Fractures Leads to Improved Clinical Outcomes at Mid- Term Follow-Up
Arthroscopic Chondral Ankle Treatment: A Multicenter Outcome Study
Axial Rotation Analysis in Total Ankle Arthroplasty Using Weight-Bearing Computer Tomography and Three-Dimensional Modeling
Classification of the Os Calcis Subtalar Morphology in Symptomatic Flexible Pediatric Pes Planus Deformity Using Weightbearing CT and Distance Mapping
Clubfoot Correction with Ponseti Technique: Three-Dimensional Alignment Analysis and Residual Adult Deformity Effects on Patient-Reported Outcomes
Comparison of Complication Rates and Surgical Costs for Total Ankle Replacements Performed in the Outpatient vs Inpatient Setting
Comparison of Outcomes in Below-Knee Amputation Based on Surgeon Specialty
Congruency of the TN Joint and Subtalar Joint Middle Facet Under With and Without Weightbearing: A Preliminary Report
DARI Evaluation Syndesmosis
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) for PROMIS After Hallux Rigidus Correction Surgery
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) for PROMIS After Hallux Valgus Correction Surgery
Defining the Patient Acceptable Symptom State Using PROMIS Following Reconstruction of the Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Differences in Baseline Physical Function and Mental Health PROM Scores in Patients with Foot and Ankle Conditions
Does Timing of Subtalar Arthrodesis Affect Reoperation or Revision Rates for Total Ankle Arthroplasty?
Effect of Sequential Burr Passes on Minimally Invasive Akin and First Metatarsal Dorsiflexion Osteotomies
Gender Representation Among Foot & Ankle Conference Presenters and Research Authors: A 10-Year Analysis (2012-2022)
Evaluating the Effect of Diabetic Medications on Rates of Nonunion in Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Arthrodesis Treatments
Evaluation of ChatGPT’s Response to Common Patient Questions for Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Evaluation of Surgical Costs in Acute Achilles Repairs
First Tarsometatarsal Instability Corrects Itself After Triple Arthrodesis in Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
Glucose Lability and Complications in Diabetic Ankle Fractures
Hawkins Sign of the Talus: The Impact of Patient Factors on Prediction Accuracy
"I Can’t Exercise Because My Foot Hurts Me Too Much." Does BMI Change after Common Foot and Ankle Surgeries? A Retrospective Review
Impact of Device Trajectory and Device Type on Compression During Simulated Bone Resorption in a Subtalar Model
Impact of Midfoot Charcot Arthropathy (Brodsky Type 1) on Patient Reported Outcome Scores
Impact of Surgeon Type on Total Ankle Arthroplasty Readmission, Complication, and Infection Rates
Intermetatarsal and Metatarsal-Phalangeal Angles Can Be Corrected by an Isolated Akin Osteotomy in Patients with Hallux Valgus Deformity
Is Fibular Fixation Necessary with Increasing Proximity in Ankle Fractures: A Survey of OTA and AOFAS Surgeons
Is There Still a Learning Curve for Primary TAA After Completing a High Volume Ankle Replacement Fellowship? A Multicentered Study
Lessons from Revision Total Ankle Replacement: Tibias Fail Early, and Taluses Fail Late (And Fail Again)
Micro CT Analysis and 3D Modelling of Fluid Permeability of Talar Subchondral Bone After Marrow Stimulation Techniques Demonstrates Superiority of Nanofracture Over Microfracture and Fine Wire Drilling
Minimally Invasive Dorsal Cheilectomy and Hallux Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Arthroscopy for the Treatment of Hallux Rigidus
Outcomes Following Extracellular Matrix Cartilage Allograft for the Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Systematic Review
Outcomes of Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy for Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy with Two-Year Minimum Follow-Up: A Retrospective Study
Prediction of Short-Term Postoperative Complications Following Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Acute Ankle Fractures
Preoperative Degenerative Changes at the Medial Sesamoid-Metatarsal Joint Is Associated with Postoperative Patient-Reported Outcomes in Hallux Valgus
Preservation of 1st Metatarsal Head Blood Supply with Minimally Invasive Chevron vs Transverse Osteotomy
Radiological Heatmap of Tarsometatarsal Capsule Locations: A Cadaveric Study
Retrospective Comparison of Return to Sports and Physical Activity after Forefoot and Midfoot Arthrodesis Procedures in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Single-Center, Early Experience with the First 3D-Printed Surface, Fixed Bearing, Total Ankle Arthroplasty: A Minimum of 2-Year Follow-Up
Surprise Billing in Foot and Ankle Surgery and Its Effect on Patient Satisfaction
The Effect of First Metatarsal Shortening and Sagittal Displacement on Forefoot Pressure in MIS Hallux Valgus Correction
The Effect of Operative Time on Short-Term Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes
Total Ankle Arthroplasty Polyethylene Wear Varies with Implant Type and Mode of Failure
Total Ankle Replacement with Built-in Antibiotic Spacer: A Paradigm Shift in the Management of Infected Ankles
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